網(wǎng)上看到的解決辦法坏瘩,實測可以解決,(已過時漠魏,至少react-redux 7.1.3會報錯)
react-redux: 7.1.3
*** withRef is removed. To access the wrapped instance, use a ref on the connected component ***
// 最原始的導出一個綁定到redux的組件 柱锹,無法導出內(nèi)部屬性
// export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapActionToProps)(App);
// 以前版本可以導出內(nèi)部屬性的改動
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapActionToProps, null, {withRef: true})(App);
// 最新react-redux可以導出內(nèi)部屬性的改動
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapActionToProps, null, {forwardRef: true})(App);
export const connect: Connect;
export interface Connect {
// tslint:disable:no-unnecessary-generics
(): InferableComponentEnhancer<DispatchProp>;
<TStateProps = {}, no_dispatch = {}, TOwnProps = {}, State = {}>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToPropsParam<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State>
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TStateProps & DispatchProp, TOwnProps>;
<no_state = {}, TDispatchProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}>(
mapStateToProps: null | undefined,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsNonObject<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>;
<no_state = {}, TDispatchProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}>(
mapStateToProps: null | undefined,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsParam<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>,
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<
<TStateProps = {}, TDispatchProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}, State = {}>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToPropsParam<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State>,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsNonObject<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TStateProps & TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>;
<TStateProps = {}, TDispatchProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}, State = {}>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToPropsParam<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State>,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsParam<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>,
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<
TStateProps & ResolveThunks<TDispatchProps>,
<no_state = {}, no_dispatch = {}, TOwnProps = {}, TMergedProps = {}>(
mapStateToProps: null | undefined,
mapDispatchToProps: null | undefined,
mergeProps: MergeProps<undefined, undefined, TOwnProps, TMergedProps>,
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TMergedProps, TOwnProps>;
<TStateProps = {}, no_dispatch = {}, TOwnProps = {}, TMergedProps = {}, State = {}>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToPropsParam<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State>,
mapDispatchToProps: null | undefined,
mergeProps: MergeProps<TStateProps, undefined, TOwnProps, TMergedProps>,
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TMergedProps, TOwnProps>;
<no_state = {}, TDispatchProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}, TMergedProps = {}>(
mapStateToProps: null | undefined,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsParam<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>,
mergeProps: MergeProps<undefined, TDispatchProps, TOwnProps, TMergedProps>,
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TMergedProps, TOwnProps>;
<TStateProps = {}, no_dispatch = {}, TOwnProps = {}, State = {}>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToPropsParam<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State>,
mapDispatchToProps: null | undefined,
mergeProps: null | undefined,
options: Options<State, TStateProps, TOwnProps>
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<DispatchProp & TStateProps, TOwnProps>;
<TStateProps = {}, TDispatchProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}>(
mapStateToProps: null | undefined,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsNonObject<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>,
mergeProps: null | undefined,
options: Options<{}, TStateProps, TOwnProps>
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>;
<TStateProps = {}, TDispatchProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}>(
mapStateToProps: null | undefined,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsParam<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>,
mergeProps: null | undefined,
options: Options<{}, TStateProps, TOwnProps>
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<
<TStateProps = {}, TDispatchProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}, State = {}>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToPropsParam<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State>,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsNonObject<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>,
mergeProps: null | undefined,
options: Options<State, TStateProps, TOwnProps>
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TStateProps & TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>;
<TStateProps = {}, TDispatchProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}, State = {}>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToPropsParam<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State>,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsParam<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>,
mergeProps: null | undefined,
options: Options<State, TStateProps, TOwnProps>
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<
TStateProps & ResolveThunks<TDispatchProps>,
<TStateProps = {}, TDispatchProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}, TMergedProps = {}, State = {}>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToPropsParam<TStateProps, TOwnProps, State>,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsParam<TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>,
mergeProps: MergeProps<TStateProps, TDispatchProps, TOwnProps, TMergedProps>,
options?: Options<State, TStateProps, TOwnProps, TMergedProps>
): InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<TMergedProps, TOwnProps>;
// tslint:enable:no-unnecessary-generics
// 我們看到這些個函數(shù)瞧毙,不同的入?yún)㈦驶N覀冎灰磑ptions就可以。
// options指向 Options
export interface Options<State = {}, TStateProps = {}, TOwnProps = {}, TMergedProps = {}> extends ConnectOptions {
* If true, implements shouldComponentUpdate and shallowly compares the result of mergeProps,
* preventing unnecessary updates, assuming that the component is a “pure” component
* and does not rely on any input or state other than its props and the selected Redux store’s state.
* Defaults to true.
* @default true
pure?: boolean;
* When pure, compares incoming store state to its previous value.
* @default strictEqual
areStatesEqual?: (nextState: State, prevState: State) => boolean;
* When pure, compares incoming props to its previous value.
* @default shallowEqual
areOwnPropsEqual?: (nextOwnProps: TOwnProps, prevOwnProps: TOwnProps) => boolean;
* When pure, compares the result of mapStateToProps to its previous value.
* @default shallowEqual
areStatePropsEqual?: (nextStateProps: TStateProps, prevStateProps: TStateProps) => boolean;
* When pure, compares the result of mergeProps to its previous value.
* @default shallowEqual
areMergedPropsEqual?: (nextMergedProps: TMergedProps, prevMergedProps: TMergedProps) => boolean;
* If true, use React's forwardRef to expose a ref of the wrapped component
* @default false
forwardRef?: boolean;
看上面的源碼我們就能看到 forwardRef這個了宙彪。
const mapStateToProps =(state) => ({
login: state.login,
const mapActionToProps =(dispatch) => ({
loginAction: bindActionCreators(LoginAction, dispatch),
// export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapActionToProps)(App);
// 修改為下行代碼就可以通過ref獲取到內(nèi)部函數(shù)
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapActionToProps, null, {withRef: true})(App);
connect 是從 react-redux 庫中引入