# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on %(date)s
@author: %(username)s
1 利用cmd命令把所有目標(biāo)文件路徑寫(xiě)入文件劲厌, dir /b/s >filepath.txt间唉,再刪掉filepath.txt中包含的filepath.txt自己的路徑
2 利用python的open和readlines完成
target = open(r'C:\finance\filepath.txt')
filelist = target.readlines();
stockFilePath = filelist[455][:-1]
stockFile = open(stockFilePath)
stockData = stockFile.readline()
stockData = stockFile.readlines()
date_array = []
open_array = []
high_array = []
close_array = []
low_array = []
volume_array = []
amount_array = []
def dataInit(date_array=date_array, open_array=open_array, high_array=high_array, close_array=close_array,
? ? ? ? ? ? low_array=low_array, volume_array=volume_array, amount_array=amount_array):
? ? date_array = []
? ? open_array = []
? ? high_array = []
? ? close_array = []
? ? low_array = []
? ? volume_array = []
? ? amount_array = []
def dataGot(stockData=stockData, date_array=date_array, open_array=open_array, high_array=high_array, close_array=close_array,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? low_array=low_array, volume_array=volume_array, amount_array=amount_array):
? ? dataInit()
? ? for data in stockData:
? ? ? ? tmp = data[:-1].split(',')
? ? ? ? date_array.append(tmp[0])
? ? ? ? open_array.append(tmp[1])
? ? ? ? high_array.append(tmp[2])
? ? ? ? close_array.append(tmp[3])
? ? ? ? low_array.append(tmp[4])
? ? ? ? volume_array.append(tmp[5])
? ? ? ? amount_array.append(tmp[6])
? ? date_array.reverse()
? ? open_array.reverse()
? ? high_array.reverse()
? ? close_array.reverse()
? ? low_array.reverse()
? ? volume_array.reverse()
? ? amount_array.reverse()
from collections import namedtuple,OrderedDict
from functools import reduce
class StockTradeDays(object):
? ? def __init__(self, date_array=date_array, open_array=open_array, high_array=high_array, close_array=close_array,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? low_array=low_array, volume_array=volume_array, amount_array=amount_array):
? ? ? ? self.__date_array = date_array
? ? ? ? self.__open_array = open_array
? ? ? ? self.__high_array = high_array
? ? ? ? self.__close_array = close_array
? ? ? ? self.__low_array = low_array
? ? ? ? self.__volume_array = volume_array
? ? ? ? self.__amount_array = amount_array
? ? ? ? self.__change_array = self.__init_change()
? ? ? ? self.stock_dict = self._init_stock_dict()
? ? def __init_change(self):
? ? ? ? price_float_array =[float(price_str) for price_str in self.__close_array]
? ? ? ? pp_array = [(p1,p2) for p1, p2 in zip(price_float_array[:-1], price_float_array[1:])]
? ? ? ? change_array = list(map(lambda pp: reduce(lambda a, b:round((b - a) / a, 3), pp), pp_array))
? ? ? ? change_array.insert(0,0)
? ? ? ? return change_array
? ? def _init_stock_dict(self):
? ? ? ? stock_namedtuple = namedtuple('stock',('date','open','high','close','low','volume','amount','change'))
? ? ? ? stock_dict = OrderedDict((date,stock_namedtuple(date,openprice,high,close,low,volume,amount,change))
? ? ? ? for date,openprice,high,close,low,volume,amount,change in
? ? ? ? zip(self.__date_array, self.__open_array, self.__high_array, self.__close_array, self.__low_array, self.__volume_array, self.__amount_array,
? ? ? ? ? ? self.__change_array))
? ? ? ? return stock_dict
? ? def __str__(self):
? ? ? ? return str(self.stock_dict)
? ? __repr__ = __str__
? ? def __iter__(self):
? ? ? ? for key in self.stock_dict:
? ? ? ? ? ? yield self.stock_dict[key]
? ? def __getitem__(self, ind):
? ? ? ? date_key = self.__date_array[ind]
? ? ? ? return self.stock_dict[date_key]
? ? def __len__(self):
? ? ? ? return len(self.stock_dict)
stock1 = StockTradeDays()
#for ind, day in enumerate(stock1):
#? ? if ind < 10:
#? ? ? ? print(day)
#? ? else:
#? ? ? ? break
import six
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
class TradeStrategyBase(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
? ? """
? ? 交易策略抽象基類
? ? """
? ? @abstractmethod
? ? def buy_strategy(self, *args, **kwargs):
? ? ? ? pass
? ? @abstractmethod
? ? def sell_strategy(self, *args, **kwargs):
? ? ? ? pass
class TradeStrategy1(TradeStrategyBase):
? ? s_keep_stock_threshold = 20
? ? def __init__(self):
? ? ? ? self.keep_stock_day = 0
? ? ? ? self.__buy_change_threshold = 0.07
? ? def buy_strategy(self, trade_ind, trade_day, trade_days):
? ? ? ? if self.keep_stock_day == 0 and \
? ? ? ? trade_day.change > self.__buy_change_threshold:
? ? ? ? ? ? self.keep_stock_day +=1
? ? ? ? elif self.keep_stock_day >0:
? ? ? ? ? ? self.keep_stock_day += 1
? ? def sell_strategy(self, trade_ind, trade_day, trade_days):
? ? ? ? if self.keep_stock_day >=\
? ? ? ? TradeStrategy1.s_keep_stock_threshold:
? ? ? ? ? ? self.keep_stock_day = 0
? ? @property
? ? def buy_change_threshold(self):
? ? ? ? return self.__buy_change_threshold
? ? @buy_change_threshold.setter
? ? def buy_change_threshold(self, buy_change_threshold):
? ? ? ? if not isinstance(buy_change_threshold, float):
? ? ? ? ? ? raise TypeError('buy_change_threshold must be float')
? ? ? ? self.__buy_change_threshold = round(buy_change_threshold, 2)
class TradeLoopBack(object):
? ? def __init__(self, trade_days, trade_strategy):
? ? ? ? self.trade_days = trade_days
? ? ? ? self.trade_strategy = trade_strategy
? ? ? ? self.profit_array = []
? ? def execute_trade(self):
? ? ? ? for ind, day in enumerate(self.trade_days):
? ? ? ? ? ? if self.trade_strategy.keep_stock_day > 0:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? self.profit_array.append(day.change)
? ? ? ? ? ? if hasattr(self.trade_strategy, 'buy_strategy'):
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? self.trade_strategy.buy_strategy(ind, day, self.trade_days)
? ? ? ? ? ? if hasattr(self.trade_strategy, 'sell_strategy'):
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? self.trade_strategy.sell_strategy(ind, day, self.trade_days)
trade_loop_back = TradeLoopBack(stock1, TradeStrategy1())
print ('回測(cè)策略1 總盈虧為:{}%'.format(
? ? ? ? reduce(lambda a, b:a+b, trade_loop_back.profit_array) * 100))
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt