2016-12-29?WSET 3?葡萄酒的門徒
What a vine needs
The vine needs water for photosynthesis, to give rigidity to its shoots and leaves, to regulate its temperature and to swell its grapes. It accesses water through its roots and, in a process known astranspiration, water is drawn up to the leaves. The amount of water a vine uses is determined by the temperature. As it gets warmer, the vine’s metabolism accelerates and therefore so do its water needs.
葡萄植株需要水分來進行光合作用罐韩,以強固新枝與葉片台谊,調(diào)節(jié)植株的溫度以及增大葡萄果實界赔。葡萄通過根系吸收水分牺氨,通過蒸騰作用 (?transpiration)將水分向上運輸?shù)饺~片。葡萄植株消耗的水分量由當時的環(huán)境溫度所決定草娜。當溫度升高時挑胸,葡萄樹新陳代謝的速度會加快,這時候植株所需要的水分也更多宰闰。
Once a sufficient canopy of leaves has grown, mild water stress is therefore beneficial to grape ripening. In these conditions the vine has enough water to keep photosynthesising but the shortage of water is sufficient to switch a vine’s glucose resources from shoot growth to grape ripening. This has the added advantage of reducing the impact of shading.
The timing as well as the amount of the rainfall is important. Flowering and fruit set can both be disrupted by heavy rainfall and this can significantly reduce the number of grapes that are formed. Damp conditions that follow rainfall also encourage fungal infection. Heavy rain shortly before harvest time can cause the berries to swell excessively. This dilutes the flavours in the wine they produced and in extreme cases berries can split, which attracts fungal disease.
Rainfall is the most important source of water but if it is insufficient then it can be supplemented with irrigation if local laws permit. There are three main techniques.Drip irrigation?is the most advanced and expensive. Each vine has its own dripper that can be computer controlled to ensure that each vine gets the optimum amount of water.Sprinklers?are still widely used and cheaper than drip irrigation but they waste a lot of water and, like rain, they create damp conditions in the vineyard increasing the risk of disease. If correctly designed, sprinklers can also be used in frost protection.Flood irrigation?is very cheap to use?but is only possible in vineyards that are flat or very gently sloping and where there is access to large quantities of water, as in Chile and Argentina.
降雨是最重要的水分來源苹祟,但是當降水不充足時砸抛,如果當?shù)氐姆稍试S,可以用灌溉來補充水分的供給树枫。主要有三種灌溉技術:滴灌(Drip irrigation)是最為先進也是最昂貴的灌溉方式直焙。每一棵葡萄植株都有自己的滴頭,這些滴頭由電腦控制砂轻,確保每一棵葡萄樹都能獲得最佳的供水量奔誓。噴灌(Sprinklers)仍然在廣泛應用,并且比滴管要便宜搔涝,但是這種灌溉方式會浪費很多水厨喂,像降雨一樣,噴灌會造成葡萄園中潮濕的環(huán)境從而增加病害的可能性庄呈。如果設計合理蜕煌,噴灌也可以用來預防霜凍。大水浸灌(Flood irrigation)是非常便宜的灌溉方式诬留,但只能用在例如智利和阿根廷這些坡度非常平緩又可以獲得大量水資源的葡萄園斜纪。
Water Hazards
If there is a water shortage the vine can temporarily stop transpiration in order to preserve its resources. During prolonged shortages or drought, vines suffer from water stress. Photosynthesis can stop, leaves wilt and grapes fail to ripen. Ultimately this can weaken and kill a vine.
If the vine has access to too much water during the growing season it will promote excessive vegetative growth. The continuing growth of the shoots and leaves diverts glucose from the ripening grapes, and the excess shoots and leaves increase the risk of shading and potentially impede grape ripening.
Excess rainfall towards the end of the growing season can create damp conditions that increase the likelihood of rot. It can also lead to berries expanding, diluting their flavours, and bursting, leading to fungal and bacterial infection.
Summer hail is another worry for the viticulturalist. It can damage grapes and even the vine itself. In the worst cases it can destroy an entire crop. Some areas, such as Mendoza in Argentina are particularly prone to hail. In certain vineyards netting is used to protect the vines. Elsewhere, aircraft and rockets are used to seed potential storm clouds with chemicals to ensure that the water falls as rain, rather than hail.
For the purposes?of consistency in this book a region’s temperature will be defined using the average temperature during the growing season, which is April to October in the northern hemisphere and October to April in the southern hemisphere. For simplicity, the following temperature terms will be used:
Cool:?regions with an average growing season temperature of 16.5℃?or below.
Moderate:?regions with an average growing season temperature of 16.5℃?to 18.5℃.
Warm:?regions with an average growing season temperature of 18.5℃?to 21℃.?
Hot:?regions with an average growing season temperature in excess of 21℃. Hot areas are generally unsuitable for viticulture.
????These give a good approximate guide to which grapes can be successfully ripened in any given region but climate classifications also need to incorporate how the temperature varies throughout the year (continentality) or during a typical day (diurnal range), and also the level and timing of rainfall and sunlight. For consistency throughout this book the following three climate categories will be used. They can take into account the temperature categories of cool, moderate and warm as well as a region’s continentality, sunlight and rainfall.
Continental Climate–?These climates have the greatest difference in temperature between the hottest and coldest months and are usually characterised by short summers with a large, rapid temperature drop in autumn. Cool continental climates such as Germany and Champagne are at risk from spring frost and low temperatures throughout the growing season can affect flowering, fruit set and ripening. They are therefore better suited to varieties that bud late and ripen early. In moderate continental climates such as the Niagara Peninsula, summers are sufficiently hot to ripen grapes such as Cabernet Sauvignon in a relatively short growing season. Continental climates are also noted for having very dry summers and so if the temperature is high then irrigation can be necessary.
Maritime Climate–?Maritime climates are characterised by cool to moderate temperatures and a low annual difference between the hottest and coldest months. Rainfall tends to be evenly spread throughout the year, which helps in moderating the temperature and the light levels. This means, as in the case of Bordeaux, that the growing season can often continue far into autumn, ensuring there is enough warmth in the growing season to ripen Cabernet, which might otherwise struggle to ripen at this latitude. However, the spring and summer rain can be a very significant risk to the flowering, fruit set and the health of the grapes at harvest.
Mediterranean Climate–?Mediterranean climates are also characterised by a low temperature difference between the hottest and coldest months but the summers tend to be warm and dry. These conditions are to be found throughout the Mediterranean as well as much of coastal California, Chile, South-Eastern Australia and the Cape Winelands. The extra warmth and sunlight compared with maritime climates leads to wines?that are fuller bodied, with riper?tannins, higher alcohol and lower acid. The lower rainfall can have a positive effect on the health of the grapes but can also lead to drought.
Soil Composition
Soil sits above the underlying bedrock, and may be anything from a few centimetres to several metres deep.?It is made up of tiny rock fragments of various sizes as well as larger stones or rocks, humus (organic matter) and plant nutrients.
Soil Particles, Stones and Rocks–?These come from the underlying rock or later deposits laid on top of the rock and they give a soil its name; for example, limestone or slate. However, it is the size of the soil particles that is of most importance. Sand particles are the largest and they are relatively poor at holding water and plant nutrients. Clay particles are the smallest and have the best water and nutrient holding properties. The size of particle is not determined by the nature of the underlying rock, so it is possible to have a sandy or a clay limestone soil. The best soils are made up of a mixture of different particle sizes.
Humus–?This is made up of decomposing plant and animal materials that are rich in plant nutrients and have excellent water retaining properties.
Plant Nutrients?–?These are elements such as nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium that are dissolved in the water in the soil. Some are the result of decaying plant materials or manure; others are dissolved mineral salts. Every part of the vine is made from the products of photosynthesis and plant nutrients.
The ideal soil for viticulture has relatively few nutrients and is well drained but able to store enough water to support the vine during the growing season.
Soil and Water
Grape quality is affected by a soil’s ability to control water supply. Ideally a vineyard’s soil needs to provide a good supply of water early in the season in order to support strong growth, then reduce the supply after véraison inducing mild water stress in the vine, which encourages grape ripening. Water is stored in the soil by binding to clay particles or to humus. Water may also be accessible in the underlying rock. Sand particles and a high stone content ensure good soil drainage. If there is too much clay the soil can easily become waterlogged, which can kill the vine’s roots. If there is too much sand the soil will not be able to retain enough water and irrigation may be needed even in areas of high rainfall.
????There is no one ideal soil that meets these requirements. For example, the best sites in the Médoc have a gravelly sandy soil. Compared with other soils of a higher clay content, these soils can hold relatively little water per cubic metre but this is compensated by the depth of the soil, which means that the roots have access to enough water during the growing season.
Soil and Nutrients
The most important nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Vines do not need high levels of these nutrients in order to be able to thrive. If levels are too high, especially of nitrogen, the vine will grow too vigorously and produce a dense leafy canopy that shades the fruit too much. Over time the nutrients in the soil become depleted and the viticulturalist will need to replace them with natural or chemical fertilisers.
The most common symptom linked to nutritional deficiency is chlorosis. The leaves turn yellow because they lose chlorophyll. The result is reduced photosynthesis, and the quality of the grapes and yield is affected. The most common cause of chlorosis is the inability of the vine to gain sufficient iron from the soil. This is commonly associated with soils with high limestone content such as those found in Champagne, Burgundy, Rioja and Barolo. The best solution to this problem is to use a rootstock that can tolerate lime soils.
The overall impact of vine nutrition on grapes and wine is poorly understood. For example, a Burgundian producer can make wines with different characteristics from different vineyards despite using identical grape varieties as well as viticultural and winemaking techniques throughout. But how far the difference can be attributed to nutrients rather than subtle variations in other factors such as climate, aspect and water supply cannot yet be determined for sure.
This word refers to the ensemble of environmental influences that give a wine a sense of place. In its most narrow usage, it refers only to the effects of different soil structures within an area of unvarying climate. More usefully, it can be taken to cover the combined effects of aspect, slope, climate, weather and grape variety. These effects are usually subtle, but are sometimes dramatic, and with careful winemaking, they can be transposed into recognisable flavours and other components (such as tannins or acids) in a wine.
????Many wine characteristic that would once have been a clue as to the region of origin are strictly speaking aspects of viticulture of winemaking. These include choice of grape variety, use of oak, malolactic fermentation and lees stirring. The limits of how the wine style of one region can be copied in another, using an array of viticultural and winemaking techniques that includes canopy management, irrigation and must adjustments, are still being explored. It would be unreasonable to require all wines to express their geographical origins, if by doing so some were of poor quality or unpleasant. However, there is a danger that as techniques and expertise are shared throughout the world, international styles emerge and diversity is lost. Countering this trend, many wine producers are realising that the sense of place is a unique aspect of their wine that can be used to market it, and help it achieve higher prices. Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay can be made almost everywhere. Coonawarra Cabernet and Chablis cannot.