First the good news: Rates of death due to?cancer?are falling nationwide, according to the AmericanCancerSociety's2016 figures.
After peaking back in 1991, when 215 out of every 100,000 Americans died fromcancer, that number has since fallen 23%. Among all four of the most common cancers—lung, colorectal, breast, and prostate—death rates are dropping, the AmericanCancerSociety (ACS)reports.
But while better screening methods and treatments are saving lives, some forms ofcancerremain terribly lethal. The cancers on this list are the ones most likely to result in death within 5 years of diagnosis, according to the latest NationalCancerInstitute (NCI)statistics.?(Discover how to heal 95+healthconditions naturally withEat for Extraordinary Health & Healing.)
Five-year survival rate:7.2%
Lifetime risk:1 in 65
Your pancreas is a small, finger-shaped organ nestled behind yourstomach. It helps with your digestion, and also secretes hormones like insulin that control your bloodsugar levelsandmetabolism.
A family history is one risk factor for pancreaticcancer. If you havediabetes, a history ofstomachproblems, or cirrhosis of the liver, all of those conditions are linked with a greater risk of the disease, which tends to strike later in life. (Theaverage age of diagnosisis 71.)
While some new tests may help with early detection, pancreaticcanceris deadly preciselybecause it's tough to spotbefore it has spread to other organs.
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Five-year survival rate:9.2%
Lifetime risk:1 in 140 for men, 1 in 710 for women
Your lungs, heart, and many other organs are wrapped in a thin layer of tissue called the mesothelium. As the name implies, mesothelioma is acancerof this tissue layer.
Asbestos exposure accounts for 80% of mesothelioma cases, according toresearchfrom Australia. For this reason, people who work in plumbing, construction, or other building trades are most at risk.
Symptoms can includechest pain, shortness of breath, and abdominal pain or swelling—depending on the location of thecancer.
Five-year survival rate:17.2%
Lifetime risk:Roughly 1 in 100
The largest internal organ in your body, your liver is tucked underneath your right lung. ?It plays a big role in breaking down the stuff you eat and drawing out your food's beneficial nutrients.
Aheavy alcohol habitand a diagnosis of hepatitis B or C are some of the greatestrisk factorsfor livercancer. So are other liver conditions like cirrhosis.
When it comes to warning signs, suddenweightloss, a cratering appetite, and feeling full even after small meals are allsymptoms—though they overlap with other gut andstomachconditions, many of which aren't serious.
Five-year survival rate:17.4%
Lifetime risk:1 in 14 for men, 1 in 17 for women
While breast and prostate cancers are more common, lungcanceris, according to the ACS, "by far" theleading cause of cancer deathamong both men and women.
Like the other deadly cancers on this list, lungcanceris tough to identify until it has reached an advanced stage,the ACS reports. Smoking accounts for 80% of lungcancercases, and your risk goes up the more you smoke andthe longer you maintain your habit.
If you're a long-time tobacco fiend, screening for lungcancermaylower your riskfor mortality by 20%, the ACS says. Talk with your doctor.
MORE:10 Cancer Symptoms Most People Ignore
Five-year survival rate:17.9%
Lifetime risk:Around 1 in 1,300 for men and 1 in 550 for women
Like your pancreas, your gallbladder is a small organ tucked deep inside your abdomen below your liver. Its job is to hold bile, astomachfluid that helps your digestive system break down food.
"Severe, steady upper abdominal pain can be an early presentation for gallbladdercancer," saysEldon Shaffer, MD, a professor and gallbladdercancerresearcher at the University of Calgary.
Chronic inflammation—plus the usual genetic factors—is your greatest risk factor when it comes to gallbladdercancer, he says.
In terms of 5-year survival rates,cancerof theesophagus(17.9% survival rate),uterus(27.2%),stomach(29.3%), andbrain(30.3%), as well as some forms ofleukemia, round out this grim list.
While each of these cancers comes with its own risk factors and symptoms, research consistently shows thatexercise, a healthydiet, and maintaining a healthyweightare among the surest ways tolower your risksfor nearly all forms ofcancer.