2008年對于Musk而言咳短,是刻骨銘心的一年填帽,經(jīng)歷了大起大落。 2008年9月咙好,歷時(shí)六年篡腌,五百人團(tuán)隊(duì)的不懈努力,夜以繼日勾效,克服重重困難嘹悼,F(xiàn)alcon 1 第四次發(fā)射終于成功叛甫。喜悅過后,好景不長杨伙。Tesla其监、SpaceX面臨資金短缺的危機(jī)。到2008年底限匣,SpaceX瀕臨破產(chǎn)邊緣抖苦。 Musk承受了巨大的壓力,想盡辦法四處借錢挽救公司膛腐,安撫員工睛约, 可以說這是Musk最為痛苦煎熬的時(shí)刻。在絕望之中哲身,危急時(shí)刻。 2008年12月贸伐,SpaceX迎來了轉(zhuǎn)機(jī)勘天,NASA決定支持SpaceX承攬發(fā)射任務(wù)。迫在眉睫的危機(jī)終于得以化解捉邢。
He has the ability to work harder and endure more stress than anyone I've ever met . What he went through in 2008 would have broken anyone els. He didn't just survive . He kept working and stayed focused . The ability to stay focosed in the midst of a crisis stands as one of Musk's main advantages over other executives and competitiors .?
Most people who are under that sort of pressure fray . Their decidsions go bad . Elon get hyperrational . He's still able to make very clear ,long-term decisions . The harder it gets , the better he gets .?
He’s giving us the pillow talk voice,so we all have to huddle around the speakerphone.
It stood tall,looking like a bizarre artifact of an island tribe as palm trees swayed beside itand a smattering of clouds crossed through the spectacular blue sky.
A smattering of something is a very small amount of it.少許;一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)
The afterglow of this mammoth?victory faded soon after the party ended.
4昼扛、...who was being pilloried in the press by reporter and his ex-wife.
If someone?is pilloried, a lot of people, especially journalists, criticize them and make them look stupid.嘲弄;指受到很多人寸齐、尤指受到記者的嘲弄欲诺。
例:A man has been forced to resign as a result of being pilloried by some of the press.一名男子因被某些媒體嘲弄而被迫離職.