Today is Sunday.
Amelia practiced throwing discus. How did she get a discus? For this clever girl, it's nothing impossible. She found something really like a discus in the kitchen, her mother's baking pan. Amelia and her classmates threw the pan around the yard. Her mother was so angry for the pan had been dented that she heightened her voice. Amelia's father went there and asked, "What are you two up to?" That means to be doing or planning something, often secretly. Amelia answered, "I'm up to four feet and one inch and mom is the same height she was when you left this morning." He made a face, which means to show a funny or distorted expression to someone in ridicule, and said to Amelia, "You will have to pay for new pans." Amelia's father was more interested in the dinner, so Amelia's mother said, "I did make you a couch potato," which means someone who often engages in sedentary activities, usually understood as frequently watching television.