using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlServerCe;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
namespace SbuxMobile.DAL
/// <summary>
/// The SqlCeHelper class is intended to encapsulate high performance, scalable best practices for
/// common uses of SqlClient
/// </summary>
public sealed partial class SqlCeHelper
#region private utility methods & constructors
// Since this class provides only static methods, make the default constructor private to prevent
// instances from being created with "new SqlCeHelper()"
private SqlCeHelper() { }
/// <summary>
/// This method is used to attach array of SqlCeParameters to a SqlCeCommand.
/// This method will assign a value of DbNull to any parameter with a direction of
/// InputOutput and a value of null.
/// This behavior will prevent default values from being used, but
/// this will be the less common case than an intended pure output parameter (derived as InputOutput)
/// where the user provided no input value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="command">The command to which the parameters will be added</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlCeParameters to be added to command</param>
private static void AttachParameters(SqlCeCommand command, SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
if (command == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("command");
if (commandParameters != null)
foreach (SqlCeParameter p in commandParameters)
if (p != null)
// Check for derived output value with no value assigned
if ((p.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput ||
p.Direction == ParameterDirection.Input) &&
(p.Value == null))
p.Value = DBNull.Value;
/// <summary>
/// This method assigns dataRow column values to an array of SqlCeParameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="commandParameters">Array of SqlCeParameters to be assigned values</param>
/// <param name="dataRow">The dataRow used to hold the stored procedure's parameter values</param>
private static void AssignParameterValues(SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters, DataRow dataRow)
if ((commandParameters == null) || (dataRow == null))
// Do nothing if we get no data
int i = 0;
// Set the parameters values
foreach (SqlCeParameter commandParameter in commandParameters)
// Check the parameter name
if (commandParameter.ParameterName == null ||
commandParameter.ParameterName.Length <= 1)
throw new Exception(
"Please provide a valid parameter name on the parameter #{0}, the ParameterName property has the following value: '{1}'.",
i, commandParameter.ParameterName));
if (dataRow.Table.Columns.IndexOf(commandParameter.ParameterName.Substring(1)) != -1)
commandParameter.Value = dataRow[commandParameter.ParameterName.Substring(1)];
i ;
/// <summary>
/// This method assigns an array of values to an array of SqlCeParameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="commandParameters">Array of SqlCeParameters to be assigned values</param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">Array of objects holding the values to be assigned</param>
private static void AssignParameterValues(SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters, object[] parameterValues)
if ((commandParameters == null) || (parameterValues == null))
// Do nothing if we get no data
// We must have the same number of values as we pave parameters to put them in
if (commandParameters.Length != parameterValues.Length)
throw new ArgumentException("Parameter count does not match Parameter Value count.");
// Iterate through the SqlCeParameters, assigning the values from the corresponding position in the
// value array
for (int i = 0, j = commandParameters.Length; i < j; i )
// If the current array value derives from IDbDataParameter, then assign its Value property
if (parameterValues[i] is IDbDataParameter)
IDbDataParameter paramInstance = (IDbDataParameter)parameterValues[i];
if (paramInstance.Value == null)
commandParameters[i].Value = DBNull.Value;
commandParameters[i].Value = paramInstance.Value;
else if (parameterValues[i] == null)
commandParameters[i].Value = DBNull.Value;
commandParameters[i].Value = parameterValues[i];
/// <summary>
/// This method opens (if necessary) and assigns a connection, transaction, command type and parameters
/// to the provided command
/// </summary>
/// <param name="command">The SqlCeCommand to be prepared</param>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection, on which to execute this command</param>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction, or 'null'</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlCeParameters to be associated with the command or 'null' if no parameters are required</param>
/// <param name="mustCloseConnection"><c>true</c> if the connection was opened by the method, otherwose is false.</param>
private static void PrepareCommand(SqlCeCommand command, SqlCeConnection connection, SqlCeTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText, SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters, out bool mustCloseConnection)
if (command == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("command");
if (commandText == null || commandText.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("commandText");
// If the provided connection is not open, we will open it
if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)
mustCloseConnection = true;
mustCloseConnection = false;
// Associate the connection with the command
command.Connection = connection;
// Set the command text (stored procedure name or SQL statement)
command.CommandText = commandText;
// If we were provided a transaction, assign it
if (transaction != null)
if (transaction.Connection == null) throw new ArgumentException("The transaction was rollbacked or commited, please provide an open transaction.", "transaction");
command.Transaction = transaction;
// Set the command type
command.CommandType = commandType;
// Attach the command parameters if they are provided
if (commandParameters != null)
AttachParameters(command, commandParameters);
#endregion private utility methods & constructors
#region ExecuteNonQuery
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns no resultset and takes no parameters) against the database specified in
/// the connection string
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// int result = ExecuteNonQuery(connString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "PublishOrders");
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <returns>An int representing the number of rows affected by the command</returns>
public static int ExecuteNonQuery(string connectionString, CommandType commandType, string commandText)
// Pass through the call providing null for the set of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteNonQuery(connectionString, commandType, commandText, (SqlCeParameter[])null);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns no resultset) against the database specified in the connection string
/// using the provided parameters
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// int result = ExecuteNonQuery(connString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "PublishOrders", new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
/// <returns>An int representing the number of rows affected by the command</returns>
public static int ExecuteNonQuery(string connectionString, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
// Create & open a SqlCeConnection, and dispose of it after we are done
using (SqlCeConnection connection = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString))
// Call the overload that takes a connection in place of the connection string
return ExecuteNonQuery(connection, commandType, commandText, commandParameters);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns no resultset) against the database specified in
/// the connection string using the provided parameter values. This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
/// e.g.:
/// int result = ExecuteNonQuery(connString, "PublishOrders", 24, 36);
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored prcedure</param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
/// <returns>An int representing the number of rows affected by the command</returns>
public static int ExecuteNonQuery(string connectionString, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connectionString, spName);
// Assign the provided values to these parameters based on parameter order
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);
// Call the overload that takes an array of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteNonQuery(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
// Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
return ExecuteNonQuery(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns no resultset and takes no parameters) against the provided SqlCeConnection.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// int result = ExecuteNonQuery(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "PublishOrders");
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <returns>An int representing the number of rows affected by the command</returns>
public static int ExecuteNonQuery(SqlCeConnection connection, CommandType commandType, string commandText)
// Pass through the call providing null for the set of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteNonQuery(connection, commandType, commandText, (SqlCeParameter[])null);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns no resultset) against the specified SqlCeConnection
/// using the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// int result = ExecuteNonQuery(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "PublishOrders", new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
/// <returns>An int representing the number of rows affected by the command</returns>
public static int ExecuteNonQuery(SqlCeConnection connection, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
// Create a command and prepare it for execution
SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand();
bool mustCloseConnection = false;
PrepareCommand(cmd, connection, (SqlCeTransaction)null, commandType, commandText, commandParameters, out mustCloseConnection);
// Finally, execute the command
int retval = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
// Detach the SqlCeParameters from the command object, so they can be used again
if (mustCloseConnection)
return retval;
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns no resultset) against the specified SqlCeConnection
/// using the provided parameter values. This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
/// e.g.:
/// int result = ExecuteNonQuery(conn, "PublishOrders", 24, 36);
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
/// <returns>An int representing the number of rows affected by the command</returns>
public static int ExecuteNonQuery(SqlCeConnection connection, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connection, spName);
// Assign the provided values to these parameters based on parameter order
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);
// Call the overload that takes an array of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteNonQuery(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
// Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
return ExecuteNonQuery(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns no resultset and takes no parameters) against the provided SqlCeTransaction.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// int result = ExecuteNonQuery(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "PublishOrders");
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <returns>An int representing the number of rows affected by the command</returns>
public static int ExecuteNonQuery(SqlCeTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText)
// Pass through the call providing null for the set of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteNonQuery(transaction, commandType, commandText, (SqlCeParameter[])null);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns no resultset) against the specified SqlCeTransaction
/// using the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// int result = ExecuteNonQuery(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders", new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
/// <returns>An int representing the number of rows affected by the command</returns>
public static int ExecuteNonQuery(SqlCeTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
if (transaction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");
if (transaction != null && transaction.Connection == null) throw new ArgumentException("The transaction was rollbacked or commited, please provide an open transaction.", "transaction");
// Create a command and prepare it for execution
SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand();
bool mustCloseConnection = false;
PrepareCommand(cmd, (SqlCeConnection)transaction.Connection, transaction, commandType, commandText, commandParameters, out mustCloseConnection);
// Finally, execute the command
int retval = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
// Detach the SqlCeParameters from the command object, so they can be used again
return retval;
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns no resultset) against the specified
/// SqlCeTransaction using the provided parameter values. This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
/// e.g.:
/// int result = ExecuteNonQuery(conn, trans, "PublishOrders", 24, 36);
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
/// <returns>An int representing the number of rows affected by the command</returns>
public static int ExecuteNonQuery(SqlCeTransaction transaction, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
if (transaction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");
if (transaction != null && transaction.Connection == null) throw new ArgumentException("The transaction was rollbacked or commited, please provide an open transaction.", "transaction");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet((SqlCeConnection)transaction.Connection, spName);
// Assign the provided values to these parameters based on parameter order
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);
// Call the overload that takes an array of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteNonQuery(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
// Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
return ExecuteNonQuery(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
#endregion ExecuteNonQuery
#region ExecuteDatatable
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the database specified in
/// the connection string.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// DataTable dtb = ExecuteDataTable(connString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders");
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <returns>A DataTable containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataTable ExecuteDataTable(string connectionString, CommandType commandType, string commandText)
// Pass through the call providing null for the set of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteDataTable(connectionString, commandType, commandText, (SqlCeParameter[])null);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the database specified in the connection string
/// using the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// DataTable dtb = ExecuteDataTable(connString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders", new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
/// <returns>A DataTable containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataTable ExecuteDataTable(string connectionString, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
// Create & open a SqlCeConnection, and dispose of it after we are done
using (SqlCeConnection connection = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString))
// Call the overload that takes a connection in place of the connection string
return ExecuteDataTable(connection, commandType, commandText, commandParameters);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the database specified in
/// the connection string using the provided parameter values. This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
/// e.g.:
/// DataTable dtb = ExecuteDataTable(connString, "GetOrders", 24, 36);
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
/// <returns>A DataTable containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataTable ExecuteDataTable(string connectionString, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connectionString, spName);
// Assign the provided values to these parameters based on parameter order
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);
// Call the overload that takes an array of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteDataTable(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
// Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
return ExecuteDataTable(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the provided SqlCeConnection.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// DataTable dtb = ExecuteDataTable(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders");
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <returns>A DataTable containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataTable ExecuteDataTable(SqlCeConnection connection, CommandType commandType, string commandText)
// Pass through the call providing null for the set of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteDataTable(connection, commandType, commandText, (SqlCeParameter[])null);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified SqlCeConnection
/// using the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// DataTable dtb = ExecuteDataTable(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders", new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
/// <returns>A DataTable containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataTable ExecuteDataTable(SqlCeConnection connection, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
// Create a command and prepare it for execution
SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand();
bool mustCloseConnection = false;
PrepareCommand(cmd, connection, (SqlCeTransaction)null, commandType, commandText, commandParameters, out mustCloseConnection);
// Create the DataAdapter & DataTable
using (SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter(cmd))
DataTable dtb = new DataTable();
// Fill the DataTable using default values for DataTable names, etc
// Detach the SqlCeParameters from the command object, so they can be used again
if (mustCloseConnection)
// Return the DataTable
return dtb;
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified SqlCeConnection
/// using the provided parameter values. This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
/// e.g.:
/// DataTable dtb = ExecuteDataTable(conn, "GetOrders", 24, 36);
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
/// <returns>A DataTable containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataTable ExecuteDataTable(SqlCeConnection connection, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connection, spName);
// Assign the provided values to these parameters based on parameter order
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);
// Call the overload that takes an array of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteDataTable(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
// Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
return ExecuteDataTable(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the provided SqlCeTransaction.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// DataTable dtb = ExecuteDataTable(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders");
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <returns>A DataTable containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataTable ExecuteDataTable(SqlCeTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText)
// Pass through the call providing null for the set of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteDataTable(transaction, commandType, commandText, (SqlCeParameter[])null);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified SqlCeTransaction
/// using the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// DataTable dtb = ExecuteDataTable(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders", new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
/// <returns>A DataTable containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataTable ExecuteDataTable(SqlCeTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
if (transaction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");
if (transaction != null && transaction.Connection == null) throw new ArgumentException("The transaction was rollbacked or commited, please provide an open transaction.", "transaction");
// Create a command and prepare it for execution
SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand();
bool mustCloseConnection = false;
PrepareCommand(cmd, (SqlCeConnection)transaction.Connection, transaction, commandType, commandText, commandParameters, out mustCloseConnection);
// Create the DataAdapter & DataTable
using (SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter(cmd))
DataTable dtb = new DataTable();
// Fill the DataTable using default values for DataTable names, etc
// Detach the SqlCeParameters from the command object, so they can be used again
// Return the DataTable
return dtb;
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified
/// SqlCeTransaction using the provided parameter values. This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
/// e.g.:
/// DataTable dtb = ExecuteDataTable(trans, "GetOrders", 24, 36);
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
/// <returns>A DataTable containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataTable ExecuteDataTable(SqlCeTransaction transaction, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
if (transaction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");
if (transaction != null && transaction.Connection == null) throw new ArgumentException("The transaction was rollbacked or commited, please provide an open transaction.", "transaction");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet((SqlCeConnection)transaction.Connection, spName);
// Assign the provided values to these parameters based on parameter order
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);
// Call the overload that takes an array of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteDataTable(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
// Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
return ExecuteDataTable(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
#endregion ExecuteDataTable
#region ExecuteDataset
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the database specified in
/// the connection string.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// DataSet ds = ExecuteDataset(connString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders");
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <returns>A dataset containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataSet ExecuteDataset(string connectionString, CommandType commandType, string commandText)
// Pass through the call providing null for the set of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteDataset(connectionString, commandType, commandText, (SqlCeParameter[])null);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the database specified in the connection string
/// using the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// DataSet ds = ExecuteDataset(connString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders", new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
/// <returns>A dataset containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataSet ExecuteDataset(string connectionString, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
// Create & open a SqlCeConnection, and dispose of it after we are done
using (SqlCeConnection connection = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString))
// Call the overload that takes a connection in place of the connection string
return ExecuteDataset(connection, commandType, commandText, commandParameters);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the database specified in
/// the connection string using the provided parameter values. This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
/// e.g.:
/// DataSet ds = ExecuteDataset(connString, "GetOrders", 24, 36);
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
/// <returns>A dataset containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataSet ExecuteDataset(string connectionString, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connectionString, spName);
// Assign the provided values to these parameters based on parameter order
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);
// Call the overload that takes an array of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteDataset(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
// Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
return ExecuteDataset(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the provided SqlCeConnection.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// DataSet ds = ExecuteDataset(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders");
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <returns>A dataset containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataSet ExecuteDataset(SqlCeConnection connection, CommandType commandType, string commandText)
// Pass through the call providing null for the set of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteDataset(connection, commandType, commandText, (SqlCeParameter[])null);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified SqlCeConnection
/// using the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// DataSet ds = ExecuteDataset(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders", new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
/// <returns>A dataset containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataSet ExecuteDataset(SqlCeConnection connection, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
// Create a command and prepare it for execution
SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand();
bool mustCloseConnection = false;
PrepareCommand(cmd, connection, (SqlCeTransaction)null, commandType, commandText, commandParameters, out mustCloseConnection);
// Create the DataAdapter & DataSet
using (SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter(cmd))
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
// Fill the DataSet using default values for DataTable names, etc
// Detach the SqlCeParameters from the command object, so they can be used again
if (mustCloseConnection)
// Return the dataset
return ds;
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified SqlCeConnection
/// using the provided parameter values. This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
/// e.g.:
/// DataSet ds = ExecuteDataset(conn, "GetOrders", 24, 36);
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
/// <returns>A dataset containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataSet ExecuteDataset(SqlCeConnection connection, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connection, spName);
// Assign the provided values to these parameters based on parameter order
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);
// Call the overload that takes an array of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteDataset(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
// Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
return ExecuteDataset(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the provided SqlCeTransaction.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// DataSet ds = ExecuteDataset(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders");
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <returns>A dataset containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataSet ExecuteDataset(SqlCeTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText)
// Pass through the call providing null for the set of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteDataset(transaction, commandType, commandText, (SqlCeParameter[])null);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified SqlCeTransaction
/// using the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// DataSet ds = ExecuteDataset(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders", new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
/// <returns>A dataset containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataSet ExecuteDataset(SqlCeTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
if (transaction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");
if (transaction != null && transaction.Connection == null) throw new ArgumentException("The transaction was rollbacked or commited, please provide an open transaction.", "transaction");
// Create a command and prepare it for execution
SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand();
bool mustCloseConnection = false;
PrepareCommand(cmd, (SqlCeConnection)transaction.Connection, transaction, commandType, commandText, commandParameters, out mustCloseConnection);
// Create the DataAdapter & DataSet
using (SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter(cmd))
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
// Fill the DataSet using default values for DataTable names, etc
// Detach the SqlCeParameters from the command object, so they can be used again
// Return the dataset
return ds;
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified
/// SqlCeTransaction using the provided parameter values. This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
/// e.g.:
/// DataSet ds = ExecuteDataset(trans, "GetOrders", 24, 36);
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
/// <returns>A dataset containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataSet ExecuteDataset(SqlCeTransaction transaction, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
if (transaction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");
if (transaction != null && transaction.Connection == null) throw new ArgumentException("The transaction was rollbacked or commited, please provide an open transaction.", "transaction");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet((SqlCeConnection)transaction.Connection, spName);
// Assign the provided values to these parameters based on parameter order
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);
// Call the overload that takes an array of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteDataset(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
// Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
return ExecuteDataset(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
#endregion ExecuteDataset
#region ExecuteReader
/// <summary>
/// This enum is used to indicate whether the connection was provided by the caller, or created by SqlCeHelper, so that
/// we can set the appropriate CommandBehavior when calling ExecuteReader()
/// </summary>
private enum SqlCeConnectionOwnership
/// <summary>Connection is owned and managed by SqlCeHelper</summary>
/// <summary>Connection is owned and managed by the caller</summary>
/// <summary>
/// Create and prepare a SqlCeCommand, and call ExecuteReader with the appropriate CommandBehavior.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If we created and opened the connection, we want the connection to be closed when the DataReader is closed.
/// If the caller provided the connection, we want to leave it to them to manage.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection, on which to execute this command</param>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction, or 'null'</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlCeParameters to be associated with the command or 'null' if no parameters are required</param>
/// <param name="connectionOwnership">Indicates whether the connection parameter was provided by the caller, or created by SqlCeHelper</param>
/// <returns>SqlCeDataReader containing the results of the command</returns>
private static SqlCeDataReader ExecuteReader(SqlCeConnection connection, SqlCeTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText, SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters, SqlCeConnectionOwnership connectionOwnership)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
bool mustCloseConnection = false;
// Create a command and prepare it for execution
SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand();
PrepareCommand(cmd, connection, transaction, commandType, commandText, commandParameters, out mustCloseConnection);
// Create a reader
SqlCeDataReader dataReader;
// Call ExecuteReader with the appropriate CommandBehavior
if (connectionOwnership == SqlCeConnectionOwnership.External)
dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
// Detach the SqlCeParameters from the command object, so they can be used again.
// HACK: There is a problem here, the output parameter values are fletched
// when the reader is closed, so if the parameters are detached from the command
// then the SqlReader can磘 set its values.
// When this happen, the parameters can磘 be used again in other command.
bool canClear = true;
foreach (SqlCeParameter commandParameter in cmd.Parameters)
if (commandParameter.Direction != ParameterDirection.Input)
canClear = false;
if (canClear)
return dataReader;
if (mustCloseConnection)
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the database specified in
/// the connection string.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// SqlCeDataReader dr = ExecuteReader(connString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders");
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <returns>A SqlCeDataReader containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static SqlCeDataReader ExecuteReader(string connectionString, CommandType commandType, string commandText)
// Pass through the call providing null for the set of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteReader(connectionString, commandType, commandText, (SqlCeParameter[])null);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the database specified in the connection string
/// using the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// SqlCeDataReader dr = ExecuteReader(connString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders", new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
/// <returns>A SqlCeDataReader containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static SqlCeDataReader ExecuteReader(string connectionString, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
SqlCeConnection connection = null;
connection = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString);
// Call the private overload that takes an internally owned connection in place of the connection string
return ExecuteReader(connection, null, commandType, commandText, commandParameters, SqlCeConnectionOwnership.Internal);
// If we fail to return the SqlDatReader, we need to close the connection ourselves
if (connection != null) connection.Close();
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the database specified in
/// the connection string using the provided parameter values. This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
/// e.g.:
/// SqlCeDataReader dr = ExecuteReader(connString, "GetOrders", 24, 36);
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
/// <returns>A SqlCeDataReader containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static SqlCeDataReader ExecuteReader(string connectionString, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connectionString, spName);
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);
return ExecuteReader(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
// Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
return ExecuteReader(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the provided SqlCeConnection.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// SqlCeDataReader dr = ExecuteReader(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders");
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <returns>A SqlCeDataReader containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static SqlCeDataReader ExecuteReader(SqlCeConnection connection, CommandType commandType, string commandText)
// Pass through the call providing null for the set of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteReader(connection, commandType, commandText, (SqlCeParameter[])null);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified SqlCeConnection
/// using the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// SqlCeDataReader dr = ExecuteReader(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders", new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
/// <returns>A SqlCeDataReader containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static SqlCeDataReader ExecuteReader(SqlCeConnection connection, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
// Pass through the call to the private overload using a null transaction value and an externally owned connection
return ExecuteReader(connection, (SqlCeTransaction)null, commandType, commandText, commandParameters, SqlCeConnectionOwnership.External);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified SqlCeConnection
/// using the provided parameter values. This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
/// e.g.:
/// SqlCeDataReader dr = ExecuteReader(conn, "GetOrders", 24, 36);
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
/// <returns>A SqlCeDataReader containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static SqlCeDataReader ExecuteReader(SqlCeConnection connection, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connection, spName);
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);
return ExecuteReader(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
// Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
return ExecuteReader(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the provided SqlCeTransaction.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// SqlCeDataReader dr = ExecuteReader(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders");
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <returns>A SqlCeDataReader containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static SqlCeDataReader ExecuteReader(SqlCeTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText)
// Pass through the call providing null for the set of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteReader(transaction, commandType, commandText, (SqlCeParameter[])null);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified SqlCeTransaction
/// using the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// SqlCeDataReader dr = ExecuteReader(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders", new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
/// <returns>A SqlCeDataReader containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static SqlCeDataReader ExecuteReader(SqlCeTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
if (transaction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");
if (transaction != null && transaction.Connection == null) throw new ArgumentException("The transaction was rollbacked or commited, please provide an open transaction.", "transaction");
// Pass through to private overload, indicating that the connection is owned by the caller
return ExecuteReader((SqlCeConnection)transaction.Connection, transaction, commandType, commandText, commandParameters, SqlCeConnectionOwnership.External);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified
/// SqlCeTransaction using the provided parameter values. This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
/// e.g.:
/// SqlCeDataReader dr = ExecuteReader(trans, "GetOrders", 24, 36);
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
/// <returns>A SqlCeDataReader containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static SqlCeDataReader ExecuteReader(SqlCeTransaction transaction, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
if (transaction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");
if (transaction != null && transaction.Connection == null) throw new ArgumentException("The transaction was rollbacked or commited, please provide an open transaction.", "transaction");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet((SqlCeConnection)transaction.Connection, spName);
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);
return ExecuteReader(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
// Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
return ExecuteReader(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
#endregion ExecuteReader
#region ExecuteScalar
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a 1x1 resultset and takes no parameters) against the database specified in
/// the connection string.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// int orderCount = (int)ExecuteScalar(connString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrderCount");
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <returns>An object containing the value in the 1x1 resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static object ExecuteScalar(string connectionString, CommandType commandType, string commandText)
// Pass through the call providing null for the set of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteScalar(connectionString, commandType, commandText, (SqlCeParameter[])null);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a 1x1 resultset) against the database specified in the connection string
/// using the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// int orderCount = (int)ExecuteScalar(connString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrderCount", new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
/// <returns>An object containing the value in the 1x1 resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static object ExecuteScalar(string connectionString, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
// Create & open a SqlCeConnection, and dispose of it after we are done
using (SqlCeConnection connection = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString))
// Call the overload that takes a connection in place of the connection string
return ExecuteScalar(connection, commandType, commandText, commandParameters);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a 1x1 resultset) against the database specified in
/// the connection string using the provided parameter values. This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
/// e.g.:
/// int orderCount = (int)ExecuteScalar(connString, "GetOrderCount", 24, 36);
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
/// <returns>An object containing the value in the 1x1 resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static object ExecuteScalar(string connectionString, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connectionString, spName);
// Assign the provided values to these parameters based on parameter order
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);
// Call the overload that takes an array of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteScalar(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
// Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
return ExecuteScalar(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a 1x1 resultset and takes no parameters) against the provided SqlCeConnection.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// int orderCount = (int)ExecuteScalar(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrderCount");
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <returns>An object containing the value in the 1x1 resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static object ExecuteScalar(SqlCeConnection connection, CommandType commandType, string commandText)
// Pass through the call providing null for the set of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteScalar(connection, commandType, commandText, (SqlCeParameter[])null);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a 1x1 resultset) against the specified SqlCeConnection
/// using the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// int orderCount = (int)ExecuteScalar(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrderCount", new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
/// <returns>An object containing the value in the 1x1 resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static object ExecuteScalar(SqlCeConnection connection, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
// Create a command and prepare it for execution
SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand();
bool mustCloseConnection = false;
PrepareCommand(cmd, connection, (SqlCeTransaction)null, commandType, commandText, commandParameters, out mustCloseConnection);
// Execute the command & return the results
object retval = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
// Detach the SqlCeParameters from the command object, so they can be used again
if (mustCloseConnection)
return retval;
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a 1x1 resultset) against the specified SqlCeConnection
/// using the provided parameter values. This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
/// e.g.:
/// int orderCount = (int)ExecuteScalar(conn, "GetOrderCount", 24, 36);
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
/// <returns>An object containing the value in the 1x1 resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static object ExecuteScalar(SqlCeConnection connection, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connection, spName);
// Assign the provided values to these parameters based on parameter order
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);
// Call the overload that takes an array of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteScalar(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
// Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
return ExecuteScalar(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a 1x1 resultset and takes no parameters) against the provided SqlCeTransaction.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// int orderCount = (int)ExecuteScalar(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrderCount");
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <returns>An object containing the value in the 1x1 resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static object ExecuteScalar(SqlCeTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText)
// Pass through the call providing null for the set of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteScalar(transaction, commandType, commandText, (SqlCeParameter[])null);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a 1x1 resultset) against the specified SqlCeTransaction
/// using the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// int orderCount = (int)ExecuteScalar(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrderCount", new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
/// <returns>An object containing the value in the 1x1 resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static object ExecuteScalar(SqlCeTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
if (transaction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");
if (transaction != null && transaction.Connection == null) throw new ArgumentException("The transaction was rollbacked or commited, please provide an open transaction.", "transaction");
// Create a command and prepare it for execution
SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand();
bool mustCloseConnection = false;
PrepareCommand(cmd, (SqlCeConnection)transaction.Connection, transaction, commandType, commandText, commandParameters, out mustCloseConnection);
// Execute the command & return the results
object retval = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
// Detach the SqlCeParameters from the command object, so they can be used again
return retval;
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a 1x1 resultset) against the specified
/// SqlCeTransaction using the provided parameter values. This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
/// e.g.:
/// int orderCount = (int)ExecuteScalar(trans, "GetOrderCount", 24, 36);
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
/// <returns>An object containing the value in the 1x1 resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static object ExecuteScalar(SqlCeTransaction transaction, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
if (transaction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");
if (transaction != null && transaction.Connection == null) throw new ArgumentException("The transaction was rollbacked or commited, please provide an open transaction.", "transaction");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
// PPull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet((SqlCeConnection)transaction.Connection, spName);
// Assign the provided values to these parameters based on parameter order
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);
// Call the overload that takes an array of SqlCeParameters
return ExecuteScalar(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
// Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
return ExecuteScalar(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
#endregion ExecuteScalar
#region FillDataset
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the database specified in
/// the connection string.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// FillDataset(connString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders", ds, new string[] {"orders"});
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="dataSet">A dataset wich will contain the resultset generated by the command</param>
/// <param name="tableNames">This array will be used to create table mappings allowing the DataTables to be referenced
/// by a user defined name (probably the actual table name)</param>
public static void FillDataset(string connectionString, CommandType commandType, string commandText, DataSet dataSet, string[] tableNames)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
if (dataSet == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dataSet");
// Create & open a SqlCeConnection, and dispose of it after we are done
using (SqlCeConnection connection = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString))
// Call the overload that takes a connection in place of the connection string
FillDataset(connection, commandType, commandText, dataSet, tableNames);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the database specified in the connection string
/// using the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// FillDataset(connString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders", ds, new string[] {"orders"}, new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
/// <param name="dataSet">A dataset wich will contain the resultset generated by the command</param>
/// <param name="tableNames">This array will be used to create table mappings allowing the DataTables to be referenced
/// by a user defined name (probably the actual table name)
/// </param>
public static void FillDataset(string connectionString, CommandType commandType,
string commandText, DataSet dataSet, string[] tableNames,
params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
if (dataSet == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dataSet");
// Create & open a SqlCeConnection, and dispose of it after we are done
using (SqlCeConnection connection = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString))
// Call the overload that takes a connection in place of the connection string
FillDataset(connection, commandType, commandText, dataSet, tableNames, commandParameters);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the database specified in
/// the connection string using the provided parameter values. This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
/// e.g.:
/// FillDataset(connString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders", ds, new string[] {"orders"}, 24);
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="dataSet">A dataset wich will contain the resultset generated by the command</param>
/// <param name="tableNames">This array will be used to create table mappings allowing the DataTables to be referenced
/// by a user defined name (probably the actual table name)
/// </param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
public static void FillDataset(string connectionString, string spName,
DataSet dataSet, string[] tableNames,
params object[] parameterValues)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
if (dataSet == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dataSet");
// Create & open a SqlCeConnection, and dispose of it after we are done
using (SqlCeConnection connection = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString))
// Call the overload that takes a connection in place of the connection string
FillDataset(connection, spName, dataSet, tableNames, parameterValues);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the provided SqlCeConnection.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// FillDataset(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders", ds, new string[] {"orders"});
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="dataSet">A dataset wich will contain the resultset generated by the command</param>
/// <param name="tableNames">This array will be used to create table mappings allowing the DataTables to be referenced
/// by a user defined name (probably the actual table name)
/// </param>
public static void FillDataset(SqlCeConnection connection, CommandType commandType,
string commandText, DataSet dataSet, string[] tableNames)
FillDataset(connection, commandType, commandText, dataSet, tableNames, null);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified SqlCeConnection
/// using the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// FillDataset(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders", ds, new string[] {"orders"}, new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="dataSet">A dataset wich will contain the resultset generated by the command</param>
/// <param name="tableNames">This array will be used to create table mappings allowing the DataTables to be referenced
/// by a user defined name (probably the actual table name)
/// </param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
public static void FillDataset(SqlCeConnection connection, CommandType commandType,
string commandText, DataSet dataSet, string[] tableNames,
params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
FillDataset(connection, null, commandType, commandText, dataSet, tableNames, commandParameters);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified SqlCeConnection
/// using the provided parameter values. This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
/// e.g.:
/// FillDataset(conn, "GetOrders", ds, new string[] {"orders"}, 24, 36);
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="dataSet">A dataset wich will contain the resultset generated by the command</param>
/// <param name="tableNames">This array will be used to create table mappings allowing the DataTables to be referenced
/// by a user defined name (probably the actual table name)
/// </param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
public static void FillDataset(SqlCeConnection connection, string spName,
DataSet dataSet, string[] tableNames,
params object[] parameterValues)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
if (dataSet == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dataSet");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connection, spName);
// Assign the provided values to these parameters based on parameter order
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);
// Call the overload that takes an array of SqlCeParameters
FillDataset(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, dataSet, tableNames, commandParameters);
// Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
FillDataset(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, dataSet, tableNames);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset and takes no parameters) against the provided SqlCeTransaction.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// FillDataset(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders", ds, new string[] {"orders"});
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="dataSet">A dataset wich will contain the resultset generated by the command</param>
/// <param name="tableNames">This array will be used to create table mappings allowing the DataTables to be referenced
/// by a user defined name (probably the actual table name)
/// </param>
public static void FillDataset(SqlCeTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType,
string commandText,
DataSet dataSet, string[] tableNames)
FillDataset(transaction, commandType, commandText, dataSet, tableNames, null);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified SqlCeTransaction
/// using the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// FillDataset(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders", ds, new string[] {"orders"}, new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="dataSet">A dataset wich will contain the resultset generated by the command</param>
/// <param name="tableNames">This array will be used to create table mappings allowing the DataTables to be referenced
/// by a user defined name (probably the actual table name)
/// </param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
public static void FillDataset(SqlCeTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType,
string commandText, DataSet dataSet, string[] tableNames,
params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
FillDataset((SqlCeConnection)transaction.Connection, transaction, commandType, commandText, dataSet, tableNames, commandParameters);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified
/// SqlCeTransaction using the provided parameter values. This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides no access to output parameters or the stored procedure's return value parameter.
/// e.g.:
/// FillDataset(trans, "GetOrders", ds, new string[]{"orders"}, 24, 36);
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="dataSet">A dataset wich will contain the resultset generated by the command</param>
/// <param name="tableNames">This array will be used to create table mappings allowing the DataTables to be referenced
/// by a user defined name (probably the actual table name)
/// </param>
/// <param name="parameterValues">An array of objects to be assigned as the input values of the stored procedure</param>
public static void FillDataset(SqlCeTransaction transaction, string spName,
DataSet dataSet, string[] tableNames,
params object[] parameterValues)
if (transaction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");
if (transaction != null && transaction.Connection == null) throw new ArgumentException("The transaction was rollbacked or commited, please provide an open transaction.", "transaction");
if (dataSet == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dataSet");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet((SqlCeConnection)transaction.Connection, spName);
// Assign the provided values to these parameters based on parameter order
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);
// Call the overload that takes an array of SqlCeParameters
FillDataset(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, dataSet, tableNames, commandParameters);
// Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
FillDataset(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, dataSet, tableNames);
/// <summary>
/// Private helper method that execute a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified SqlCeTransaction and SqlCeConnection
/// using the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// FillDataset(conn, trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOrders", ds, new string[] {"orders"}, new SqlCeParameter("@prodid", 24));
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction</param>
/// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="dataSet">A dataset wich will contain the resultset generated by the command</param>
/// <param name="tableNames">This array will be used to create table mappings allowing the DataTables to be referenced
/// by a user defined name (probably the actual table name)
/// </param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters used to execute the command</param>
private static void FillDataset(SqlCeConnection connection, SqlCeTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType,
string commandText, DataSet dataSet, string[] tableNames,
params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
if (dataSet == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dataSet");
// Create a command and prepare it for execution
SqlCeCommand command = new SqlCeCommand();
bool mustCloseConnection = false;
PrepareCommand(command, connection, transaction, commandType, commandText, commandParameters, out mustCloseConnection);
// Create the DataAdapter & DataSet
using (SqlCeDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlCeDataAdapter(command))
// Add the table mappings specified by the user
if (tableNames != null && tableNames.Length > 0)
string tableName = "Table";
for (int index = 0; index < tableNames.Length; index )
if (tableNames[index] == null || tableNames[index].Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("The tableNames parameter must contain a list of tables, a value was provided as null or empty string.", "tableNames");
dataAdapter.TableMappings.Add(tableName, tableNames[index]);
tableName = (index 1).ToString();
// Fill the DataSet using default values for DataTable names, etc
// Detach the SqlCeParameters from the command object, so they can be used again
if (mustCloseConnection)
#region UpdateDataset
/// <summary>
/// Executes the respective command for each inserted, updated, or deleted row in the DataSet.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// UpdateDataset(conn, insertCommand, deleteCommand, updateCommand, dataSet, "Order");
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="insertCommand">A valid transact-SQL statement or stored procedure to insert new records into the data source</param>
/// <param name="deleteCommand">A valid transact-SQL statement or stored procedure to delete records from the data source</param>
/// <param name="updateCommand">A valid transact-SQL statement or stored procedure used to update records in the data source</param>
/// <param name="dataSet">The DataSet used to update the data source</param>
/// <param name="tableName">The DataTable used to update the data source.</param>
public static void UpdateDataset(SqlCeCommand insertCommand, SqlCeCommand deleteCommand, SqlCeCommand updateCommand, DataSet dataSet, string tableName)
if (insertCommand == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("insertCommand");
if (deleteCommand == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("deleteCommand");
if (updateCommand == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("updateCommand");
if (tableName == null || tableName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("tableName");
// Create a SqlCeDataAdapter, and dispose of it after we are done
using (SqlCeDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlCeDataAdapter())
// Set the data adapter commands
dataAdapter.UpdateCommand = updateCommand;
dataAdapter.InsertCommand = insertCommand;
dataAdapter.DeleteCommand = deleteCommand;
// Update the dataset changes in the data source
dataAdapter.Update(dataSet, tableName);
// Commit all the changes made to the DataSet
#region CreateCommand
/// <summary>
/// Simplify the creation of a Sql command object by allowing
/// a stored procedure and optional parameters to be provided
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// e.g.:
/// SqlCeCommand command = CreateCommand(conn, "AddCustomer", "CustomerID", "CustomerName");
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection object</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="sourceColumns">An array of string to be assigned as the source columns of the stored procedure parameters</param>
/// <returns>A valid SqlCeCommand object</returns>
public static SqlCeCommand CreateCommand(SqlCeConnection connection, string spName, params string[] sourceColumns)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// Create a SqlCeCommand
SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand(spName, connection);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
// If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
if ((sourceColumns != null) && (sourceColumns.Length > 0))
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connection, spName);
// Assign the provided source columns to these parameters based on parameter order
for (int index = 0; index < sourceColumns.Length; index )
commandParameters[index].SourceColumn = sourceColumns[index];
// Attach the discovered parameters to the SqlCeCommand object
AttachParameters(cmd, commandParameters);
return cmd;
#region ExecuteNonQueryTypedParams
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns no resultset) against the database specified in
/// the connection string using the dataRow column values as the stored procedure's parameters values.
/// This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on row values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="dataRow">The dataRow used to hold the stored procedure's parameter values.</param>
/// <returns>An int representing the number of rows affected by the command</returns>
public static int ExecuteNonQueryTypedParams(String connectionString, String spName, DataRow dataRow)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If the row has values, the store procedure parameters must be initialized
if (dataRow != null && dataRow.ItemArray.Length > 0)
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connectionString, spName);
// Set the parameters values
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, dataRow);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns no resultset) against the specified SqlCeConnection
/// using the dataRow column values as the stored procedure's parameters values.
/// This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on row values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection object</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="dataRow">The dataRow used to hold the stored procedure's parameter values.</param>
/// <returns>An int representing the number of rows affected by the command</returns>
public static int ExecuteNonQueryTypedParams(SqlCeConnection connection, String spName, DataRow dataRow)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If the row has values, the store procedure parameters must be initialized
if (dataRow != null && dataRow.ItemArray.Length > 0)
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connection, spName);
// Set the parameters values
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, dataRow);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns no resultset) against the specified
/// SqlCeTransaction using the dataRow column values as the stored procedure's parameters values.
/// This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on row values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction object</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="dataRow">The dataRow used to hold the stored procedure's parameter values.</param>
/// <returns>An int representing the number of rows affected by the command</returns>
public static int ExecuteNonQueryTypedParams(SqlCeTransaction transaction, String spName, DataRow dataRow)
if (transaction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");
if (transaction != null && transaction.Connection == null) throw new ArgumentException("The transaction was rollbacked or commited, please provide an open transaction.", "transaction");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// Sf the row has values, the store procedure parameters must be initialized
if (dataRow != null && dataRow.ItemArray.Length > 0)
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet((SqlCeConnection)transaction.Connection, spName);
// Set the parameters values
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, dataRow);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
#region ExecuteDatasetTypedParams
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the database specified in
/// the connection string using the dataRow column values as the stored procedure's parameters values.
/// This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on row values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="dataRow">The dataRow used to hold the stored procedure's parameter values.</param>
/// <returns>A dataset containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataSet ExecuteDatasetTypedParams(string connectionString, String spName, DataRow dataRow)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
//If the row has values, the store procedure parameters must be initialized
if (dataRow != null && dataRow.ItemArray.Length > 0)
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connectionString, spName);
// Set the parameters values
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, dataRow);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteDataset(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteDataset(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified SqlCeConnection
/// using the dataRow column values as the store procedure's parameters values.
/// This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on row values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection object</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="dataRow">The dataRow used to hold the stored procedure's parameter values.</param>
/// <returns>A dataset containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataSet ExecuteDatasetTypedParams(SqlCeConnection connection, String spName, DataRow dataRow)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If the row has values, the store procedure parameters must be initialized
if (dataRow != null && dataRow.ItemArray.Length > 0)
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connection, spName);
// Set the parameters values
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, dataRow);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteDataset(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteDataset(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified SqlCeTransaction
/// using the dataRow column values as the stored procedure's parameters values.
/// This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on row values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction object</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="dataRow">The dataRow used to hold the stored procedure's parameter values.</param>
/// <returns>A dataset containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static DataSet ExecuteDatasetTypedParams(SqlCeTransaction transaction, String spName, DataRow dataRow)
if (transaction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");
if (transaction != null && transaction.Connection == null) throw new ArgumentException("The transaction was rollbacked or commited, please provide an open transaction.", "transaction");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If the row has values, the store procedure parameters must be initialized
if (dataRow != null && dataRow.ItemArray.Length > 0)
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet((SqlCeConnection)transaction.Connection, spName);
// Set the parameters values
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, dataRow);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteDataset(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteDataset(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
#region ExecuteReaderTypedParams
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the database specified in
/// the connection string using the dataRow column values as the stored procedure's parameters values.
/// This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="dataRow">The dataRow used to hold the stored procedure's parameter values.</param>
/// <returns>A SqlCeDataReader containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static SqlCeDataReader ExecuteReaderTypedParams(String connectionString, String spName, DataRow dataRow)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If the row has values, the store procedure parameters must be initialized
if (dataRow != null && dataRow.ItemArray.Length > 0)
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connectionString, spName);
// Set the parameters values
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, dataRow);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteReader(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteReader(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified SqlCeConnection
/// using the dataRow column values as the stored procedure's parameters values.
/// This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection object</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="dataRow">The dataRow used to hold the stored procedure's parameter values.</param>
/// <returns>A SqlCeDataReader containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static SqlCeDataReader ExecuteReaderTypedParams(SqlCeConnection connection, String spName, DataRow dataRow)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If the row has values, the store procedure parameters must be initialized
if (dataRow != null && dataRow.ItemArray.Length > 0)
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connection, spName);
// Set the parameters values
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, dataRow);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteReader(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteReader(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a resultset) against the specified SqlCeTransaction
/// using the dataRow column values as the stored procedure's parameters values.
/// This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction object</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="dataRow">The dataRow used to hold the stored procedure's parameter values.</param>
/// <returns>A SqlCeDataReader containing the resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static SqlCeDataReader ExecuteReaderTypedParams(SqlCeTransaction transaction, String spName, DataRow dataRow)
if (transaction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");
if (transaction != null && transaction.Connection == null) throw new ArgumentException("The transaction was rollbacked or commited, please provide an open transaction.", "transaction");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If the row has values, the store procedure parameters must be initialized
if (dataRow != null && dataRow.ItemArray.Length > 0)
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet((SqlCeConnection)transaction.Connection, spName);
// Set the parameters values
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, dataRow);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteReader(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteReader(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
#region ExecuteScalarTypedParams
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a 1x1 resultset) against the database specified in
/// the connection string using the dataRow column values as the stored procedure's parameters values.
/// This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="dataRow">The dataRow used to hold the stored procedure's parameter values.</param>
/// <returns>An object containing the value in the 1x1 resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static object ExecuteScalarTypedParams(String connectionString, String spName, DataRow dataRow)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If the row has values, the store procedure parameters must be initialized
if (dataRow != null && dataRow.ItemArray.Length > 0)
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connectionString, spName);
// Set the parameters values
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, dataRow);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteScalar(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteScalar(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a 1x1 resultset) against the specified SqlCeConnection
/// using the dataRow column values as the stored procedure's parameters values.
/// This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection object</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="dataRow">The dataRow used to hold the stored procedure's parameter values.</param>
/// <returns>An object containing the value in the 1x1 resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static object ExecuteScalarTypedParams(SqlCeConnection connection, String spName, DataRow dataRow)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If the row has values, the store procedure parameters must be initialized
if (dataRow != null && dataRow.ItemArray.Length > 0)
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connection, spName);
// Set the parameters values
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, dataRow);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteScalar(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteScalar(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a stored procedure via a SqlCeCommand (that returns a 1x1 resultset) against the specified SqlCeTransaction
/// using the dataRow column values as the stored procedure's parameters values.
/// This method will query the database to discover the parameters for the
/// stored procedure (the first time each stored procedure is called), and assign the values based on parameter order.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlCeTransaction object</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="dataRow">The dataRow used to hold the stored procedure's parameter values.</param>
/// <returns>An object containing the value in the 1x1 resultset generated by the command</returns>
public static object ExecuteScalarTypedParams(SqlCeTransaction transaction, String spName, DataRow dataRow)
if (transaction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");
if (transaction != null && transaction.Connection == null) throw new ArgumentException("The transaction was rollbacked or commited, please provide an open transaction.", "transaction");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
// If the row has values, the store procedure parameters must be initialized
if (dataRow != null && dataRow.ItemArray.Length > 0)
// Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters = SqlCeHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet((SqlCeConnection)transaction.Connection, spName);
// Set the parameters values
AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, dataRow);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteScalar(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
return SqlCeHelper.ExecuteScalar(transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
/// <summary>
/// SqlCeHelperParameterCache provides functions to leverage a static cache of procedure parameters, and the
/// ability to discover parameters for stored procedures at run-time.
/// </summary>
public sealed class SqlCeHelperParameterCache
#region private methods, variables, and constructors
//Since this class provides only static methods, make the default constructor private to prevent
//instances from being created with "new SqlCeHelperParameterCache()"
private SqlCeHelperParameterCache() { }
private static Hashtable paramCache = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());
/// <summary>
/// Resolve at run time the appropriate set of SqlCeParameters for a stored procedure
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection object</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="includeReturnValueParameter">Whether or not to include their return value parameter</param>
/// <returns>The parameter array discovered.</returns>
private static SqlCeParameter[] DiscoverSpParameterSet(SqlCeConnection connection, string spName, bool includeReturnValueParameter)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand(spName, connection);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
if (!includeReturnValueParameter)
SqlCeParameter[] discoveredParameters = new SqlCeParameter[cmd.Parameters.Count];
cmd.Parameters.CopyTo(discoveredParameters, 0);
// Init the parameters with a DBNull value
foreach (SqlCeParameter discoveredParameter in discoveredParameters)
discoveredParameter.Value = DBNull.Value;
return discoveredParameters;
/// <summary>
/// Deep copy of cached SqlCeParameter array
/// </summary>
/// <param name="originalParameters"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static SqlCeParameter[] CloneParameters(SqlCeParameter[] originalParameters)
SqlCeParameter[] clonedParameters = new SqlCeParameter[originalParameters.Length];
for (int i = 0, j = originalParameters.Length; i < j; i )
clonedParameters[i] = (SqlCeParameter)((ICloneable)originalParameters[i]).Clone();
return clonedParameters;
#endregion private methods, variables, and constructors
#region caching functions
/// <summary>
/// Add parameter array to the cache
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParamters to be cached</param>
public static void CacheParameterSet(string connectionString, string commandText, params SqlCeParameter[] commandParameters)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
if (commandText == null || commandText.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("commandText");
string hashKey = connectionString ":" commandText;
paramCache[hashKey] = commandParameters;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieve a parameter array from the cache
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>
/// <returns>An array of SqlParamters</returns>
public static SqlCeParameter[] GetCachedParameterSet(string connectionString, string commandText)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
if (commandText == null || commandText.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("commandText");
string hashKey = connectionString ":" commandText;
SqlCeParameter[] cachedParameters = paramCache[hashKey] as SqlCeParameter[];
if (cachedParameters == null)
return null;
return CloneParameters(cachedParameters);
#endregion caching functions
#region Parameter Discovery Functions
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the set of SqlCeParameters appropriate for the stored procedure
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method will query the database for this information, and then store it in a cache for future requests.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <returns>An array of SqlCeParameters</returns>
public static SqlCeParameter[] GetSpParameterSet(string connectionString, string spName)
return GetSpParameterSet(connectionString, spName, false);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the set of SqlCeParameters appropriate for the stored procedure
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method will query the database for this information, and then store it in a cache for future requests.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connectionString">A valid connection string for a SqlCeConnection</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="includeReturnValueParameter">A bool value indicating whether the return value parameter should be included in the results</param>
/// <returns>An array of SqlCeParameters</returns>
public static SqlCeParameter[] GetSpParameterSet(string connectionString, string spName, bool includeReturnValueParameter)
if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
using (SqlCeConnection connection = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString))
return GetSpParameterSetInternal(connection, spName, includeReturnValueParameter);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the set of SqlCeParameters appropriate for the stored procedure
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method will query the database for this information, and then store it in a cache for future requests.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection object</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <returns>An array of SqlCeParameters</returns>
internal static SqlCeParameter[] GetSpParameterSet(SqlCeConnection connection, string spName)
return GetSpParameterSet(connection, spName, false);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the set of SqlCeParameters appropriate for the stored procedure
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method will query the database for this information, and then store it in a cache for future requests.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection object</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="includeReturnValueParameter">A bool value indicating whether the return value parameter should be included in the results</param>
/// <returns>An array of SqlCeParameters</returns>
internal static SqlCeParameter[] GetSpParameterSet(SqlCeConnection connection, string spName, bool includeReturnValueParameter)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
using (SqlCeConnection clonedConnection = connection)
return GetSpParameterSetInternal(clonedConnection, spName, includeReturnValueParameter);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the set of SqlCeParameters appropriate for the stored procedure
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connection">A valid SqlCeConnection object</param>
/// <param name="spName">The name of the stored procedure</param>
/// <param name="includeReturnValueParameter">A bool value indicating whether the return value parameter should be included in the results</param>
/// <returns>An array of SqlCeParameters</returns>
private static SqlCeParameter[] GetSpParameterSetInternal(SqlCeConnection connection, string spName, bool includeReturnValueParameter)
if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
string hashKey = connection.ConnectionString ":" spName (includeReturnValueParameter ? ":include ReturnValue Parameter" : "");
SqlCeParameter[] cachedParameters;
cachedParameters = paramCache[hashKey] as SqlCeParameter[];
if (cachedParameters == null)
SqlCeParameter[] spParameters = DiscoverSpParameterSet(connection, spName, includeReturnValueParameter);
paramCache[hashKey] = spParameters;
cachedParameters = spParameters;
return CloneParameters(cachedParameters);
#endregion Parameter Discovery Functions
(轉(zhuǎn))SqlCeHelper 類源碼 實(shí)現(xiàn)了對(duì)微軟SqlCe數(shù)據(jù)庫(*.sdf)的常用操作
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- 正文 我和宋清朗相戀三年七问,在試婚紗的時(shí)候發(fā)現(xiàn)自己被綠了蜓耻。 大學(xué)時(shí)的朋友給我發(fā)了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃飯的照片。...
- 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F島的核電站恕出,受9級(jí)特大地震影響,放射性物質(zhì)發(fā)生泄漏皮仁。R本人自食惡果不足惜,卻給世界環(huán)境...
- 文/蒙蒙 一菲宴、第九天 我趴在偏房一處隱蔽的房頂上張望。 院中可真熱鬧趋急,春花似錦喝峦、人聲如沸。這莊子的主人今日做“春日...
- 文/蒼蘭香墨 我抬頭看了看天上的太陽。三九已至查近,卻和暖如春眉踱,著一層夾襖步出監(jiān)牢的瞬間,已是汗流浹背霜威。 一陣腳步聲響...
- 正文 我出身青樓婿禽,卻偏偏與公主長得像,于是被迫代替她去往敵國和親大猛。 傳聞我的和親對(duì)象是個(gè)殘疾皇子扭倾,可洞房花燭夜當(dāng)晚...
- 做亞馬遜的賣家都知道,產(chǎn)品非常重要巨坊。除了產(chǎn)品撬槽,流量也非常重要紹興盈科為幫助亞馬遜新手賣家快速上手CPC操作,特意推...
- 親愛的小伙伴們趾撵,晚上好侄柔!我是宛風(fēng)共啃。 呼呼,又是一周過去了暂题。 本周群內(nèi)(3.12--3.18)收集整理作品298張移剪。...
- 提升作文的方法很多纵苛,但最好用的還是多讀、多寫言津、多練筆攻人。 于是,寫日記成了作文練習(xí)的一大法寶悬槽。 不過怀吻,日記寫多了,寫...