Origin of the State?
Besides religious sanctions, political ones are also needed if people are to practice all-embracing love.?
In the Mo-tzu, there are three chapters titled Agreement with the Superior, in which Mo Tzu expounds his theory of the origin of the state.?
According to this theory, the authority of the ruler of a state comes from two sources: the will of the people and the Will of God.?
Furthermore, the main task of the ruler is to supervise the activities of the people, rewarding those who practice all-embracing love and punishing those who do not.
In order to do this effectively, his authority must be absolute.?
At this point we may ask: Why should people voluntarily choose to have such an absolute authority over them??
The answer, for Mo Tzu, is that the people accept such an authority, not because they prefer it, but because they have no alternative.?
According to him, before the creation of an organized state, people lived in what Thomas Hobbes has called "the state of nature."?
At this early time, "everyone had his own standard of right and wrong. When there was one man, there was one standard. When there were two men, there were two standards. When there were ten men, there were ten standards. The more people there were, the more were there standards. Every man considered himself as right and others as wrong. "
The world was in great disorder and men were like birds and beasts.?
They understood that all the disorders of the world were due to the fact that there was no political ruler.?
Therefore, they selected the most virtuous and most able man of the world, and established him as the Son of Heaven." (Mo-tzu, ch. II.)?
Thus the ruler of the state was first established by the will of the people, in order to save themselves from anarchy.?
In another chapter bearing the same title, Mo Tzu says: Of old when God and the spirits established the state and cities and installed rulers, it was not to make their rank high or their emolument substantial....It was to procure benefits for the people and eliminate their adversities; to enrich the poor and increase the few; and to bring safety out of danger and order out of confusion. (Ch. I2.)
According to this statement, therefore, the state and its ruler were established through the Will of God.?
No matter what was the way in which the ruler gained his power, once he was established, he, according to Mo Tzu, issued a mandate to the people of the world, saying: "Upon hearing good or evil, one shall report it to one's superior. What the superior thinks to be right, all shall think to be right. What the superior thinks to be wrong, all shall think to be wrong." (Ch. II.)?
This leads Mo Tzu to the following dictum: "Always agree with the superior; never follow the inferior. (Ibid.)?
Thus, Mo Tzu argues, the state must be totalitarian and the authority of its ruler absolute.?
This is an inevitable conclusion to his theory of the origin of the state.?
For the state was created precisely in order to end the disorder which had existed owing to the confused standards of right and wrong.?
The state's primary function, therefore, is, quoting Mo Tzu, "to unify the standards.”?
Within the state only one standard can exist, and it must be one which is fixed by the state itself.?
No other standards can be tolerated, because if there were such, people would speedily return to 'the state of nature " in which there could be nothing but disorder and chaos.?
In this political theory we may see Mo Tzu's development of the professional ethics of the hswh, with its emphasis upon group obedience and discipline.?
No doubt it also reflects the troubled political conditions of Mo Tzu's day, which caused many people to look with favor on a centralized authority, even if it were to be an autocratic one.?
So, then, there can be only one standard of right and wrong.?
Right, for Mo Tzu, is the practice of mutual all-embracingness, and wrong is the practice of "mutual discrimination."?
Through appeal to this political sanction, together with his religious one, Mo Tzu hoped to bring all people of the world to practice his principle of all-embracing love.?
Such was Mo Tzu's teaching, and it is the unanimous report of all sources of his time that in his own activities he was a true example of it.