????"I have no special talents,I am only passionately curious."This is a simple but enlightening remark on curiosity by Albert Einstein.The profound meaning lying in this saying persuades us that untiring curiosity is the engine which drives both our study and future career.
? ? Firstly,curiosity towards knowledge,without a doubt,is the stepping stone which enriches learners' minds,enhances their learning efficiency,ensures more fruitful results, and enables them to go further on the way of education.A typical example is that once trapped by passing exams with only "correct answers" from textbooks.youngsters would gradually lose the motivation of truth_seeking.Meanwhile,one's career can be compared to building his or her own skyscraper.If talent constructs the base of the skyscraper,passionate curiosity makes the building taller and firmer. Indeed,no one could survive and prosper without curiosity.To be specific,without curiosity,a new employee is prone to confine himself to low efficiency,poor abilities,and narrow-mindedness.?
? ? In conclusion,curiosity lays a solid foundation for students' academic success.as well as for them to be qualified competitors in the future.Only when curiosity and talents work together can the young gain life-long benefits from education and work.(倒裝句)
? ? 首先蜡镶,求知欲無疑是一塊墊腳石,它豐富著學習者的頭腦械巡,提高他們的學習效率刹淌,確保更加豐碩的成果,并使他們能夠在教育道路上走的更遠讥耗。一個典型的例子是有勾,一旦年輕人們陷入只用教科書上的“正確答案”通過考試,年輕人們將逐漸失去尋求真理的動力古程。同時蔼卡,一個人的事業(yè)可以被比作建造自己的摩天大樓。如果才能構成了摩天大樓的地基挣磨,那么強烈的好奇心會使這棟樓變的更高雇逞、更堅固荤懂。事實上,沒有好奇心塘砸,任何人都無法生存和繁榮节仿。具體而言,沒有好奇心掉蔬,一名新員工容易將自己局限于效率低下粟耻,能力差,思維狹隘的境地眉踱。
? ? 總之,好奇心為學生的事業(yè)成功奠定堅實的基礎霜威,也為他們將來稱為有能力的競爭者奠定堅實的基礎谈喳。只有好奇心和才能同時發(fā)揮作用,年輕人才能從教育和工作中終生受益戈泼。
巧婦難為無米之炊:only when a good wife has rice,can she cook.
only when you practice more,can you learn well.