最近看了一篇文章: Climbing The Wrong Hill, 陷入深深的思考
- 每一步我們走走認(rèn)為最優(yōu)的
- 最后爬到
, 再也爬不上去了. - 真正的山頂看著你笑
But the lure of the current hill is strong. There is a natural human tendency to make the next step an upward one. He ends up falling for a common traphighlighted by behavioral economists: people tend to systematically overvalue near-term over long-term rewards. This effect seems to be even stronger in more ambitious people. Their ambition seems to make it hard for them to forgo the nearby upward step.
People early in their career should learn from computer science: meander some in your walk (especially early on), randomly drop yourself into new parts of the terrain, and when you find the highest hill, don’t waste any more time on the current hill no matter how much better the next step up might appear.