use v6;
my @filenames = dir '.', test => any(/\.md$/, /\.markdown/);
for @filenames -> $filePath {
my $path = $filePath.path();
$path ~~ s/.md//;
$path ~~ s/.markdown//;
my $date = DateTime.new(now);
my $head =
qq:heredoc 'EOT';
title: $path.IO.basename()
date: $date
tags: Perl6
categories: Perl 6
<blockquote class="blockquote-center">這城市有太多風(fēng)景都在提醒那過去狈谊!</blockquote>
my @content = slurp $filePath;
spurt($filePath.path, "$head\n@content[]");
在當(dāng)前目錄中查找所有以 .md
(.markdown)結(jié)尾的文件(即markdown文件), 并在文件最前面插入一段文本赂毯, 形如:
title: Perl6
date: 2015-08-20T23:19:13Z
tags: Perl6
categories: Perl 6
<blockquote class="blockquote-center">我站在天橋上念你, 有點狼狽</blockquote>
類 IO::Path
提供了 basename
, path
, parts
, 等方法供使用, 具體用法請看文檔:
p6doc IO::Path
say IO::Path.new("/etc/passwd").basename; # passwd
say IO::Path.new("docs/README.pod").extension; # pod
say IO::Path.new("/etc/passwd").dirname; # /etc
say IO::Path::Win32.new("C:\\Windows\\registry.ini").volume; # C:
say IO::Path.new("/etc/passwd").parts.perl # ("dirname" => "/etc", "volume" => "", "basename" => "passwd").hash
# To iterate over the contents of the current directory: for dir() -> $file
say $file;
# As before, but include even '.' and '..' which are filtered out by # the
default :test matcher: for dir(test => *) -> $file {
say $file;
# To get the names of all .jpg and .jpeg files in ~/Downloads: my @jpegs =
"%*ENV<HOME>/Downloads".IO.dir(test => /:i '.' jpe?g $/)?.Str;
# An example program that lists all files and directories recursively:
sub MAIN($dir = '.') {
my @todo = $dir.IO; while @todo {
for @todo.pop.dir -> $path {
say $path.Str; @todo.push: $path if $path.d;
# If you have a string - a path to something in the filesystem:
if "path/to/file".IO ~~ :e {
say 'file exists';
my $file = "path/to/file"; if $file.IO ~~ :e {
say 'file exists';
# Instead of the colonpair syntax, you can use method calls too:
if 'path/to/file'.IO.e {
say 'file exists';
# If you already have an IO object in $file, either by creating one yourself, or
# by getting it from another subroutine, such as dir, you can write this:
my $file = "path/to/file".IO; if $file ~~ :e {
say 'file exists';
say "path/to/file".IO.modified; # e.g. Instant:1424089165
say DateTime.new("path/to/file".IO.modified); # e.g. 2015-02-16T12:18:50Z
my $modification_instant = "path/to/file".IO.modified;
my $modification_time = DateTime.new($modification_instant);
say $modification_time; # e.g. 2015-02-16T12:18:50Z
say "path/to/file".IO.accessed; # e.g. Instant:1424353577
say DateTime.new("path/to/file".IO.accessed); # e.g. 2015-02-19T13:45:42Z
my $access_instant = "path/to/file".IO.accessed;
my $access_time = DateTime.new($access_instant);
say $access_time; # e.g. 2015-02-19T13:45:42Z
say "path/to/file".IO.changed; # e.g. Instant:1424089165
say DateTime.new("path/to/file".IO.changed); # e.g. 2015-02-16T12:18:50Z
my $change_instant = "path/to/file".IO.changed;
my $change_time = DateTime.new($chnge_instant);
say $change_time; # e.g. 2015-02-16T12:18:50Z