? ? The people have emotion is common to see. In our life烁试,some people? was controled? by? themselves emotions. But we need to think about it: The people is the master of emotion. But why the emotions could control ourselves? So I think we should control the emotions in our life. But how to do that 凝化? It is? a problems.
? The first闸盔, You need to know that what do you need to do ? When you have a goal讨永, You will haven't any time to think about? something? that? their can't make you to get your goal. You will just think about : What did I need to do now.? What did I need to do next. What did l need to do in the end. And then you'll be succeed. When you have a goal,the emotions is nothing. It's just a ant in you life.
? Second. You need to be a happy person.
When you have a difficults that they are makes you to be unhappy,angry铣除,fidgety. Try to think about something that they can makes you happy. Keep a good emotion is important too. It is healthy to do something such as: study alone, play basketball鹦付, talk with somebody……
? The last. To deal with your problem. In fact, many emotions are from your difficulty and? problems. If you can deal with your difficulties and problems 尚粘, You can deal with your emotions, too. So to be a better person,try to deal with your problem 敲长,take the initiative to attack your negative emotions. It is the best way to be the master of your emotions.
? All in all郎嫁, in our life. We need to control of our emotions. If you can't be the master of your emotions , I want to know祈噪, What can you do?