2019-04-30 互動(dòng)媒體技術(shù)作業(yè)2

















import processing.sound.*;

// Declare the sound source and Waveform analyzer variables

SoundFile sample;

Waveform waveform;

// Define how many samples of the Waveform you want to be able to read at once

int samples = 100;

World world;

void setup() {

? ? size(640, 360);

? // Load and play a soundfile and loop it.

? sample = new SoundFile(this, "beat.aiff");

? sample.loop();

? // Create the Waveform analyzer and connect the playing soundfile to it.

? waveform = new Waveform(this, samples);

? waveform.input(sample);

? // World starts with 20 creatures

? // and 20 pieces of food

? world = new World(20);

? smooth();


void draw() {

? background(30, 30, 240);

? ? // Set background color, noFill and stroke style

? stroke(255);

? strokeWeight(2);

? noFill();

? // Perform the analysis

? waveform.analyze();

? beginShape();

? for(int i = 0; i < samples; i++){

? ? // Draw current data of the waveform

? ? // Each sample in the data array is between -1 and +1

? ? vertex(

? ? ? map(i, 0, samples, 0, width),

? ? ? map(waveform.data[i], -1, 1, 0, height)

? ? );

? }

? endShape();

? String time = "Sorce is " + millis()/100;?

? pushMatrix();?

? translate(0, 0, 0);?

? textSize(32);

? stroke(255, 255, 0);?

? text(time, 40, 80);?

? noStroke();?

? popMatrix();

? world.run();



class Bloop {

? PVector position; // position

? DNA dna;? ? ? ? ? // DNA

? float health;? ? // Life timer

? float xoff;? ? ? // For perlin noise

? float yoff;

? // DNA will determine size and maxspeed

? float r;

? float maxspeed;

? // Create a "bloop" creature

? Bloop(PVector l, DNA dna_) {

? ? position = l.get();

? ? health = 200;

? ? xoff = random(1000);

? ? yoff = random(1000);

? ? dna = dna_;

? ? // Gene 0 determines maxspeed and r

? ? // The bigger the bloop, the slower it is

? ? maxspeed = map(dna.genes[0], 0, 1, 15, 5);//對(duì)速度的映射

? ? r = map(dna.genes[0], 0, 1, 20, 50);//半徑映射,都跟基因序列有關(guān)

? }

? void run() {

? ? update();

? ? borders();

? ? display();

? }

? // A bloop can find food and eat it

? void eat(Food f, Player player) {

? ? ArrayList<PVector> food = f.getFood();

? ? // Are we touching any food objects?

? ? for (int i = food.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {

? ? ? PVector foodposition = food.get(i);

? ? ? float d = PVector.dist(position, foodposition);

? ? ? // If we are, juice up our strength!

? ? ? if (d < r/2) {

? ? ? ? health += 100;

? ? ? ? food.remove(i);

? ? ? }

? ? }

? ? PVector playerposition=player.get();

? ? float d = PVector.dist(position, playerposition);

? ? // If we are, juice up our strength!

? ? if (d < (r+player.getr())/2) {

? ? ? if (player.getr()<r) {

? ? ? ? health += 100;

? ? ? ? println("die");

? ? ? ? delay(100);

? ? ? } else {

? ? ? ? player.health+=100;

? ? ? ? health=0;

? ? ? }

? ? }

? }

? // At any moment there is a teeny, tiny chance a bloop will reproduce

? Bloop reproduce() {

? ? // asexual reproduction

? ? if (random(1) < 0.0005) {

? ? ? // Child is exact copy of single parent

? ? ? DNA childDNA = dna.copy();

? ? ? // Child DNA can mutate

? ? ? childDNA.mutate(0.01);

? ? ? return new Bloop(position, childDNA);

? ? } else {

? ? ? return null;

? ? }

? }

? // Method to update position

? void update() {

? ? // Simple movement based on perlin noise

? ? float vx = map(noise(xoff), 0, 1, -maxspeed, maxspeed);

? ? float vy = map(noise(yoff), 0, 1, -maxspeed, maxspeed);

? ? PVector velocity = new PVector(vx, vy);

? ? xoff += 0.01;

? ? yoff += 0.01;

? ? position.add(velocity);

? ? // Death always looming

? ? health -= 0.2;

? }

? // Wraparound

? void borders() {

? ? if (position.x < -r) position.x = width+r;

? ? if (position.y < -r) position.y = height+r;

? ? if (position.x > width+r) position.x = -r;

? ? if (position.y > height+r) position.y = -r;

? }

? // Method to display

? void display() {

? ? ellipseMode(CENTER);

? ? stroke(0, health);

? ? fill(0,240,250, health);

? ? ellipse(position.x, position.y, r, r);

? }

? // Death

? boolean dead() {

? ? if (health < 0.0) {

? ? ? return true;

? ? } else {

? ? ? return false;

? ? }

? }



class DNA {

? // The genetic sequence

? float[] genes;

? // Constructor (makes a random DNA)

? DNA() {

? ? // DNA is random floating point values between 0 and 1 (!!)

? ? genes = new float[1];

? ? for (int i = 0; i < genes.length; i++) {

? ? ? genes[i] = random(0,1);

? ? }

? }

? DNA(float[] newgenes) {

? ? genes = newgenes;

? }

? DNA copy() {

? ? float[] newgenes = new float[genes.length];

? ? //arraycopy(genes,newgenes);

? ? // JS mode not supporting arraycopy

? ? for (int i = 0; i < newgenes.length; i++) {

? ? ? newgenes[i] = genes[i];

? ? }

? ? return new DNA(newgenes);

? }

? // Based on a mutation probability, picks a new random character in array spots

? void mutate(float m) {

? ? for (int i = 0; i < genes.length; i++) {

? ? ? if (random(1) < m) {

? ? ? ? genes[i] = random(0,1);

? ? ? }

? ? }

? }



class Food {

? ArrayList<PVector> food;

? Food(int num) {

? ? // Start with some food

? ? food = new ArrayList();

? ? for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {

? ? ? food.add(new PVector(random(width),random(height)));

? ? }

? }

? // Add some food at a position

? void add(PVector l) {

? ? food.add(l.get());

? }

? // Display the food

? void run() {

? ? for (PVector f : food) {

? ? ? rectMode(CENTER);

? ? ? stroke(0);

? ? ? fill(175);

? ? ? rect(f.x,f.y,8,8);

? ? }

? ? // There's a small chance food will appear randomly

? ? if (random(1) < 0.01) {

? ? ? food.add(new PVector(random(width),random(height)));

? ? }

? }

? // Return the list of food

? ArrayList getFood() {

? ? return food;

? }



class Player {

? float r=10;

? public PVector pos;

? float maxspeed=1;

? float health=200;

? Player(float xpos_, float ypos_) {

? ? pos= new PVector(xpos_, ypos_);

? }

? void run() {

? ? update();

? ? display();

? }

? PVector get(){

? ? return pos;

? }

? float getr(){

? ? return? r+health/100;

? }

? void update() {

? ? // Simple movement based on perlin noise

? ? float vx=0,vy=0;

? ? if (keyPressed && (key == CODED)) { // If it’s a coded key

? ? ? if (keyCode == LEFT) { // If it’s the left arrow

? ? ? ? vx=-maxspeed;

? ? ? } else if (keyCode == RIGHT) { // If it’s the right arrow

? ? ? ? vx=maxspeed;

? ? ? }

? ? ? if (keyCode == UP) { // If it’s the left arrow

? ? ? ? vy=-maxspeed;

? ? ? } else if (keyCode == DOWN) { // If it’s the right arrow

? ? ? ? vy=maxspeed;

? ? ? }

? ? }

? ? PVector velocity = new PVector(vx, vy);

? ? pos.add(velocity);

? ? pos.x=mouseX;

? ? pos.y=mouseY;

? ? // Death always looming

? ? health -= 0.2;

? }

? void eat(Food f) {

? ? ArrayList<PVector> food = f.getFood();

? ? // Are we touching any food objects?

? ? for (int i = food.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {

? ? ? PVector foodposition = food.get(i);

? ? ? float d = PVector.dist(pos, foodposition);

? ? ? // If we are, juice up our strength!

? ? ? if (d < getr()/2) {

? ? ? ? health += 200;

? ? ? ? food.remove(i);

? ? ? }

? ? }

? }

? void display() {

? ? ellipseMode(CENTER);

? ? stroke(2);

? ? fill(250, 0, 250);

? ? ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, r+health/100, r+health/100);

? }



// Has bloops and food

class World {

? ArrayList<Bloop> bloops;? ? // An arraylist for all the creatures

? Food food;? ? ? ? ? ? ? //食物

? Player player;

? // Constructor

? World(int num) {

? ? // Start with initial food and creatures

? ? player =new Player(width/2,height/2);

? ? food = new Food(num);

? ? bloops = new ArrayList<Bloop>();? ? ? ? ? ? ? // Initialize the arraylist

? ? for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {

? ? ? PVector l = new PVector(random(width),random(height));

? ? ? DNA dna = new DNA();

? ? ? bloops.add(new Bloop(l,dna));

? ? }

? }

? // Make a new creature

? void born(float x, float y) {

? ? PVector l = new PVector(x,y);

? ? DNA dna = new DNA();

? ? bloops.add(new Bloop(l,dna));

? }

? // Run the world

? void run() {

? ? // Deal with food

? ? food.run();

? ? player.run();

? ? player.eat(food);

? ? // Cycle through the ArrayList backwards b/c we are deleting

? ? for (int i = bloops.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {

? ? ? // All bloops run and eat

? ? ? Bloop b = bloops.get(i);

? ? ? b.run();

? ? ? b.eat(food,player);

? ? ? // If it's dead, kill it and make food

? ? ? if (b.dead()) {

? ? ? ? bloops.remove(i);

? ? ? ? food.add(b.position);

? ? ? }

? ? ? // Perhaps this bloop would like to make a baby?

? ? ? Bloop child = b.reproduce();

? ? ? if (child != null) bloops.add(child);

? ? }

? }



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