Today's topic is that since ?mother's day coming, ?what gift will ?you ?prepare to her? and ?why?
The second Sunday in May is Mother's day. ?You know, it originate from America. Mother's day ? is ?coming, I've already ?prepared a gift to ?my mother. My mother ?now ?is ?over ?eighty year old. To parents have healthy bodys is a happiness ?thing for ?their ?children. I am glad that ?my mom is healthy. Ten years ?ago, my mother has ?started ?to ?believe ?in ?buddism. As a ?child I respect ?her chioce, as ?long as it ?good ?for ?her ?health.
Last month I went ?to Thailand, you ?know ?Thailand ?is ?a ?buddist country, ?all ?people believe ?in ?buddism. So ?I got ready ?in ?advance ?a ?buddist ?necklace. the ?gift ?is ?just ?token of my ?regard. Actually, ?it is ?not ?important ?to ?prepare gifts to ?your family, they don't mind ?what gifts you ?give, as ?long ?as ?you ?always remember ?or ?care of ?them, it is ?enough for ?them. If you ?have ?enough abilities, ?you'd ?better ?do something for them.