How to Give Feedback
To be impersonal means to not show or involve personal feelings.
Impersonal feedback focuses on someone's behavior rather than their personality.
It addresses specific actions that an employee can change.?
If feedback criticizes someone's personality, they may feel insulted and won't accept it.
To be consistent means to always behave or happen in a similar way.
Keeping your feedback consistent requires you to have clear standards to evaluate employee behavior.
If your feedback to an employee always changes, they won't know what they're expected to do.
Actionable feedback offers clear steps to improve an employee's performance.
It suggests specific ways to change their behavior.
If feedback only focuses on why an employee needs to improve, but not how they can improve, it will be hard to implement.
To be empathetic means to be able to understand and share the feelings of someone else.
Being empathetic to a difficult employee allows you to look at things from their perspective.
This can help you gain a better understanding of why they behaved the way they did.
What does an impersonal feedback focus on?
>how someone has behaved.
How can employees be affected by inconsistent feedback?
>They maybe unsure how they can improve their behavior.
If you don't use impersonal feedback when talking to a difficult employee, you may make the situation worse.
If you can't keep your feedback impersonal, employees may think you are criticizing their personality.
A Company's policies should be consistently applied to employees, regardless of their roles.
Employees can easily get confused if the feedback they receive is inconsistent.
Empathizing with an employee's feeling can help determine...
>Why they behave the way they do.
A manager who offers consistent feedback and guidance to difficult employees often brings positive changes to their behavior.
If you want your employees to change, you need to give them actionable feedback and clear goals to work towards.
The more specific and constructive your feedback is, the more actionable it is for the employee.
By giving actionable feedback employees, you are not only pointing out their problems, but also helping them improve.
If you can't relate to how someone feels, it may be hard to build a relationship with them.