Despite advances in computer modelling and researchon humans, we still understand very little about the human brain and we areunable to treat many neurological conditions and injuries effectively becauseof this. Human brains work in very similar ways to most primates and it ispossible to create lesions in primate brains which mimic the effects of certainhuman conditions. If we accept that it is ethical to test on primates ratherthan humans, such research could be done using primates. Through understandingthe effects of brain lesions, we may be able to develop treatments andtherapies that would benefit humans.
Which one of the following could be drawn as aconclusion from the above passage?
A Experimentation on primates should be consideredas a means to develop treatments for brain disorders.
B Computer modelling will continue to support brainresearch.
C Creating lesions directly to patients’brains maycure some brain disorders.
D Primate experimentation is unacceptable undermost conditions.
E Experimentation on primates will enable us tocure neurological conditions.