? ? I got up early today and got my driving test. I didn't give myself a lot of time to prepare for it, but I had a hunch that I could. I especially enjoyed the test, and I had a clear mind throughout the exam, like playing a game. By the end of the day, I had ten questions, but I felt that there would be no problem. The final result is that I got 90 points, which is qualified. So as long as we believe in ourselves, not to be nervous, to doubt, to focus, we will have unlimited power. Life is so wonderful, we are so great!
? ? ? 今天起的很早,去考了駕照科目一的考試。我沒有給自己很多準備的時間秉颗,加起來的時間差不多一天纫骑,但是我有一種預感嫉你,就是我可以的。嘿嘿搅荞,我特別享受考試的過程红氯,在考試的整個過程我的頭腦很清晰,就像是去玩了一個游戲取具。到了后來脖隶,我已經(jīng)要錯十個題了扁耐,但是我覺得暇检,一定不會有問題,排除法輕松搞定婉称。最終結果是我考了90分块仆,就是合格啦。所以只要相信自己王暗,不緊張悔据,不去懷疑,集中精力俗壹,我們就會擁有無限的力量科汗。生活就是這么精彩,我們就是這么棒绷雏!? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ヾ(???)?~ 8.4? ? 4th Aug.
? ? ?
? ? ? 今天我想分享一個特別開心头滔,也特別讓我維持今天一整天動力滿滿的事情,就是涎显,我微信里所有關于微信學習英文的群坤检,大約有八九個左右,全部被激活期吓,哇塞早歇,當我打開手機,我真的超級興奮讨勤,我不自覺就刷了所有群的屏[偷笑][偷笑][偷笑]真的太爽啦箭跳,盡管在假期,還依然有這么多人還在持續(xù)學習潭千,互相陪伴谱姓,激勵[勝利][勝利][勝利]激動到吃飯都多吃了幾碗,哈哈
? ? ? Today I want to share a special happy, also let I to maintain power full things all day today, is that all about in my WeChat WeChat group are learning English, there are about eight or nine, all is activated, wow, when I open the phone, I really super excited, I do not consciously brush all group of screen really is too great, although during the holiday, also there are so many people are still in the continuous learning, to accompany each other, inspire
excited to eat eat a few bowl, ha ha
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (*^ワ^*)8.5? ? 5th Aug.
? ? ? 給自己內心一份寧靜脊岳,給獨一無二的你一個溫暖的擁抱
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (*^ワ^*)10.20? ? 20th Oct.