Even though working at cherry packing shed lasted only 4 - 5 weeks, I had to work with people from various attitudes. As a supervisor, I couldn't understand why some people chose to perform badly and refuse collaboration. When the confusion upsets me, I comforted myself with the below words which was helpful during that period:
- NO GOSSIP - Don't comment others and don't spread what you heard
- Always do the best in your position, never being lazy if you want others to work hard
- Friendship is more important in the shed
- Always keeping calm, never being biased to different minds
- Considering from your boss's point of view
- Try to work like the person you admire
- If you can't bear someone, let your MANAGER know what the difficulties you're facing before taking actions
- 不議論泉手,不報告
- 做好份內事偶器,不偷懶
- 友誼第一,工作第二
- 平常心屏轰,求同存異
- 從老板的角度想問題
- 模仿欣賞的人