To be a highly effective person ,we need to renew the four dimensions of our nature—physical ,spiritual ,mental and social / emotional . It requires us to learn, commit, and do on an upward spiral of growth.
The physical ,spiritual ,and mental dimensions are closely related to Habit 1,2 and 3—centered on the principles of personal vision , leadership and management . The social/emotional dimension focuses on Habit 4, 5 and 6—centered on the principles of interpersonal leadership ,empathic communication ,and creative cooperation .
The Private Victory covers Habit 1, 2 and 3. Habit 1(Be proactive) says,” You are the creator”. Habit 2 (Begin with the end in mind) is the first or mental creation and it means to start with a clear understanding of our destination. The most effective way to live Habit 2 is to develop a personal mission statement. Habit 3(Put first things first) is the second creation or physical creation. It empowers us to identify the deepest priorities in our life through the lens of importance rather than urgency. In a word, Habit 1 and 2 are prerequisite to Habit 3.
Habit 4, 5 and 6 belong to the Public Victory. Habit 4 (think win/win) is a belief in the Third Alternative, coming from a character of integrity, maturity and the Abundance Mentality; Habit 5(Seek first to understand, then to be understood) encourages us to develop empathic listening and come up with Win/Win solutions; Habit 6 (Synergize) is the crowning achievement of all the previous habits and valuing the differences is the essence of the synergy. Last but not least, Habit 7 (Sharpen the saw) means exercising all four dimensions or above six habits in a wise and balanced way.
What is the relationship between the Private Victory and the Public Victory, or interaction among the seven habits? In brief, the Private Victory (Habit 1, 2 and 3) is the the foundation for the Public Victory (Habit 4, 5 and 6) and completely within our circle of influence .
全書讀完丐怯,習(xí)慣1到習(xí)慣7洒放,對(duì)我而言感觸比較深有幾點(diǎn):一是內(nèi)心的強(qiáng)大(to be proactive)是何等重要响鹃。生活中我們太容易活在別人的評(píng)價(jià)中亿汞,別人的價(jià)值觀中吝羞,在碌碌中追求著別人眼中所謂的成功,功名利祿中漸漸迷失自我茅诱。終吾一生畦戒,什么是真正重要的東西?直到看了這本書闪盔,我才真正開始反思弯院,之前生活中精力被太多緊急而不重要、或是既不緊急也不重要的事情牽絆泪掀,每天活得忙忙碌碌听绳,到頭卻落個(gè)碌碌無為。人生的旅途中异赫,偏離了方向卻茫然不知椅挣,是為何头岔?是因?yàn)閺膩頉]有踐行習(xí)慣3(begin with end in mind),從來沒有問過自己的內(nèi)心,找到人生中指引自己不偏離航線的燈塔鼠证。讀了這本書促使我在考慮personal mission statement , 促使我在自問峡竣,什么是人生中真正重要的東西?一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)to be proactive , 內(nèi)心強(qiáng)大量九,坦然追求生命中對(duì)于自己而言最重要的東西适掰,踐行put first things first 。
二是娩鹉,在看了這本書之后攻谁,我突然發(fā)現(xiàn)兩件一直以來忽視的、在象限2中不緊急但是很重要的事—一件是讀書弯予,這件遺忘很久的事也是今年才開始撿起戚宦。雖然讀書這件事,不會(huì)效果立現(xiàn)锈嫩,但是那種you are what you read 的氣息受楼,以及在讀書群中synergy的舒暢,讓我開始接受這樣一種與書相伴呼寸,掩卷沉思的美好體驗(yàn)艳汽。看到朱光潛先生的一句話:“文藝的珍貴雨露浸潤到我靈魂的至深處对雪,我是一個(gè)再造過的我河狐,創(chuàng)造主就是我自己”。期待這樣一種境界…..
另一件事情就是鍛煉身體瑟捣,書中提到在四個(gè)方面的提升中馋艺,首先就是體能提升,書中說到大多數(shù)人的狀態(tài):Exercise is one of those Quadrant Ⅱ迈套, high-leverage activities that most of us don’t do consistently because it isn’t urgent .And because we don’t do it , sooner or later we find ourselves in QuadrantⅠ,dealing with the health problems and crises that come as a natural result of our neglect.長期疏于管理捐祠,久坐懶動(dòng),多少人待在“舒適區(qū)”里溫水煮青蛙桑李,幡然醒悟之時(shí)為時(shí)已晚踱蛀!所以我也動(dòng)了每天運(yùn)動(dòng)的心思,目前是處于抗拒的階段贵白。 “you won’t like it at first ,You may even hate it .But be proactive . Do it anyway .”啥也別說了率拒,跑起來!相信度過抗拒期禁荒,也許會(huì)愛上跑步呢俏橘?
三是,習(xí)慣4(Think Win/Win)對(duì)我的啟發(fā)很大圈浇,更多地讓我意識(shí)到生活不是“你有我無寥掐、你輸我贏”的單選題靴寂,改變思維模式,單選變多選哦召耘! 那么如何實(shí)現(xiàn)共贏呢百炬?“to separate the person from the problem , to focus on interests and not on positions, to invent options for mutual gain , and to insist on objective criteria that both parties can buy into ” 處理問題時(shí)污它,人和事分開剖踊,拋開立場,關(guān)注共同利益衫贬,尋求雙贏德澈,何嘗不是好的解決方案?
四是固惯,意識(shí)自己在“seek first to understand”的方面的欠缺梆造,太急于表達(dá)自己,太急于下結(jié)論葬毫,如何改變以往evaluate 镇辉、probe、advice 和interpret的套路贴捡,學(xué)會(huì)rephrase the content and reflect the feeling 的方法忽肛,放下“自己的執(zhí)念”,確實(shí)需要修煉烂斋。
在七個(gè)習(xí)慣的習(xí)得過程中屹逛,不斷的踐行總結(jié)方可實(shí)現(xiàn)螺旋上升。此書的魅力之處就在paradigm shift汛骂,解答了很多困惑我問題罕模,促使我反思在個(gè)人成長和人際交往中的思維模式。困惑之時(shí)香缺,拿出來再讀,相信每次讀都會(huì)有不同的感悟歇僧,因?yàn)檫@本身就是learn, commit and do 的知行合一图张。
此次讀書,平時(shí)因?yàn)闀r(shí)間的關(guān)系诈悍,沒法每天寫筆記祸轮,但是盡量一周寫一次小結(jié)。一開始寫一周小結(jié)很費(fèi)勁侥钳,每次寫summary的時(shí)候大腦都是一片空白适袜,讀過的東西一點(diǎn)印象都沒有,只好再看舷夺,耗時(shí)耗力苦酱。后來看到群中小伙伴每天提交筆記售貌,手寫導(dǎo)圖或結(jié)構(gòu)很受啟發(fā)。于是在看書的時(shí)候疫萤,一邊看一邊寫小結(jié)颂跨,每看完一小節(jié),就列些要點(diǎn)或用兩句話概括下本小節(jié)內(nèi)容扯饶,如果遇到可以作為summary用的句子就重點(diǎn)標(biāo)注下恒削,這樣看完一章,實(shí)際上內(nèi)容已經(jīng)經(jīng)過了大腦的篩選尾序,本子上基本有了框架和重點(diǎn)內(nèi)容钓丰,寫小結(jié)的時(shí)候就輕松很多。 其次每币,在讀書的時(shí)候携丁,會(huì)比較注意同一個(gè)意思的多種表達(dá),記在本子上脯爪,方便做字詞總結(jié)则北。最后,需要改進(jìn)的地方是痕慢,平時(shí)看的時(shí)候尚揣,只是勾畫出來生詞或可以學(xué)習(xí)的句子,再做最后字詞大總結(jié)的時(shí)候掖举,還得重頭梳理快骗。所以今后看書的時(shí)候,每天的內(nèi)容看完后按照類別對(duì)新學(xué)稍微分下類(如新詞塔次、句式方篮、多種表達(dá)等)簡單記下頁數(shù)和單詞句子,相當(dāng)于做了預(yù)處理励负,可以方便后期篩選整理詞匯藕溅。
1.以己之見揣度別人的多種表達(dá):To project our intentions on the behavior of others/ to read their autobiography into other people’s lives / to prescribe their own glasses for others / …because we listen autobiographically / from our own frame of reference/ with autobiographical advice and “I told you so’s”/
2.一致:We align ourselves with correct principles./you are in alignment with the emotional thrust of another person’s communication. / be in(out of) harmony with / be congruent with /
3.固執(zhí)己見: …be deeply embedded in /be deeply scripted in / deep-seated tendencies/be deeply ingrained in /be deeply planted in /to engrave it in hearts /
4.表示前后關(guān)系;A is followed by B/ Each succeeding wave created a surge of social and personal progress / Each generation builds on the one before /As each generation builds on those that have preceded it . / it would take precedence over your personal visit.
5.踐行:to live the principles (values or habits )/ walk the talk/ walk the walk /to keep commitments to ourselves /it’s honor with self / 聯(lián)想talk the talk/you can translate each goal to a specific day of the week /
6.解釋說明:we can begin to give expression to what we want to be / in seeking to give verbal expression to that uniqueness /More studies will throw more light on brain functioning /to paraphrase sb/
7.時(shí)間的經(jīng)過:several years down the road / How valuable that time is downstream !/ One of the interesting things to me was how little time had elapsed before there was a sufficient thrust to create such synergy ./day by day/ day-in and day-out/ moment-by-moment/
8.回顧:look back on my life / In retrospect /
9.相信:to buy into / to give credence to/
10.偶見:I came across his statement / you run into a friend /
11.等等: ……, among other things / …...,? and so forth .
1.千里之行始于足下:A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step.
2.One person’s mission is another person’s minutiae /聯(lián)想:one man’s meat is another man’s poison
3.Do unto others as your would have others do unto you.
4.I‘ll sweet-talk to your face and bad-mouth you behind your back.
1.Pygmalion effect 皮格馬利翁效應(yīng):The phenomenon in which the greater the expectation placed upon people, the better they perform.
2.The Pareto Principle—80 percent of the results flow out of 20 percent of the activities . 帕雷托定律(二八定律)
1、I get myself psyched up =prepare sb for sth mentally 打氣/ we attempted to psych him up using positive mental attitude techniques .
2继榆、I am eating my heart out.
3巾表、he walked me to the drinking fountain .
4、 Beat around the bush: be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information 旁敲側(cè)擊略吨、含糊其辭
5集币、…potential problems can be nipped in the bud. 防患于未然
1.It was the serendipitous fruit of a PC investment. (=not planned but has a good result ) 有意外收獲的
2.Others will sense that duplicity (=dishonest behavior)/ …and fail to build reserves of trust if they are inwardly duplicitous .
3.But work and money, per se provide no wisdom.
4.Because you aren’t omniscient (=know everything), you can’t always know in advance what is truly important.
5.They feel justified (=prove that sth is reasonable) in what they did.