? ? ? 上一篇太專注于追星(帥哥)事業(yè)贡这,忘了“沒正經(jīng)學(xué)英語”的大業(yè)厂榛,明顯我沒有辜負(fù)忘事貓的名號!立刻回歸“沒正經(jīng)學(xué)英語法”去辈双。
? ? ? sorry 沒正經(jīng)圖又一張柜砾。
? ? ? Sebastian Stan 經(jīng)常發(fā)些沒正經(jīng)的“對口型”唱歌視頻,撕毀自己的偶像形象喜爷,事實(shí)是他會唱歌,嗓音還不錯檩帐。Bilibili網(wǎng)站上大把他唱歌兒的視頻。摘選兩首他起頭唱的歌诅挑,卡拉ok起來--哦 不泛源!起來學(xué)英語!
? ? ? 第一首是動漫展上包子飆出的對男生來說太高音的金句Sherry~出自音樂劇澤西男孩(Jersey boys)
? ? ? 歌詞如下Jersey Boys
Sherry, Sherry baby
Sherry, Sherry baby
Sherry baby
(Sherry baby)
Sherry, can you come out tonight?
(Come, come, come out tonight)
Sherry baby
(Sherry baby)
Sherry, can you come out tonight?
To my twist party
(Come out)
Where the bright moon shines
(Come out)
We'll dance the night away
I'm gonna make-a you mine
Sherry baby
(Sherry baby)
Sherry, can you come out tonight?
With your red dress on
(Come out)
Mmh, you look so fine
Move it nice and easy
Girl, you make me lose my mind
Sherry baby
Sherry, can you come out tonight?
(Come, come, come out tonight)
Sherry, sherry baby
(Come, come, come out tonight)
Sherry, sherry baby
(Come, come, come out tonight)
Sherry, sherry, baby
(Come, come, come out tonight)
詞曲作者:Bob Gaudio
? ? ? 多么可愛的歌詞没龙,洋溢著青春的活力缎玫,歌詞初級難度。開場前有幾句對白,說男孩得到一個機(jī)會去studio(錄音棚)試唱掌眠,結(jié)果驚艷四座,最后一句the whole world explode!explode是爆炸的意思,這里是指男孩對自己成功驚艷了那些大咖后洋洋得意。整個世界都炸了鍋雷客,為我瘋狂了。這不就是初生牛犢闖蕩世界的第一個小小勝利后的又驚又喜又驕傲的小心思嘛皱卓。隨后的歌曲是小伙子成功后自信滿滿地約心儀的女孩夜晚出來約會部逮。重復(fù)率最高的是Sherry can you come out tonight?估計(jì)這個叫Sherry的女孩兒是抵抗不了這么火熱強(qiáng)烈的邀約吧掐禁!
? ? ? 假如遇到有趣的男孩女孩男人女人,別等有沒有小成功大成就減肥咋樣了 傅事,就是現(xiàn)在,像包子一直鼓勵大家的一樣障本,別多想(overthinking)邀起來响鹃!男神女神,can you come out tonight买置?圖片發(fā)自簡書App