Everybody knows Blueberry is good for eyes. Yes, it is.? But Blueberry is not only that. The book of“Food for Healthy” said that blueberry is a native of North America.? Indigenous peoples of the continent gatheredit for food and medicinal uses.? It wasn’tdomesticated until the 20thcentury, when a U.S. Department of Agricultureresearch, Frederick Colville, began the research that would lead to the “highbush”blueberry and its successful commercial cropping in 1908.? The U.S. remains the fruit’s biggestproducer, with Maine the dominant grower of lowbush to “wild” blueberries andMichigan leading in the plump highbush type.?The Author mentioned blueberry contains Vitamin C, K, Manganese, Dietaryfiber, phytonutrients. Many small farms grow and sell the berries locally oreven invite customers to pick their own.
The author of the book “Food for Health” mentioned: A cupof mild-flavored blueberries provides a quarter of the vitamin C you need in aday, and about the same proportion of the recommended intake of vitamin K andmanganese, both of which are important for bone integrity.? In addition, these berries boast a diversemix of antioxidant phytonutrients linked with reduced risk factors forcardiovascular disease.? They get theirinfigo color from a high concentration of anthocyanins, a type of flavonoidthat, in laboratory experiments, has also hinted that people who eat the moststrawberries and blueberries experience slower cognitive decline as they agecompared with those who consume few berries.
A cup of mild-flavored blueberries provides a quarter ofthe vitamin C you need in a day.? In laboratoryexperiments, he slowed the proliferation of cancer cells.
Food Science-Superfood Du JOUR
The indigo-colored juice from blueberries was once usedas a textile dye.? It’s that same colour that’sresponsible for many of the blue health properties of blueberries, perhaps whyit’s known as one of todays’ superfoods.”?Loading up on a Single food doesn’t generally when it comes to goodnutrition.
Source: the book of “Food of Health”
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