1】? ? ? ? ? A language teacher's personal opinion(Will? Pidcroft)
2)? ? ? ? ? .認為快速學(xué)會英語是荒謬的祈匙。When l see advertisements in the newspaper and on the buses claiming that it is easy to learn English? in fact it is ridiculous claim .
3)? ? ? 沒有一種方法適用于任何人佑钾,要因人而異谋竖。? There is not a perfect way that is used to learn English for anyone .
4)? ? 兩個極端? ? ? two opposite extreme
5)? ? A? great? deal of teaching is still based on behaviorist psychology
6)? ? ? 興趣是最好的老師? Interest is the best teacher.
7)? ? 團體的力量是最大的迈倍。 We need other people to talk to and listen to when? we communicate.
2缝龄,我在本片文章/音頻/視頻中學(xué)到的怦然心動的單詞:? ? claim? 宣稱 主張?
? ridiculous 荒謬的 可笑的? stiation? 情況 局面? precise 精確的? ? ? ? ? equivalent? ? ? 等同物? ? ? ? ? intonation? ? 語調(diào)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3旺韭,在本片文章/音頻/視頻中我最喜歡的一句話:In my opinion ,no? one? can ever learn to speek English or any other language unless he is interested in it .
4础嫡,我在學(xué)習(xí)今天材料中遇到的困難:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 對于虛擬語氣的掌握不太熟練杭跪。閱讀時間太長,
5,語伴給我的建議(語伴的意思就是找一個和你一起學(xué)英語的小伙伴)? :對于讀文章時要用眼過不要默讀涧尿。每次要落實單詞