? ? ? 促進學生思維發(fā)展烂瘫,尤其是高階思維發(fā)展,是每個教師課堂教學最為核心的任務帽哑。如何在課堂上促進學生思維發(fā)展呢谜酒?需要教師用心設計一些課堂好問題,并在教師示范引領下妻枕,教會學生提出好問題——提出問題即最好的思維僻族。教會學生提出問題,教師要先示范如何提問題屡谐。
? ? ? ? 低階思維與高階思維是依據(jù)美國當代著名教育家和心理學家本杰明·布魯姆“認知層級”劃分的述么,分為“記憶”“理解”“應用”“分析”“評價”和“創(chuàng)新”六個層次。? 記憶(Remembering):是針對具體知識愕掏,識別(分辨)文本事實度秘,重現(xiàn)或提取重要內(nèi)容、細節(jié)知識亭珍。有關識記方面的問題敷钾,讀者很容易從文中找到答案。 英語教學中的“閱讀理解”題目肄梨,如“what”“when”“where”“who”多屬于指向具體信息阻荒、考查記憶的問題。? 理解(Understanding):在明確事實性知識基礎上众羡,解釋意義侨赡,比較差異,推斷說明粱侣,概括總結(jié)羊壹,分類整理,舉例闡釋等齐婴。? 指向“how”“why”問題的解釋油猫,即旨在考查讀者的初步理解。如:How could you say that in your own words?? 應用(Appling):結(jié)合所學概念柠偶、語法情妖,能根據(jù)范式應用,是機械套用執(zhí)行诱担,而不是在分析的基礎上綜合運用知識毡证。? 在英語課上,學生學習新句型之后的對話模仿練習蔫仙,或套用語法結(jié)構練習等都屬于偏向語言知識的機械應用料睛。? 分析(Anlayzing):梳理材料各要素之間的關系,明確材料組織結(jié)構、歸因后的新觀點恤煞。? 評價(evaluating):憑借理性屎勘,綜合較為完善的信息,有理有據(jù)地做出評判居扒。? 創(chuàng)造(Creating):在理解分析的基礎上挑秉,對材料做庖丁解牛式解讀,與先前經(jīng)驗融合苔货,形成新經(jīng)驗,遷移到自己的實踐中立哑,特色表達夜惭,創(chuàng)造性解決問題。? 英語學習中的“讀后仿寫”“讀后續(xù)寫”等铛绰,就屬于這個階層的認知诈茧,是高層次要求。? 由以上認知層次概念可知捂掰,任何一個高階認知敢会,需要在低階認知的基礎上形成。因此这嚣,課堂上的問題鸥昏,也必須是由淺入深,逐漸從低階上升到高階姐帚。在沒有對事實性知識了解的基礎上吏垮,你不可能做出分析、評判罐旗,更不可能創(chuàng)新使用膳汪。 就像登臺階一樣,學習從低階向高階的發(fā)展九秀,是層階遞進的遗嗽;又像爬山一樣,有時又需蜿蜒盤旋鼓蜒。低階思維與高階思維相融互促? 如何讓學生在低階認知中培養(yǎng)高階認知痹换?通過以下一組問題,大家會發(fā)現(xiàn)“提問”的技巧:指向標題的問題:What is the title of this text?(具體直接的答案)What does the title tell you?(相比上一個問題友酱,稍有難度——學生需要思考后才能回答)If you rewrote the title, which adjective(verb/noun)would you replace?指向作者的問題:Who is the author?Have you ever read other books written by this author?In what way will you use the author’s writing stytle in your writing?指向內(nèi)容的問題:Where and when do you think this story take place?What do you think will happen in this book?What makes you think so?Does the story relate to you ?And how?指向批判性思維(高階)的導向性問題:以“讀后”環(huán)節(jié)的提問為例:What do you think of your prediction?Was it right or missing something?What do you think of the characters behavior/decision?How do you feel about the ending?If you were the author晴音,how could you like to end?How to use just one sentence to sum rise the theme of the story?Which character do you like most? And why?Which parts of the story would you like to change?? 由以上舉例可知,在提出問題時缔杉,可以一步步地從具體走向抽象锤躁,從低階邁向高階。提出適當?shù)摹昂谩眴栴},促進學習真實發(fā)生系羞。? 同理郭计,指向高階認知的問題,也可以結(jié)合學情椒振,以低階思維的形式提問昭伸,實現(xiàn)“從低階認知進,高階認知出”的教學目標澎迎。What is happening on this page?What does…mean here?What do you think of the end of the story ?How could you feel if you were the character?If you were the writer, what title would you like?
? ? Is there a conflict in the story庐杨?What is it?
How was the conflict(沖突) solved?
How does the story start?
What happened in the middle?
How does the story end?
What is the article about?
Who is telling the story?
What is the genre of the article?
What is the lesson or moral of the article?
What is the main character's characters?
What did the author give the title of the article like this?
What is the purpose of the author writing the article?
How did you make a prediction of the plot?
In what way did you perceive the background?
How are the characters alike?