我是Wind, 以前是字幕組組長. 我每天早上聽寫1分鐘電影, 已經(jīng)堅持2個月了.
你想要甩掉字幕嗎? 跟著我一起開始聽寫吧! 拿出紙和筆, 把你聽懂的句子寫下來, 隨意暫停和查字典, 聽懂一句是一句. 只有當你開始行動了, 改變才會開始. 聽完之后把你的聽寫心得寫在評論里.
all heaven god(Oh, Hildegarde)
what if Victor and I didn't(don't) like each other?
ha, as if that has anything to do with marriage.
Do you suppose your father and I like each other?
Surely you must, a little?
Of course not.
Get those corsets laced properly.
I can hear you speak without gasping.
A gasp is the sound made by a sharp inward breath. After running up a steep hill, your breath will come in gasps.
When you make the sound of a gasp, you gasp: "It was so surprising to see my lost cat sitting calmly on the front porch that it made me gasp." People tend to gasp when they're shocked or hurt. A "last gasp" is the moment just before someone dies — it can also mean the point of completing or ending something: "It was the last gasp of video stores in my city when that one closed."