1. If, at the time of birth(a) the male planets (b) be powerful (c), the benefic planets (d) weak, and one of the hermaphrodite planets (e) either be in one of the Kendras (angles) (f) or aspect the Lagna (ascendant) ; the creature born will be that indicated by the particular Dwadasamsa(g) which the Moon might then occupy (h).?
1. 如果在出生時(shí)(a)陽(yáng)性的行星(b)是強(qiáng)大的(c)晓锻,吉星(d)是弱小的泌神,并且其中一個(gè)雌雄同體的行星(e)要么在一個(gè)Kendras(角宮)(f),要么與Lagna(上升星座)有關(guān)系须鼎;出生的生物將是由月亮當(dāng)時(shí)可能占據(jù)的特定Dwadasamsa(g)所指示的生物(h)诞外。
(a) 或者在詢問(wèn)的時(shí)候澜沟,添加評(píng)論員。
(b) 對(duì)于陽(yáng)性的行星峡谊,參見(jiàn)Il. 6.
(c) 關(guān)于行星的力量茫虽,參見(jiàn)II. 19,20和21.?
(d) 對(duì)于受益的行星,參見(jiàn)II. 5.
(e) 關(guān)于雌雄同體的行星既们,參見(jiàn)Il. 6?
(f) 關(guān)于Kendras或角宮濒析,參見(jiàn)I.17。
(g) 關(guān)于Dwadasamsa贤壁,參見(jiàn)I.6悼枢。
(h) 例如,假設(shè)在出生時(shí)脾拆,月亮占據(jù)了獅子座的20°馒索。由于一個(gè)Dwadasamsa包含21度,獅子座的21度是Dwadasamsa獅子座的第九區(qū)間名船。
此外,后代的數(shù)量將是由月亮所經(jīng)過(guò)的Dwadasamsas的數(shù)量所代表的。 其中奇數(shù)Dwadasamsa的數(shù)量將代表男性問(wèn)題百揭,而偶數(shù)Dwadasamsa的數(shù)量將代表女性問(wèn)題爽哎;出生后立即消亡的數(shù)量將是可能被兇星占領(lǐng)或可能變得脆弱的Dwadasamsas的數(shù)量。
2. lf the malefic planets occupy their Navamsas and be powerful, and if (at the same time) the Lagna (rising sign) be other than haman(a); the birth will be that of a lower animal as before(d)
(a) 上升星座應(yīng)該是除雙子座请毛、處女座志鞍、天秤座、人馬座的后半部分和水瓶座以外的方仿。
(b) 也就是說(shuō)固棚,該生物將是月亮當(dāng)時(shí)可能占據(jù)的Dwadasamsa所代表的。
3. In the case of quadrapeds Aries is the head ; Taurus , the face and neck; Gemini, the forelegs and shoulders ; Cancer, the back ; Leo, the breast ; Virgo, the sides ; Libra, the belly; Scorpio, the anus; Sagittari, the hind logs ; Capricorn, the penis or testicle ; Aquatius, the buttocks and Pisces, the tail.
3. 就四足動(dòng)物而言兼丰,白羊座是頭玻孟;金牛座是臉和脖子唆缴;雙子座是前腿和肩膀鳍征;巨蟹座是背部;獅子座是乳房面徽;處女座是兩側(cè)艳丛;天秤座是腹部;天蝎座是肛門(mén)趟紊;人馬座是后腿氮双;摩羯座是陰莖或睪丸;水瓶座是臀部霎匈,雙魚(yú)座是尾巴戴差。
4. If there be any planet in the rising sign, the color of the creature will be that of the planet itself ; if not the color will be that of the planet aspecting the rising sign ; and if no planets aspect the rising sign the color will be that of the rising Navamsa. The number and variety of colors will be that of the planets occupying or aspecting. the rising sign(a). The number of stripes on the back of the creature will be that of the planets occupying the seventh house
4. 如果有任何行星在上升星座,生物的顏色將是該行星本身的顏色墨吓;如果沒(méi)有球匕,顏色將是與行星有相位的上升星座;如果沒(méi)有行星與上升星座有相位帖烘,顏色將是上升星座的顏色亮曹。顏色的數(shù)量和種類(lèi)將是占據(jù)或與上升星座有相位的行星(a)。生物背部的條紋數(shù)量將是占據(jù)第七宮的行星的數(shù)量。
(a) 強(qiáng)大行星的顏色將占主導(dǎo)地位
5. If either a Pakshidrekkana (a) or a Charanavamsa(b) or a Navamsa of Mercury(c) should rise and be occupied by powerful planets, the creature born would be a land bird if the rising Drekkana or Navamsa, be either occupied or aspected by Saturn ; and a water bird if it be occupied or aspected by the Moon.
5. 如果Pakshidrekkana(a)或Charanavamsa(b)或水星(c)的Navamsa上升并被強(qiáng)大的行星占據(jù)照卦,如果上升的Drekkana或Navamsa被土星占據(jù)或有相位式矫,那么出生的生物將是一只陸地鳥(niǎo);如果它被月亮占據(jù)或有相位役耕,則是一只水鳥(niǎo)衷佃。
(a) 這些是雙子座的Drekkana第二區(qū)間或10至20度,獅子座的Drekkana第一區(qū)間或1至10度蹄葱,天秤座的Drekkana第二區(qū)間和水瓶座的Drekkana第一區(qū)間氏义。
(b) Chara或變動(dòng)的Navamsas的名稱(chēng)與Chara或變動(dòng)星座相同。
(c.) 水星的Navamsas是指雙子座和處女座
6. If the rising sign, the Moon, Jupiter and the Sun should be weak, they indicate the birth of a tree ; such tree will be either a land tree or a water tree according as the rising Navamsa is one of land or water (a). The number of trees will be the number of signs by which the lord of the ascendant Navamsa has receded from the rising sign(b).
6. 如果上升星座图云、月亮惯悠、木星和太陽(yáng)都很弱,它們預(yù)示著會(huì)有一棵樹(shù)誕生竣况;這種樹(shù)要么是陸地上的樹(shù)克婶,要么是水里的樹(shù),因?yàn)樯仙亲顷懙鼗蛩锏?a)丹泉。樹(shù)木的數(shù)量將是上升星座的主星從上升星座退后的星座數(shù)量(b)情萤。
(a) 水象的Navamsas是巨蟹座,摩羯座的后半部分和雙魚(yú)座摹恨,其他的是土地Navamsas筋岛。
(b) 例如:假設(shè)獅子座的10°上升,上升的Navamsa是雙子座晒哄;它是一個(gè)土地Navamsa睁宰。因此,這棵樹(shù)將是生長(zhǎng)在干燥的土地上寝凌。雙子座的主星是水星柒傻。假設(shè)水星在當(dāng)時(shí)占據(jù)了射手座。從獅子座到射手是5個(gè)星座较木。因此红符,樹(shù)的數(shù)量將是5。
同樣伐债,如果上升星座的主星在擢升星座或逆行预侯,得到的數(shù)字應(yīng)該是三倍;但如果他在他的Vargottamabhaga或在他自己的Navamsa或星座或Drekkana泳赋,這些數(shù)字應(yīng)該是兩倍雌桑。 例如:在上面的例子中,如果水星逆行并占據(jù)了他的上升星座祖今,即處女座校坑,那么這個(gè)數(shù)字即獅子座的兩個(gè)數(shù)字應(yīng)該是三倍拣技。這將使我們得到6。但如果水星占據(jù)了天秤座的最后一個(gè)Navamsa耍目,(他的Navamsa之一)膏斤,數(shù)字是3 X 2=6;如果他占據(jù)了雙子座邪驮,數(shù)字是11 X 2=22莫辨;如果他占據(jù)了,例如毅访,Drekkana第二區(qū)間金牛座沮榜,數(shù)字是2 X 10=20。
7. If the lord of the ascendant Navamsa be the Sun(a), the tree will be one strong within; if Saturn, the tree will be an ugly one ; if the Moon, it will be a milky tree ; if Mars, a thorny tree ; if Jupiter, a fruit tree ;if Mercury; a fruitless tree ;if Venus, a flower tree ; if the Moon again, an oily tree ; and if Mars, a tree of sour taste.
7. 如果上升星座Navamsa的主星是太陽(yáng)(a)喻粹,這棵樹(shù)將是一棵強(qiáng)壯的樹(shù)蟆融;如果是土星,這棵樹(shù)將是一棵丑陋的樹(shù)守呜;如果是月亮型酥,它將是一棵乳白色的樹(shù);如果是火星查乒,是一棵帶刺的樹(shù)弥喉;如果是木星,是一棵果樹(shù)玛迄;如果是水星由境,是一棵無(wú)果的樹(shù);如果是金星憔晒,是一棵花樹(shù)藻肄;如果還是月亮,是一棵油膩的樹(shù)拒担;如果是火星,是一種酸味的樹(shù)攻询。
(a) 句子中給出的條件保持不變从撼。
8. If the lord of the ascendant Navamsa be a benefic planet occupying a malefic sign(a), the tree will be a superior one growing on a bad ground ; if otherwise, the reverse will be the case(b) ; the number of trees is also the number of Navamsas by which the lord of the ascendant Navamsa bas receded from his Navamsa.
8. 如果上升星座的主星是一顆占據(jù)兇性星座的吉星(a),那么這棵樹(shù)將是一棵生長(zhǎng)在壞地上的高級(jí)樹(shù)钧栖;如果不是這樣低零,情況將相反(b);樹(shù)的數(shù)量也是上升星座的主星從他的星座退下來(lái)的Navamsa數(shù)拯杠。
(a). 第6節(jié)中給出的其他條件仍然相同
(b). 也就是說(shuō)掏婶,如果上升星座的主星是兇星,占據(jù)了一個(gè)有利宮位潭陪,那么這棵樹(shù)將是一棵劣質(zhì)的樹(shù)雄妥,這棵樹(shù)將是一棵生長(zhǎng)在好地上的劣質(zhì)樹(shù)最蕾。
關(guān)于Nisueka Kala或受孕時(shí)間
1. The menses that appear monthly, because of Mars and the Moon (a) (bring about conception) when the Moon is in one of the Annupachaya signs(b). If the Moon be otherwise (c) and be aspected by a benefic male planet(d), there will be sexual union between a woman and her husband.
1. 每月出現(xiàn)的月經(jīng),由于火星和月亮(a)(帶來(lái)受孕),當(dāng)月亮在Annupachaya的一個(gè)星座(b)老厌。如果月亮在其他地方(c)瘟则,并被一個(gè)有利的陽(yáng)性行星(d)有相位,女人和她的丈夫之間就會(huì)有性的結(jié)合枝秤。
(a) 只要月亮與火星產(chǎn)生相位醋拧,女性就會(huì)出現(xiàn)月經(jīng),特別是當(dāng)月亮占據(jù)火星的第4淀弹、第7或第8宮時(shí)丹壕。關(guān)于這個(gè)問(wèn)題《Saravali》的作者說(shuō):
(b) 如果在火星相位的作用下盏袄,月亮恰好在女性出生盤(pán)或本命盤(pán)中占據(jù)了一個(gè)Anupachaya星座,在月經(jīng)出現(xiàn)時(shí)薄啥,就會(huì)受孕辕羽。Upachaya星座是指從上升星座開(kāi)始的第3、6垄惧、10和11宮刁愿;而其他星座則被稱(chēng)為Anupachaya星座。
(c). 這是從婦女在第4天洗澡開(kāi)始到逊,當(dāng)月亮到達(dá)丈夫的出生盤(pán)或本命盤(pán)中的一個(gè)Upachaya宮時(shí)铣口。
(d). 如果月亮與木星相位強(qiáng)大時(shí),丈夫和妻子之間會(huì)有性結(jié)合觉壶。評(píng)論員補(bǔ)充說(shuō):"
2. If at the time of sexual union, the setting sign be either occupied or aspected by malefic planets, such union will be attended with anger, and if by benefic planets, it will be attended with play and laughter.
2. 如果在性結(jié)合時(shí)嚼吞,下降的星座被兇星占據(jù)或有相位盒件,這種結(jié)合將伴隨著憤怒,如果被吉星占據(jù)誊薄,它將伴隨著玩耍和歡笑履恩。
3. If, at the time of sexual union, the Sun, the Moon, Venus and Mars be in their Navamsas(a), or if Jupiter ocoupy the rising sign or the 5th or 9th sign from it, such union will produce a child. To persons devoid of verility; the above Yoga (planetary positions) will be as useless as the rays of the Moon to the blind.
3. 如果在性結(jié)合時(shí),太陽(yáng)片吊、月亮绽昏、金星和火星在它們的Navamsas(a),或者如果木星在上升星座或從它開(kāi)始的第5或第9星座俏脊,這種結(jié)合將產(chǎn)生一個(gè)孩子全谤。對(duì)于缺乏真實(shí)性的人來(lái)說(shuō),上述Yoga(行星位置)就像月亮對(duì)盲人的光芒一樣毫無(wú)用處爷贫。
4.If at the time of conception, either Mars or Saturn should ocoupy the seventh house from the Sun or Moon the man and his wife would respectinely fall ill (a) ; but if one of the two planets, Mars and Jupiter, should occupy the twelfth and the other the second house from the Sun and Moon, or if one of the planets should be in coujunction with the Sun or Moon and the other should aspect either the Sun or the Moon, the man and his wife will respectively meet with death (b).
5. In the case of conception (a) by day, the Sun and Venus represent respectively the father and the mother; and by night, Saturn and the Moon represent respectively the father and the mother. In the former case Saturn and the Moon represent respectively the paterval uncle and the maternal aunt ; and in the latter case the Sun and Venus represent respectively the paternal uncle and the maternal aunt. If the planets representing the father and the paternal uncle should occupy the odd signs, or if the planets representing the mother and the maternal aunt should occupy the even signs at the time, then the father and paternal uncle or the mother and the maternal aunt would be happy
5. 在白天受孕的情況下(a)田炭,太陽(yáng)和金星分別代表父親和母親;在晚上漓柑,土星和月亮分別代表父親和母親教硫。在前一種情況下叨吮,土星和月亮分別代表父方的叔叔和母方的阿姨;在后一種情況下瞬矩,太陽(yáng)和金星分別代表父方的叔叔和母方的阿姨茶鉴。如果代表父親和父親的叔叔的行星占據(jù)了奇數(shù)星座,或者如果代表母親和母親的阿姨的行星當(dāng)時(shí)占據(jù)了偶數(shù)星座景用,那么父親和父親的叔叔或者母親和母親的阿姨就會(huì)很幸福涵叮。
6. If at the time of conception malefic planets occupy the twelfth house (a), and if then the rising sign be not aspected by benefic planets, or if Saturn ocoupy the rising sign and be aspected by the waning Moon and Mars (in either case) the pregnant woman will die (b)
(a) 根據(jù)某些評(píng)論家的意見(jiàn),是第2宮耗美。
(b) 根據(jù)評(píng)論家的說(shuō)法京髓,在分娩時(shí)間之前。
7. If(at the time) either the rising sign or the Moon or both be between malefic planets(a) and at the same time not aspected by the benefic planets, the pregnant woman will die(b).
7. 如果(當(dāng)時(shí))上升星座或月亮或兩者都在兇星之間(a)商架,同時(shí)沒(méi)有被吉星相成相位堰怨,那么孕婦將會(huì)死亡(b)。
(a) 由于本例中的兇星只能是三顆甸私,即太陽(yáng)诚些、火星和土星,上升星座和月亮可以同時(shí)在它們之間皇型,要么它們?cè)谝黄鹞芘耄凑紦?jù)兩個(gè)交替的宮。評(píng)注者補(bǔ)充說(shuō)弃鸦,兇星可能占據(jù)從上升星座或月亮開(kāi)始的第12和第2個(gè)宮位绞吁,或者兩者都占據(jù)碟狞,或者它們可能占據(jù)兩側(cè)的Navamsas误澳。
8. If (at the time) malefic planets occupy the fourth house and Mars the eighth house from the ascendant or the Moon, or again if Mars occupy the fourth house and the Sun the twelfth house from the ascendant, the pregnant woman will die.
8. 如果(當(dāng)時(shí))兇行星占據(jù)第4宮浓恳,并且火星占據(jù)距離上升星座或月亮的第8宮涯竟,或者同樣如果火星占據(jù)第4宮氨距,并且太陽(yáng)占據(jù)距離上升星座的第12宮恩伺,孕婦將會(huì)死亡徙瓶。
9. 9. If (at the time) Mars occupy the Lagna and the Sun occupy the seventh house, the pregnant woman will suffer death from weapons. If the lord of any month (a) be afficted, the pregnanoy will miscarry in that month.
9. 如果(當(dāng)時(shí))火星占據(jù)Lagna并且太陽(yáng)占據(jù)第七宮喊积,孕婦將遭受武器的死亡烹困。如果任何月份的主星(a)受克,孕婦將在該月流產(chǎn)乾吻。
(a) 對(duì)于懷孕的各自月份的主星參見(jiàn)16節(jié)髓梅。
10. If the benefic planets(a) be with the Moon or in the ascendant (b), or if they occupy the second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth and the tenth houses from the Moon or the ascendant, there will be safe delivery, provided malefic planets occupy the third or eleventh house from the Moon or the ascendant, and the Moon or the ascendant, is at the same time aspected by the Sun. (c)
10. 如果吉星(a)與月亮或上升星座(b)在一起拟蜻,或者如果它們占據(jù)了從月亮或上升星座開(kāi)始的第2、第4枯饿、第5酝锅、第7、第9和第10宮奢方,就會(huì)有安全的分娩搔扁,只要兇星占據(jù)了從月亮或上升星座開(kāi)始的第3或第11宮,并且月亮或上升星座同時(shí)與太陽(yáng)有相位袱巨。(c)
(a) 這些是水星阁谆、木星和金星。
(b) 或者兩者同時(shí)存在愉老。
(c) 根據(jù)其他一些閱讀场绿,為木星。但這與Saravali是相反的嫉入。
11. If(a) the rising sign, the Sun, Jupiter and the Moon be powerful and occupy the odd (male) signs and the odd Navamsas, the issue will be a male child (b) ; if they occupy the even (female) signs and the even Navamaas, the issue will be a female child (c) ; if again, the Sun and Jupiter(d) occupy the odd signs, the issue will be a male child ;and if the Moon, Venus and Mars(e) occupy the even signs, the issue will be a female child. Also, if the Sun and Jupiter occupy the two male double bodied Navamsas and be aspected by Mercury, the issue will be male twins; and if Venus and Mars occupy the two female double bodied Navamsas(g) and be aspected by Mercury, the issue ill be female twins(h).
11. 如果(a)上升星座焰盗、太陽(yáng)、木星和月亮是強(qiáng)大的咒林,并且占據(jù)奇數(shù)(男性)星座和奇數(shù)Navamsas熬拒,所生的將是一個(gè)男孩(b);如果它們占據(jù)偶數(shù)(女性)星座和偶數(shù)Navamsas垫竞,所生的將是一個(gè)女孩(c)澎粟;如果再次,太陽(yáng)和木星(d)占據(jù)奇數(shù)星座欢瞪,所生的將是一個(gè)男孩活烙;如果月亮、金星和火星(e)占據(jù)偶數(shù)星座遣鼓,所生的將是一個(gè)女孩啸盏。此外,如果太陽(yáng)和木星占據(jù)了兩個(gè)男性雙元Navamsa星座骑祟,并與水星有相位回懦,那么所生的將是一對(duì)男性雙胞胎;如果金星和火星占據(jù)了兩個(gè)女性雙元Navamsa星座(g)次企,并被水星有相位怯晕,那么所生的將是一對(duì)女性雙胞胎(h).
(a) 在受孕或出生時(shí),或根據(jù)評(píng)論家的說(shuō)法缸棵,在詢問(wèn)一個(gè)或另一個(gè)時(shí)贫贝。
(b&c) 如果有些行星在男性星座,有些在女性星座或Navamsas蛉谜,那么問(wèn)題的性別將是占主導(dǎo)地位的那一個(gè)稚晚。
(d&e) 這些行星也應(yīng)該是強(qiáng)大的。
12. If (at the time)(a) Saturn occupy any of the odd signs from the rising sign(b), the issue will be a male child.
The sex of the issue in all the above cases shall be determined by the position of the most powerful planet.
12. 如果(當(dāng)時(shí))(a)土星占據(jù)了從上升星座(b)開(kāi)始的任何一個(gè)奇數(shù)星座也搓,那么這個(gè)孩子將是一個(gè)男孩子。在上述所有情況下涵紊,孩子的性別將由最強(qiáng)大的行星的位置決定傍妒。
N. B.--瑜伽是一個(gè)或多個(gè)行星的特定位置,要么是相對(duì)于彼此驱负,要么是在黃道上的絕對(duì)位置嗦玖,或者兩者都是。
13. (If at the time of conception), the Moon and the Sun, occupying respectively any of the even and odd signs, aspect each other, or (2), if Saturn and mercury (ocoupying respectively any of the even and odd signs) aspect each other, or (3) if Mars (in an odd sign) aspect (or be aspected by) the Sun in an even sign, or (4) if the Moon and Lagna in odd signs be aspected by Mars (in an even sign), or (5) if Mars aspect the Moon and Mercury occupying respectively even and odd signs, or (6) if Venus, Lagna and the Moon occupy (male signs and) male Navamaas, the issue will be a hermaphrodite.
13. (如果在受孕時(shí))跃脊,月亮和太陽(yáng)分別占據(jù)任何一個(gè)偶數(shù)和奇數(shù)星座宇挫,彼此有相位,或(2)如果土星和水星(分別占據(jù)任何一個(gè)偶數(shù)和奇數(shù)星座)彼此有相位(3)酪术,或如果火星(在奇數(shù)星座)與偶數(shù)星座的太陽(yáng)有相位(或被其相向),或(4)如果月亮和拉格納在奇數(shù)星座被火星(在偶數(shù)星座)相沖器瘪,或(5)如果火星與分別占據(jù)偶數(shù)和奇數(shù)星座的月亮和水星相沖,或(6)如果金星绘雁、Lagna和月亮占據(jù)(男性星座和)男性Navamsas橡疼,這個(gè)問(wèn)題將是一個(gè)雌雄同體。
這些Napumsaka Yogas只有在沒(méi)有男性和女性Yogas的情況下才會(huì)生效咧七。
14, If, when the Moon and Venus are in even signs, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Lagna be in odd signs, or if a male planet aspect Lagna and the Moon in the even signs, or if Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Lagna be powerful and occupy even signs, the issue will be a male and a female child. Again, if Lagna and all the planets occupy the Ubhaya(common) Navamsas and be aspected by Mercury in his Navamssa, the issue will be three children: of these, two will be male children if the Navamsa occupied by Mercury be that of Gemini, and two will be female children if such Navamsa be that of Virgo. Again, if, when Mercury occupies the Navamsa of Gemini, the other planets and Lagna occupy the Navamenas of Gemini and Sagittari, all the three will be male children ; and if, when Mercury occupies the Navamsa of Virgo, the other planets and Lagna occupy the Navamsas of Virgo and Pisces, all the three will be female children.
15. If the last Navamsa of sign Sagittari begin to rise, if all the planets occupy the Navamsa of Sagittari and be powerful, and if the rising sign be aspected by powerful Mercury and Saturn, the issne will be more than three children(a)
(a) 根據(jù)評(píng)論員的說(shuō)法是5或7或10裁奇。
16. In tho first month of pregnancy the embryo is formed ; in the second, it becomes flesh; in the third, the limbs are formed; in the fourth, the bones are formed ; in the fifth, the skin is formed ; in the sixth, the hair begins to grow ; in the seventh, intelligence is infused into the child(a).
The lords of tho several months from the first to the seventh are Venus, Mars, Jupiter, the Sun, the Moon, Saturn and Mercury respectively.
16. 在懷孕的第一個(gè)月,胚胎形成麦撵;第二個(gè)月刽肠,胚胎成為肉體;第三個(gè)月免胃,四肢形成音五;第四個(gè)月,骨骼形成羔沙;第五個(gè)月躺涝,皮膚形成;第六個(gè)月扼雏,頭發(fā)開(kāi)始生長(zhǎng)坚嗜;第七個(gè)月,智力被注入孩子體內(nèi)(a)诗充。
(a) 第八個(gè)月格仲,孩子開(kāi)始通過(guò)臍帶進(jìn)食押袍。第九個(gè)月,孩子充滿憂慮抓狭,第十個(gè)月伯病,孩子出生。 第八個(gè)月的主星是受孕時(shí)的上升星座主星否过。第九個(gè)月的主星是月亮,第十個(gè)月的主星是太陽(yáng)惭蟋。根據(jù)Yuvaneswara的說(shuō)法苗桂,第一個(gè)月的主星是火星,第二個(gè)月的主星是金星告组。
17. If Mercury occupy the fifth or ninth house(a) from the rising sign. and if at the same time the other planots be powerless, the face, the legs, and the hands of the child will be doubled. If the Moon occupy sign Taurus and if malefic planets occupy the Riksha Sandhies(b), the issue will be a mute child; but if the Moon be aspected by a benefic planet, there will be speech after a long time(c).
17.如果水星占據(jù)從上升星座開(kāi)始的第五或第九宮(a)矫俺,同時(shí)其他行星無(wú)力吱殉,孩子的臉、腿和手都會(huì)是雙倍厘托。如果月亮占據(jù)金牛座友雳,并且如果兇星占據(jù)Riksha Sandhies(b),那么孩子將是一個(gè)啞巴铅匹;但如果月亮與一個(gè)吉星有相位押赊,那么在很長(zhǎng)一段時(shí)間后才會(huì)有開(kāi)口說(shuō)話(c)。
(a) 根據(jù)一些評(píng)論家的觀點(diǎn)包斑,文本中的Trikona一詞被解釋為Moola trikona流礁,即這里的處女星座。但這與Garga的觀點(diǎn)是相反的舰始。
(b) 就是說(shuō)崇棠,巨蟹座、天蝎座和雙魚(yú)座的最后一個(gè)Navamsas丸卷。
(c) 但如果兇星與月亮有相位枕稀,孩子將永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)說(shuō)話;如果兇和吉星都與月亮有相位,其影響將跟隨強(qiáng)大的行星萎坷。
18. If Saturn and Mars occupy either the signs or the Navamsas(a) of Mercury, the issue will be a child born.
with teeth. If Cancer be the rising sign and if the Moon occupy it and be aspected by Saturn and Mars, the child will be humpbacked ; if Pisces be the rising sign and if it be aspected by Saturn, the Moon and Mars, the child will be lame. If a malefic planet b) and the Moon be in any of the last Navamesas of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, the child will be born deaf. In all the above Yogns the effects described will oocur only if the several planets are not aspected by Jupiter(c).
18. 如果土星和火星占據(jù)了水星的星座或納瓦薩(a)凹联,那么這個(gè)問(wèn)題將是一個(gè)出生時(shí)有牙齒的孩子。如果上升星座是巨蟹座哆档,并且如果月亮占據(jù)巨蟹座并與土星和火星有相位蔽挠,孩子會(huì)有駝背;如果上升星座是雙魚(yú)座瓜浸,如果與土星澳淑、月亮和火星有相位,孩子會(huì)有跛腳插佛。如果一顆兇星(b)和月亮位于巨蟹座杠巡、天蝎座和雙魚(yú)座的任何一個(gè)最后的Navamesas,孩子將出生時(shí)是聾子雇寇。在上述所有Yogas中氢拥,只有在這幾顆行星不與木星(c)有相位的情況下,才會(huì)出現(xiàn)上述效果(c)锨侯。
(b) 三大行星之一囚痴,即太陽(yáng)叁怪、火星和土星。
(c) 因此渡讼,如果行星與木星有相位骂束,就不會(huì)發(fā)生影響。
19. If the last Navamsa of Makara begin to rise and if it be aspected by Saturn, the Moon and the Sun, the issue will be a dwarf. If Mars occupy the rising Drekkana of the fifth house or of the ninth house(s), the issue will be either without a head or without arms or without logs respectively, if Mars be aspected by the Sun, the Moon and Saturn.
19. 如果摩羯座的最后一個(gè)Navamsa開(kāi)始升起成箫,并且如果它與土星展箱、月亮和太陽(yáng)有相位,那么這個(gè)孩子將是一個(gè)侏儒蹬昌。如果火星占據(jù)了第五宮或第九宮的上升Drekkana混驰,那么如果火星與太陽(yáng)、月亮和土星成相位皂贩,那么這個(gè)孩子將分別是沒(méi)有頭栖榨、沒(méi)有胳膊或沒(méi)有腿。
(a) 一些評(píng)論家將這部分內(nèi)容解釋為:如果火星占據(jù)了上升星座的第1明刷、第2或第3Drekkana婴栽,等等。但這與Garga的觀點(diǎn)相悖辈末。
20. If Leo be the rising sign and if it be occupied by the Sun and Moon and aspected by Mars and Saturn, the issue will be a blind child ; (a) if in the above case benefic planets aspect the rising sign, the child will be born with a mote in its eyes. If the Moon or the Sun occupy the twelfth house from the rising sign(b), the child will be born blind, respectively, of the left or the right eye(c).
The several Yogas mentioned above(d) will not wholly come to pass if the planets of eachYoga be aspected by benefic planets.
20. 如果獅子座是上升星座愚争,并且如果它被太陽(yáng)和月亮占據(jù)映皆,并與火星和土星有相位,那么這個(gè)孩子將是個(gè)瞎子轰枝;(a)如果在上述情況下捅彻,吉星與上升星座有相位,那么這個(gè)孩子出生時(shí)眼睛里會(huì)有一顆痣鞍陨。如果月亮或太陽(yáng)占據(jù)了從上升星座開(kāi)始的第十二宮(b)步淹,孩子出生時(shí)將分別是左眼或右眼失明(c)。
(a) 根據(jù)評(píng)論家的說(shuō)法,如果太陽(yáng)單獨(dú)占據(jù)獅子座砾脑,并且與火星和土星有相位幼驶,孩子的右眼會(huì)失明;如果月亮單獨(dú)占據(jù)獅子座韧衣,并且與火星和土星有相位,孩子的左眼會(huì)失明购桑。
(b) 在Nisheka(受孕)或出生時(shí)畅铭。
(c) 根據(jù)Subodhini評(píng)論員的說(shuō)法,只要太陽(yáng)或月亮 "被火星和土星有相位"勃蜘。
(d) 這是從第17節(jié)開(kāi)始的硕噩。
21. Find out the number of the particular Dwadasamsa occupied by the Moon at the time(a) in any Zodiacal sign. Note the Zodiacal sign whose name the Dwadasamsa bears, Count from the next sign as many signs as the number of Dwadasamsas by which the Moon may have advanced in any particular sign. When the Moon comes to such last sign the birth of the child will occur.
Again, the birth will occur by day or by night according as the rising Navamssa at the time is a day or a night Navamsa. The hour of birth from sun-rise or sun-set may pe calculated from the portion of the: rising Navamsa that may have risen above the horizon.
21. 計(jì)算月亮在那個(gè)時(shí)間(a)星座中所占據(jù)的Dwadasamsa的經(jīng)過(guò)數(shù)量。注意該星座的Dwadasamsa名字缭贡。從下一個(gè)星座開(kāi)始算起炉擅,月亮所推進(jìn)的星座數(shù)等于在Dwadasamsas的經(jīng)過(guò)星座數(shù)量。當(dāng)月亮來(lái)到最后一個(gè)星座時(shí)阳惹,孩子的出生就會(huì)發(fā)生谍失。
(a) 在受孕的時(shí)候纲岭,或根據(jù)評(píng)論員的詢問(wèn)抹竹。
同樣堤舒,如果上升的Navamsa是射手座色建,即夜間星座,那么出生將發(fā)生在夜間舌缤。 從太陽(yáng)落山開(kāi)始的出生時(shí)間箕戳,應(yīng)根據(jù)射手座的Navamsa升起到地平線以上的時(shí)間按比例計(jì)算——人馬座的斜升時(shí)間代表整個(gè)夜晚的時(shí)間。
22. If at the time of conception, the Navamsa of Saturn(a) begin to rise and if Saturn occupy the seventh house from the rising sign, there will be delivery after three years; and in similar case of the Moon(b) there will be delivery after twelve years.
Which of the several Yogas described in this Chapter are applicable to the time of birth also, shall be determinod on the nature of such Yogas(c).
22. 如果在受孕時(shí)陵吸,土星(a)的Navamsa開(kāi)始升起,并且如果土星占據(jù)了從上升星座開(kāi)始的第七個(gè)宮位介牙,三年后將會(huì)分娩壮虫;在月亮(b)的類(lèi)似情況下,12年后將會(huì)分娩环础。
(a) 這就是摩羯座或水瓶座的Navamsa饶唤。
(b) 如果巨蟹座的Navamsa開(kāi)始升起,如果月亮占據(jù)了從上升星座開(kāi)始的第七宮框都。
(c) 例如搬素,與生出有額外或缺陷器官的孩子有關(guān)的Yogas,應(yīng)被視為指出生時(shí)間和受孕時(shí)間魏保。至于那些與懷孕流產(chǎn)等有關(guān)的Yogas熬尺,它們應(yīng)被視為僅指受孕時(shí)間。