Lesson 2?Breakfast or lunch?
Itwas Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed untillunch time.
LastSunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside.
'Whata day!' I thought. 'It's raining again.' Just then, the telephone rang. It wasmy aunt Lucy.' I've just arrived by train,' she said. 'I'm coming to see you.''But I'm still having breakfast,' I said.
'Whatare you doing?' she asked. ‘I’m having breakfast,' I repeated.
'Dear me,' she said. 'Do you always get up so late? It's one o'clock!''
[?t] [w?z] [?s?n?de?].?[a?] [?n?v?r] [g?t] [?p] [??rli] [?n] [?s?n?de?z].?[a?] [?s?m?ta?mz] [ste?] [?n] [b?d] [?n?t?l] [l?n?] [ta?m].?
[l?st] [?s?n?de?] [a?] [gɑt] [?p] [?v?ri] [le?t].?[a?] [l?kt] [a?t] [?v] [e?] [?w?ndo?].?[?t] [w?z] [dɑrk] [?a?t?sa?d].?
[w?t] [?] [de?]!'?[a?] [θ?t].?[?ts] [?re?n??] [??ge?n].'?[??st] [e?n],?[e?] [?t?l??fo?n] [r??].?[?t] [w?z] [ma?] [ɑnt] [?lusi].'?[a?v] [??st] [??ra?vd] [ba?] [tre?n],'?[?i] [s?d].?[a?m] [?k?m??] [t?] [si] [ju].'?[b?t] [a?m] [st?l] [?h?v??] [?br?kf?st],'?[a?] [s?d].?
[w?t] [?r] [j?] [?du??]?'?[?i] [?skt].?[a?m] [?h?v??] [?br?kf?st],'?[a?] [r??pit?d].?
[d?r] [mi],'?[?i] [s?d].?[d?] [j?] [??l?we?z] [g?t] [?p] [so?] [le?t]??[?ts] [w?n] [??klɑk]!''
練習(xí)音標(biāo):/?/豹缀,用文中never ,get蛇损,very 骂际,breakfast界牡,then ,said練習(xí)钦椭,這個(gè)音要與/?/區(qū)別拧额,嘴巴沒有那么張開。