Who will build the stands? 誰搭建展臺搀捷?
1. prepare for sth. 為某事做準備
2. email address 電子郵箱地址
3. exhibit /?ɡ'z?b?t/ n. 展覽品;證據嫩舟;展示會 vt. 展覽氢烘;顯示家厌;提出(證據等)vi. 展出;開展覽會
4. attendee 參展者
5. design 設計
6. suggestion 建議
7. apply for 申請饭于,報名
8. booth 貨攤
9. publicity material 宣傳資料??/p?b'l?s?ti/ n. 宣傳蜀踏,宣揚;公開掰吕;廣告果覆;注意
10. stands 展臺,貨攤
11. pamphlet /?p?mfl?t/ n. 小冊子
12. quotation 報價
1. Can you tell me your name and email address? 可以告訴我您的名字和電子郵箱地址嗎殖熟?
2. Can you please tell me how to prepare for it? 可以告訴我如何準備嗎随静?
3. Do you mind telling me exhibition time? 介意告訴我展覽時間嗎?
1. May I distribute pamphlets of local transportation and travel to attendees? 我可以將一些當?shù)亟煌ê吐糜蔚男宰影l(fā)給參展者嗎?
2. Please tell me your advice about selecting exhibits. 關于選擇展品,請給點建議燎猛。
3. Do you have any suggestion about selecting exhibits? 關于選擇展品该酗,您有什么建議嗎毫缆?
1. Does the organizer allow us to design our own stands? 組織者允許我們自己設計展臺嗎悼吱?
2. The organizer will make that for us. 組織者會為我們做的堰酿。
3. After we tell it the space and so on. 在我們告訴它面積等情況之后。
1. Do you know where I can find your booth? 請問您的展位在哪里昭卓?
2. Booth fourteen-E is where our company was assigned. 14E號展示臺是我們公司的展臺愤钾。
3. It is depressing that the number of people who attended is far less than expected. 參加人數(shù)比預期少很多,這很令人沮喪候醒。
4. Just follow me to our storage area, I would like to show you our goods. 請跟我到貨倉來能颁,我很樂意讓您看看我們的產品。
1. exhibition hall 展覽廳
2. exhibition centre 展覽中心
3. exhibition area 展區(qū)倒淫,參展面積
4. exhibition room 展覽室伙菊,陳列室
5. exhibition building 展覽館,展示館
6. on exhibition 展出中
1. May I help you? 我能為您做些什么嗎敌土?
2. Would you like to advise me to select exhibits? 您愿意在選擇展品方面給點建議嗎镜硕?
3. How much is each booth? 一個展位多少錢?
= What's the charge for each?
4. Can you tell me how to make the preparation for it? 可以告訴我如何準備嗎返干?
5. Do we build the stands by ourselves? 展臺是我們自己搭建嗎兴枯?
6. When will the contractor start designing? 承包公司什么時候開始設計呢?
-- After we offer information like the space, etc. 在我們提供面積等信息之后矩欠。