英英釋義:to influence the way someone's character or attitudes develop?
例句:Many parents hope to?mold?their children into hard-working and curious minds.?
2. 為什么選這個(gè)詞梆惯?
“mold”可以作名詞也可以作動(dòng)詞劳较,作名詞的意思是“模具”“類型”。它作動(dòng)詞的本意是“用模具塑造”,可以引申為“影響”“塑造”葡幸,和我們之前學(xué)過(guò)的 shape 異曲同工。我們今天學(xué)習(xí)它作動(dòng)詞的引申義稚伍,可以把它和我們熟悉和學(xué)過(guò)的 influence, impact, shape, sway 放在一起記疼蛾。 需要注意的是這個(gè)詞的美式和英式拼寫有別,mold 是美式寫法愉舔,英式寫法是 mould钢猛。下面我們通過(guò)幾個(gè)例子來(lái)掌握它。?
The mission of the business school is to?mold?students into business-savvy and analytical managers.
這句中的 mold something/somebody into something 是一個(gè)常用的搭配贩绕,來(lái)自動(dòng)詞本意“用模具塑造”。再比如壶愤,很多家長(zhǎng)希望能將孩子教育/塑造成勤奮淑倾、有好奇心的人,就可以說(shuō):?
Many parents hope to?mold?their children into hard-working and curious minds.
Just as school buildings influence how students learn, so offices?mold?the people who work in them.
《經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)人》一篇關(guān)于印巴關(guān)系的文章用到了 mold:?
Mr Azhar himself has at various times been detained, before being quietly released to?mould?more jihadists.
有一期《經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)人》在 Special report 分析穆斯林在西方世界的發(fā)展,其中也用到了 mold:?
This report will explore how Muslim identity has been?moulded?by external and internal pressures since the mass migration to the West began in the 1950s.
在同樣的 Special report 板塊中陕靠,另一篇文章中又一次出現(xiàn)了 mold:?
Foreign organisations, Western governments and jihadists have all sought to speak for and?mould?Islam in the West, but the more established the faith becomes there, the less truck it wants with any of them.
3. 怎樣學(xué)會(huì)使用這個(gè)詞迂尝?
1)翻譯下面的句子: 特朗普慣于通過(guò)推特發(fā)表言論影響民意。?
Trump is wont to mold public opinion through tweets.
(參考翻譯:Trump is used to molding public opinion through tweets. 或 Trump is used to using tweets to mold public opinion. )?