1. 個人所得稅法
individual income tax law
起征點提高 raise the threshold
專項附加扣除 special expense deductions
稅率變化 changes in tax rates
綜合征稅 comprehensive income taxation
勞務報酬(remuneration for personal service)
反避稅條款 anti-tax avoidance clause
起征點 tax exemption threshold
九級征稅級別 nine-bracket system
課稅負擔 tax burdens
收入分配 distribution of income
納稅人 taxpayer
中低收入人群 medium and low-income population
累進稅制 progressive taxing mechanism
減少稅級 downsizing tax brackets
稅收 tax revenue
實得工資 take-home pay
全額工資 gross income
營業(yè)稅 business tax
企業(yè)所得稅 income tax for enterprises
避稅 tax avoidance
逃稅 tax evasion
代扣代繳 withhold and remit tax
稅收優(yōu)惠 tax preference
2. 中國農民豐收節(jié)
Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival
"中國農民豐收節(jié)"Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival
秋分(autumn equinox)
最能體現(xiàn)豐收(it's the best time to celebrate the harvest)
我國各地收獲的時節(jié)有所不同蜒谤,但多數(shù)地方都在秋季(Although climates and crops differ in various parts of China, most crops mature in autumn)
少數(shù)民族有慶祝豐收的傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日(ethnic groups in China have their own festivals at harvest time)
有利于促進中華民族大家庭的和睦團結和發(fā)展(to enhance harmony and development of the Chinese nation)
鄉(xiāng)村治理體系 rural governance model
農業(yè)農村現(xiàn)代化 modernization of agriculture and rural areas
"三農"問題(農業(yè)農村農民問題) issues relating to agriculture, rural areas, and rural people
產業(yè)興旺阶祭、生態(tài)宜居接剩、鄉(xiāng)風文明培他、治理有效、生活富裕 to build rural areas with thriving businesses, pleasant living environments, social etiquette and civility, effective governance, and prosperity
3. 超級高鐵
super high-speed train
2018世界交通運輸大會the World Transport Convention 2018
高速磁懸浮軌道交通(high-speed magnetic suspension rail transport)
比例模型車試驗線(scale model train test line)
"高溫超導磁懸浮真空管"技術(high-temperature superconductivity magnetic suspension plus vacuum valve technology)
超高速磁懸浮列車(ultrahigh-speed maglev)
運營里程(operating mileage)
設計速度(design speed)
真空管 vacuum tube
減少摩擦和阻力 reduce friction and resistance
超高速磁懸浮列車 ultrahigh-speed maglev
縮短行程 cut the journey
4. 中央調劑制度
central adjustment system
養(yǎng)老保險基金中央調劑制度(a central adjustment system for basic pension funds)
對各省份養(yǎng)老保險基金進行適度調劑(a central adjustment fund will be set up to regulate pension funds in various provincial regions)
確卑每荆基本養(yǎng)老金按時足額發(fā)放(help guarantee timely and complete payments to retirees)
中央調劑基金由各省份養(yǎng)老保險基金上解的資金構成(the adjustment fund draws a certain portion from the provincial capital pool)
中央調劑基金實行以收定支(distribution of the adjustment fund will be based on scale of the capital pool)
中央調劑基金納入中央級社會保障基金財政專戶(the adjustment fund is managed by a special account of the central social security fund)
現(xiàn)行中央財政補助政策和補助方式不變(the central government will continue supporting local governments in pension distributions)
商業(yè)保險 commercial insurance
養(yǎng)老保險 endowment insurance
社會保障體系 social security system
社會安全網(wǎng) a net for social security
養(yǎng)老金投資 pension funds investment
居家養(yǎng)老服務 home-based elderly care services
5. 第一寶寶
First Baby
在任內生育(give birth while in office)
休產假(take maternity leave)
充任代總理(serve as acting prime minister)
被推選為(新黨首)was propelled into the job
憑借成功組閣(through a coalition deal)
(新西蘭)歷史上第三位女總理(the third woman to be the country's prime minister
現(xiàn)代歷史上第二位在任內誕下寶寶的政府首腦(the second leader in modern times to give birth while in office)
一直工作到孕晚期(work until late into her pregnancy)
撫摸她隆起的肚子(touch her stomach)
"迷你版雨靴(miniature gumboots)"
孕產期福利 maternity benefits
懷孕歧視 pregnancy discrimination
阻礙事業(yè)發(fā)展 hinder career progression
度過試用期 pass probation period