
上面試了Processing Time捣作,在這里準(zhǔn)備看下Event Time态秧,以及必須需要關(guān)注的惩激,在ET場(chǎng)景下的Watermarks。

EventTime & Watermark

Event time programs must specify how to generate Event Time Watermarks, which is the mechanism that signals progress in event time.

以event time為準(zhǔn)的程序苞慢,必須要指定watermark.

以下內(nèi)容引自 《從0到1學(xué)習(xí)flink》及 官網(wǎng)說(shuō)明:

支持 Event Time 的流處理器需要一種方法來(lái)衡量 Event Time 的進(jìn)度诵原。 例如,當(dāng) Event Time 超過(guò)一小時(shí)結(jié)束時(shí)挽放,需要通知構(gòu)建每小時(shí)窗口的窗口操作符绍赛,以便操作員可以關(guān)閉正在進(jìn)行的窗口。

Event Time 可以獨(dú)立于 Processing Time 進(jìn)行骂维。 例如惹资,在一個(gè)程序中,操作員的當(dāng)前 Event Time 可能略微落后于 Processing Time (考慮到接收事件的延遲)航闺,而兩者都以相同的速度進(jìn)行褪测。另一方面,另一個(gè)流程序可能只需要幾秒鐘的時(shí)間就可以處理完 Kafka Topic 中數(shù)周的 Event Time 數(shù)據(jù)潦刃。

A stream processor that supports event time needs a way to measure the progress of event time. For example, a window operator that builds hourly windows needs to be notified when event time has passed beyond the end of an hour, so that the operator can close the window in progress.

Event time can progress independently of processing time (measured by wall clocks). For example, in one program the current event time of an operator may trail slightly behind the processing time (accounting for a delay in receiving the events), while both proceed at the same speed. On the other hand, another streaming program might progress through weeks of event time with only a few seconds of processing, by fast-forwarding through some historic data already buffered in a Kafka topic (or another message queue).

Flink 中用于衡量 Event Time 進(jìn)度的機(jī)制是 Watermarks侮措。 Watermarks 作為數(shù)據(jù)流的一部分流動(dòng)并帶有時(shí)間戳 t。 Watermark(t)聲明 Event Time 已到達(dá)該流中的時(shí)間 t乖杠,這意味著流中不應(yīng)再有具有時(shí)間戳 t’<= t 的元素(即時(shí)間戳大于或等于水印的事件)



Watermark 對(duì)于無(wú)序流是至關(guān)重要的墨状,如下所示,其中事件不按時(shí)間戳排序菲饼。通常肾砂,Watermark 是一種聲明,通過(guò)流中的該點(diǎn)宏悦,到達(dá)某個(gè)時(shí)間戳的所有事件都應(yīng)該到達(dá)镐确。一旦水印到達(dá)操作員,操作員就可以將其內(nèi)部事件時(shí)間提前到水印的值饼煞。


理解下來(lái)源葫,如果flink中設(shè)置的時(shí)間類型是Event Time,必須要設(shè)置watermark砖瞧,作為告訴flink進(jìn)度的標(biāo)志息堂。




It is possible to generate a watermark on every single event. However, because each watermark causes some computation downstream, an excessive number of watermarks degrades performance.



當(dāng)水印通過(guò)流程序時(shí)绝编,它們會(huì)提前到達(dá)操作人員處的事件時(shí)間僻澎。當(dāng)一個(gè)操作符提前(advanced)它的事件時(shí)間(event time)時(shí),它為它的后續(xù)操作符在下游生成一個(gè)新的水印十饥。

一些操作員消耗多個(gè)輸入流; 例如窟勃,一個(gè) union,或者跟隨 keyBy(…)或 partition(…)函數(shù)的運(yùn)算符逗堵。 這樣的操作員當(dāng)前事件時(shí)間是其輸入流的事件時(shí)間的最小值秉氧。 由于其輸入流更新其事件時(shí)間,因此操作員也是如此蜒秤。



從上圖看,event time是從source中產(chǎn)生的攘滩,同樣的帅刊,watermark也是如此。




In order to work with event time, Flink needs to know the events’ timestamps, meaning each element in the stream needs to have its event timestamp assigned. This is usually done by accessing/extracting the timestamp from some field in the element.

Timestamp assignment goes hand-in-hand with generating watermarks, which tell the system about progress in event time.

There are two ways to assign timestamps and generate watermarks:

  1. Directly in the data stream source
  2. Via a timestamp assigner / watermark generator: in Flink, timestamp assigners also define the watermarks to be emitted

Attention Both timestamps and watermarks are specified as milliseconds since the Java epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.

event time類型下冒黑,flink必須知道event對(duì)應(yīng)的timestamp,也就是說(shuō)勤哗,這個(gè)stream中的每個(gè)元素都要分配timestamp抡爹,一般是放在每個(gè)元素中對(duì)應(yīng)的字段。



  • 直接在datasource中指定
  • 通過(guò)一個(gè)timestamp assigner(或者稱之為watermark generator)來(lái)指定芒划。在flink中冬竟,timestamp assigner 同時(shí)也是一個(gè)watermark generator

Stream sources can directly assign timestamps to the elements they produce, and they can also emit watermarks. When this is done, no timestamp assigner is needed. Note that if a timestamp assigner is used, any timestamps and watermarks provided by the source will be overwritten.

To assign a timestamp to an element in the source directly, the source must use the collectWithTimestamp(...) method on the SourceContext. To generate watermarks, the source must call the emitWatermark(Watermark) function.

比如之前的mysql datasource with spring,其實(shí)現(xiàn)是這樣的:

    public void run(SourceContext<UrlInfo> sourceContext) throws Exception {
        log.info("------query ");

        if(urlInfoManager == null){

        List<UrlInfo> urlInfoList = urlInfoManager.queryAll();
        urlInfoList.parallelStream().forEach(urlInfo -> sourceContext.collect(urlInfo));



    public void run(SourceContext<UrlInfo> sourceContext) throws Exception {
        log.info("------query ");

        if(urlInfoManager == null){

        List<UrlInfo> urlInfoList = urlInfoManager.queryAll();
        urlInfoList.parallelStream().forEach(urlInfo -> {
            // 增加timestamp

            // 生成水印
            sourceContext.emitWatermark(new Watermark(urlInfo.getCurrentTime()== null? System.currentTimeMillis():urlInfo.getCurrentTime().getTime()));




通過(guò)Timestamp Assigners / Watermark Generators指定

Timestamp assigners take a stream and produce a new stream with timestamped elements and watermarks. If the original stream had timestamps and/or watermarks already, the timestamp assigner overwrites them.

Timestamp assigners are usually specified immediately after the data source, but it is not strictly required to do so. A common pattern, for example, is to parse (MapFunction) and filter (FilterFunction) before the timestamp assigner. In any case, the timestamp assigner needs to be specified before the first operation on event time (such as the first window operation). As a special case, when using Kafka as the source of a streaming job, Flink allows the specification of a timestamp assigner / watermark emitter inside the source (or consumer) itself. More information on how to do so can be found in the Kafka Connector documentation.

Timestamp Assigner 允許輸入一個(gè)stream疮鲫,輸出一個(gè)帶timestamp吆你、watermark的元素組成的流。如果流之前已經(jīng)有了timestamp俊犯、watermark妇多,則會(huì)被覆蓋。

Timestamp Assigner 一般會(huì)立即在datasoure初始化之后馬上指定燕侠,不過(guò)卻并不一定非要這么做者祖。一個(gè)通用的模式是在parse、filter之后绢彤,指定timestamp assigner咸包;不過(guò)在任何第一次需要對(duì)event time操作之前,必須指定timestamp assigner杖虾。


    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

        MysqlDSWithSpringForFlink streamSource = new MysqlDSWithSpringForFlink();

        DataStreamSource dataStreamSource = env.addSource(streamSource);//addSink(new PrintSinkFunction<>());


        SingleOutputStreamOperator<UrlInfo> withTimestampAndWatermarkStream =
                dataStreamSource.filter((FilterFunction<UrlInfo>) o -> {
                    if (o.getDomain() == UrlInfo.BAIDU) {
                        return true;
                    return false;
                }).assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new MyTimestampAndWatermarkAssigner());

        dataStreamSource.addSink(new PrintSinkFunction());

        env.execute("mysql Datasource with pool and spring");


With Periodic Watermarks--周期性的添加watermark

AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks assigns timestamps and generates watermarks periodically (possibly depending on the stream elements, or purely based on processing time).

The interval (every n milliseconds) in which the watermark will be generated is defined viaExecutionConfig.setAutoWatermarkInterval(...). The assigner’s getCurrentWatermark() method will be called each time, and a new watermark will be emitted if the returned watermark is non-null and larger than the previous watermark.


   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

        MysqlDSWithSpringForFlink streamSource = new MysqlDSWithSpringForFlink();

        DataStreamSource dataStreamSource = env.addSource(streamSource);//addSink(new PrintSinkFunction<>());


        // 設(shè)定watermark間隔時(shí)間
        ExecutionConfig config = env.getConfig();

        SingleOutputStreamOperator<UrlInfo> withTimestampAndWatermarkStream =
                dataStreamSource.filter((FilterFunction<UrlInfo>) o -> {
                    if (o.getDomain() == UrlInfo.BAIDU) {
                        return true;

                    return false;
                }).assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new TimeLagWatermarkGenerator());

        dataStreamSource.addSink(new PrintSinkFunction());

        env.execute("mysql Datasource with pool and spring");


 * This generator generates watermarks that are lagging behind processing time by a fixed amount.
 * It assumes that elements arrive in Flink after a bounded delay.
public class TimeLagWatermarkGenerator implements AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks<UrlInfo> {

    private final long maxTimeLag = 5000; // 5 seconds

    public long extractTimestamp(UrlInfo element, long previousElementTimestamp) {
        return element.getCurrentTime().getTime();

    public Watermark getCurrentWatermark() {
        // return the watermark as current time minus the maximum time lag
        return new Watermark(System.currentTimeMillis() - maxTimeLag);
With Punctuated(不時(shí)打斷) Watermarks

To generate watermarks whenever a certain event indicates that a new watermark might be generated, useAssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks. For this class Flink will first call the extractTimestamp(...) method to assign the element a timestamp, and then immediately call the checkAndGetNextWatermark(...) method on that element.

The checkAndGetNextWatermark(...) method is passed the timestamp that was assigned in the extractTimestamp(...) method, and can decide whether it wants to generate a watermark. Whenever the checkAndGetNextWatermark(...) method returns a non-null watermark, and that watermark is larger than the latest previous watermark, that new watermark will be emitted.

 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

        MysqlDSWithSpringForFlink streamSource = new MysqlDSWithSpringForFlink();

        DataStreamSource dataStreamSource = env.addSource(streamSource);//addSink(new PrintSinkFunction<>());


        SingleOutputStreamOperator<UrlInfo> withTimestampAndWatermarkStream =
                dataStreamSource.filter((FilterFunction<UrlInfo>) o -> {
                    if (o.getDomain() == UrlInfo.BAIDU) {
                        return true;
                    return false;
                }).assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new PunctuatedAssigner());

        dataStreamSource.addSink(new PrintSinkFunction());

        env.execute("mysql Datasource with pool and spring");
import myflink.model.UrlInfo;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.watermark.Watermark;

public class PunctuatedAssigner implements AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks<UrlInfo> {

    public long extractTimestamp(UrlInfo element, long previousElementTimestamp) {
        return element.getCurrentTime().getTime();

    public Watermark checkAndGetNextWatermark(UrlInfo lastElement, long extractedTimestamp) {
         * Creates a new watermark with the given timestamp in milliseconds.
        return lastElement.hasWatermarkMarker() ? new Watermark(extractedTimestamp) : null;

When using Apache Kafka as a data source, each Kafka partition may have a simple event time pattern (ascending timestamps or bounded out-of-orderness). However, when consuming streams from Kafka, multiple partitions often get consumed in parallel, interleaving the events from the partitions and destroying the per-partition patterns (this is inherent in how Kafka’s consumer clients work).

In that case, you can use Flink’s Kafka-partition-aware watermark generation. Using that feature, watermarks are generated inside the Kafka consumer, per Kafka partition, and the per-partition watermarks are merged in the same way as watermarks are merged on stream shuffles.

For example, if event timestamps are strictly ascending per Kafka partition, generating per-partition watermarks with the ascending timestamps watermark generator will result in perfect overall watermarks.

The illustrations below show how to use the per-Kafka-partition watermark generation, and how watermarks propagate through the streaming dataflow in that case.

由于kafka有多個(gè)partition,每個(gè)kafka partition中可能都有自己的event time規(guī)則趋急,而在消費(fèi)端喝峦,多個(gè)partition中的數(shù)據(jù)是并行處理的,來(lái)自于不同partition的數(shù)據(jù)其event time規(guī)則不同呜达,所以就破壞掉了event time的生成規(guī)則谣蠢。

在這種情況下,可以使用flink的Kafka-partition-aware watermark生成查近,如下代碼:

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();


        Properties properties = new Properties();
        properties.put("bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092");
        properties.put("zookeeper.connect", "localhost:2181");
        properties.put("group.id", "metric-group");
        properties.put("auto.offset.reset", "latest");
        properties.put("key.deserializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer");
        properties.put("value.deserializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer");

        SingleOutputStreamOperator<UrlInfo> dataStreamSource = env.addSource(
                new FlinkKafkaConsumer010<String>(
                        "testjin",// topic
                        new SimpleStringSchema(),
                // map操作眉踱,轉(zhuǎn)換,從一個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)流轉(zhuǎn)換成另一個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)流霜威,這里是從string-->UrlInfo
                .map(string -> JSON.parseObject(string, UrlInfo.class));

                dataStreamSource.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new AscendingTimestampExtractor<UrlInfo>(){

                    public long extractAscendingTimestamp(UrlInfo element) {
                        return element.getCurrentTime().getTime();

        env.execute("save url to db");

注意使用的是AscendingTimestampExtractor谈喳,也就是一個(gè)升序的timestamp 指派器。





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