Chapter? 4? ?
a.very sorry for sth that you have done
e.g. her expression was contrite.
impeccable a.without mistake or fault
? ? ? e.g.? her written English is impeccable.
vehemently. a.showing very strong feeling,especially anger
? ? e.g.she shock her head vehemently
n. a twisted mass of threads,hairs etc
n.a member of a community that moves its animals from place? to place
caravan 房車
pebbles 卵石
lumber 儲藏室
marmalade jam/jelly made from oranges,lemon, etc
nasal? a.(of somebody's voice)
? ? ? ? ? sounding as if it is produced partly through? the nose
clog 木屐
pomegranate 石榴
n .a trick that is played on sb as a joke
indecipherable a.(of writing or speech)
impossible to read or understand
wholly. adv.completely
plod walk slowly with heavy steps,especially because you are tired.
? ? ? e.g we plodded through the rain.
1.I was stunned.......changed forever
one of the writing's objection, irony.
like many stories, finally when we are absorted in the story, and the background changes all of a sudden to get our attention.
Like many stories, it caught our attention and suddenly come to a short end.
2.But in none of his stories did Baba ever refer to Ali as his friend.
solid as their relationship is, Ali never be a friend of father, what a tragic that it happens between Amir and Hassan.
as author explains in the passage followed, just nothing.
As a child, I used to make tricks on Hassan, for instance,misleading him. Because I was lucky enough to have a better education, even Hassan has the thought I didn't have, it dosen't matter, for he won't get anything in that for the moment.So it is my own secret no one can take it.
Kids are innocent but how can you tell whether they have any dark thought?
They cherrish what they like and they are fearless than us.