? ? 欠一時一時爽管搪,補(bǔ)起來真痛苦…(雖然這種長度對我來說也不難哈哈)但是一口氣練這么多還挺上頭的啊哈
? ? 感覺自己的發(fā)音還是太靠前了,說白了就是發(fā)音還是不夠飽滿左驾,還是更多的都在口腔前部延刘,這也是為什么我的英語讀起來都會有一股南方的口音的感覺
? ? 然后接下來的德語和英語朗讀漫试,我是打算,就是一天晚上讀英語碘赖,一天晚上讀德語驾荣,專項(xiàng)的每一天,有一個足夠的時長去練
? ? 還有知識筆記普泡,這個東西真的就像記賬一樣播掷,記了就知道自己學(xué)了什么,記了就知道自己什么單詞還知道
? ? 我覺得說每天晚上還是要有一個半小時的時間再讀吧撼班,這樣也其實(shí)還算少了歧匈,嗯,爭取去把這個朗讀的時間加長了砰嘁,然后復(fù)盤嘛件炉,記點(diǎn)生詞語法點(diǎn),大概記一下問題矮湘,然后后面怎么做斟冕。做點(diǎn)心理正向反饋就夠了。
But I had never drawn a sheep.
So I drew for him one of the two pictures I had drawn so often.
It was that of the boa constrictor from the outside.
And I was astounded to hear the little fellow greet it with,
"No, no, no! I do not want an elephant inside a boa constrictor.
A boa constrictor is a very dangerous creature, and an elephant is very cumbersome.
Where I live, everything is very small.
What I need is a sheep. Draw me a sheep."
So then I made a drawing.
He looked at it carefully, then he said:
"No. This sheep is already very sickly. Make me another."
So I made another drawing.
My friend smiled gently and indulgenty.
"You see yourself," he said, "that this is not a sheep. This is a ram. It has horns."
b?t a? h?d ?n?v? dr??n ? ?i?p.
s?? a? dru? f? h?m w?n ?v e? tu? ?p?k??z a? h?d dr??n s?? ??f(?)n.
?t w?z e?t ?v e? ?b??? k?n?str?kt? fr?m ei ?a?t?sa?d.
?nd a? w?z ?s?ta?nd?d t? h?? e? ?l?tl ?f?l?? gri?t ?t w?e,
"n??, n??, n??! a? d? n?t w?nt ?n ??l?f?nt ?n?sa?d ? ?b??? k?n?str?kt?.
? ?b??? k?n?str?kt? z ? ?v?ri ?de?n?r?s ?kri???, ?nd ?n ??l?f?nt s ?v?ri ?k?mb?s?m.
we?r a? l?v, ??vr?θ?? z ?v?ri sm??l.
w?t a? ni?d z ? ?i?p. dr?? mi ? ?i?p."
s?? e?n a? me?d ? ?dr????.
hi l?kt ?t ?t ?ke?fli, e?n hi s?d:
"n??. e?s ?i?p s ??l?r?di ?v?ri ?s?kli. me?k mi ??n?e?."
s?? a? me?d ??n?e? ?dr????.
ma? fr?nd sma?ld ???ntli ?nd ?n?d?l??ntli.
"j? si? j???s?lf," hi s?d, "e?t e?s ?z n?t ? ?i?p. e?s ?z ? r?m. ?t h?z h??nz."
So then I did my drawing over once more.
But it was rejected too, just like the others.
"This one is too old. I want a sheep that will live a long time."
By this time my patience was exhausted, because I was in a hurry to start taking my engine apart.
So I tossed off this drawing.
And I threw out an explanation with it.
"This is only his box. The sheep you asked for is inside."
I was very surprised to see a light break over the face of my young judge:
"That is exactly the way I wanted it! Do you think that this sheep will have to have a great deal of grass?"
"Because where I live everything is very small..."
"There will surely be enough grass for him," I said. "It is a very small sheep that I have given you."
He bent his head over the drawing:
"Not so small that-- Look! He has gone to sleep..."
And that is how I made the acquaintance of the little prince.
s?? e?n a? d?d ma? ?dr???? ???v? w?ns m??.
b?t ?t w?z r????kt?d tu?, ??st la?k ei ??e?z.
"e?s w?n z tu? ??ld. a? w?nt ? ?i?p e?t w?l l?v ? l?? ta?m."
ba? e?s ta?m ma? ?pe???ns w?z ?g?z??st?d, b??k?z a? w?z ?n ? ?h?ri t? stɑ?t ?te?k?? ma? ??n??n ??pɑ?t.
s?? a? t?st ?f e?s ?dr????.
?nd a? θru? a?t ?n ??kspl??ne???n w?e ?t.
"e?s ?z ???nli ?z b?ks. e? ?i?p j? ɑ?skt f? z ?n?sa?d."
a? w?z ?v?ri s??pra?zd t? si? ? la?t bre?k ???v? e? fe?s ?v ma? j?? ????:
"e?t s ?g?z?ktli e? we? a? ?w?nt?d ?t! d? j? θ??k e?t e?s ?i?p w?l h?v t? h?v ? gre?t di?l ?v grɑ?s?"
"b??k?z we?r a? l?v ??vr?θ?? z ?v?ri sm??l..."
"e? w?l ????li bi ??n?f grɑ?s f? h?m," a? s?d. "?t s ? ?v?ri sm??l ?i?p e?t a? h?v ?g?vn ju?."
hi b?nt ?z h?d ???v? e? ?dr????:
"n?t s?? sm??l e?t-- l?k! hi h?z g?n t? sli?p..."
?nd e?t s ha? a? me?d ei ??kwe?nt?ns ?v e? ?l?tl pr?ns.