文章啟用第一人稱講述银亲,并以 “You may remember, my dear friend”開篇慢叨,瞬間將讀者引入情境,仿佛正在聆聽一位好友娓娓講述务蝠,語調平靜緩慢拍谐,輕松親切。文章語言風格隨內容變化:“I”的自述部分表達口語化请梢,大量使用插入語赠尾;蜉蝣老者在講述哲理性話題時語言復雜正式,而講述自己一生時毅弧,則轉為口語化表述气嫁。
? ? ? ? 蜉蝣——人生的一個象征
偶爾斷斷續(xù)續(xù)也可聽清一兩句,原來它們正在熱烈討論兩位外國音樂家的優(yōu)劣比較——那兩位筏养,一位是蚋先生斧抱,一位是蚊先生:討論得非常之熱烈,它們似乎忘記了“蟲生”的短促渐溶,好像很有把握可以活滿一個月似的辉浦。你們多快樂呀,我這么想茎辐,你們的政府一定是賢明公正宪郊、寬仁待民的掂恕,? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? 英文正文
You may remember, my dear friend, that when we lately spend that happy day in the delightful garden and sweet society of the Moulin Joly, I stopped a little in one of our walks, and stayed some time behind the company.
We had been shown numberless skeletons of a kind of little fly, called an ephemera, whose successive generations, we were told, were bred and expired.within the day. I happened to see a living company of them on a leaf, who appeared to be engaged in conversation.
You know I understand all the inferior animal tongues. My too great application to the study of them is the best excuse I can give for the little progress I have made in your charming language. I listened through curiosity to the discourse of these little creatures; but as they, in their national vivacity,spoke three or four together, I could make but little of their convversation.
I found, however, by some broken expressions that I heard now and then, they were disputing warmly on the merit of two foreign musicians, one a cousin, the other a moscheto; in which dispute they spent their time, seemingly as regardless of the shortness of life as if they had been sure of living a month. Happy people! thought I; you are certainly under a wise, just, and mild government, since you have no public grievances to complain of, nor any subject of contention but the perfections and imperfections of foreign music. I turned my head from them to an old gray-headed one, who was single on another leaf, and talking to himself.
Being amused with his soliloquy, I put it down in writing, in hopes it will likewise amuse her to whom I am so much indebted for the most pleasing of all amusements, her delicious company and heavenly harmony.
“It was,” said he, “the opinion of learned philosophers of our race, who lived and flourishedlong before my time, that this vast world, the Moulin Joly, could not? itself subsist more than eighteen hours; and I think there was some foundation for that opinion, since, by the apparent motion of the great luminary? that gives life to all nature, and which in my time has evidently declined considerably towards the ocean at the end of our earth, it must then finish its course, be extinguished in the waters that surround us, and leave the world in cold and darkness, necessarily producing universal death and destruction. I have lived seven of those hours, a great age, being no less than four hundred and twenty minutes of time. How very few of us continue so long! I have seen generations born, flourish, and expire.
My present friends are the children and grandchildren of the friends of my youth, who are now, also, no more! And I must soon follow them; for, by the course of nature, though still in health, I cannot expect to live above seven or eight minutes longer.
What now avails all my toil and labor in amassing honey-dew on this leaf, which I cannot live to enjoy!
What the political struggles I have been engaged in for the good of my compatriot inhabitants of this bush, or my philosophical studies for the benefit of our race in general! for in politics what can laws do without morals?
Our present race of ephemera will in a course of minutes become corrupt, like those of other and older bushes, and consequently as wretched.And in philosophy how small our progress! Alas! Art is long, and life is short! My friends would comfort me with the idea of a name they say I shall leave behind me; and they tell me I have lived long enough to nature and to glory.
But what will fame be to an ephemera who no longer exists? And what will become of all history in the eighteenth hour, when the world itself, even the whole Moulin Joly, shall come to its end and be buried in universal ruin?”
To me, after all my eager pursuits, no solid pleasures now remain, but the reflection of a long life spent in meaning well, the sensible conversation of a few good lady ephemera, and now and then a kind smile and a tune from the ever amiable Brillante.
本杰明·富蘭克林(1706—1790)盈咳,美國著名的政治家耿眉、外交家、哲學家鱼响、文學家鸣剪。以及美國獨立戰(zhàn)爭的偉大領袖。? ? ?