1. A buxom, scantily-clad, and heavily made-up Bratz doll complete with poutsome red lips, F-me heels, and tons of “oh, no you did-unt”attitude.
2. Entry into heaven might depend solely on shoe sizes. Nines go to hell and elevens go to Heaven, where their snowshoes-like feet are able to tromp atop clouds without falling through.
3. Fasting does funny things to a man's faith. An inner dialogue takes place in which you argue for and against the existence of God based solely on how in the mood you are for a muffin and coffee.
4. My heart attack would be an undignified, pulling-down-the-drapes, cheeks-bulging-with-veal sort of thing.
5. The laptop is resting on my chest in what I like to call “the deathbed style.”