? ? ? ?我看電影蝉仇,常常很膚淺后裸,不太會(huì)去深入思考瑰钮,會(huì)被一兩個(gè)感人的片段騙去一公升眼淚;但是我還是會(huì)看書看電影微驶,有時(shí)候看整部電影整本書會(huì)被一兩句臺(tái)詞擊中浪谴,我就覺得很值得。
? ? ? ? 看《Definitely, Maybe》就是這樣因苹。
? ? ? ? Will說苟耻,I don't want a fling,I want the real deal.
? ? ? ? ?April說,F(xiàn)orget the real deal. You don't find it, it finds you. It means that you get to a certain age and then you're ready. You're ready for kids or a commitment or,you know mortagage. And the person that you're with, then they become the one.
? ? ? ?記得張小嫻說過一段類似的話:浪子回頭不因?yàn)橐粋€(gè)人能讓他回頭扶檐,而是他自己想回頭了凶杖。所以生活里的真愛大抵不夠浪漫。電影里的Will肯定是個(gè)浪漫主義者款筑,而April是個(gè)理性主義者智蝠;在April說了這段話之后,Will問奈梳,So you're saying it's not who, but it's when. So there's never been a guy, ever,that made you think, "this is it!" "this is him." This is the one.電影里還有個(gè)片段能看出來Will是個(gè)不折不扣的浪漫主義者杈湾,Will準(zhǔn)備向異地女友Emily求婚的臺(tái)詞:I wanna marry you because you're the first person that I want to look at when I wake up in the morning. And the only one I wanna kiss goodnight. Because the first time that I saw these hands, I couldn't imagine not being able to hold them. But mainly, when you love someone as much as I love you , getting married is the only thing left to go. So will you… um. Marry me? 如果我是被求婚的對(duì)象,聽到這段臺(tái)詞當(dāng)下肯定會(huì)哭得像個(gè)傻逼狂點(diǎn)頭say yes攘须。
? ? ? ?然而回歸到日常生活中漆撞,總是理性主義者會(huì)生活得比較淡定,而浪漫主義者每每總要失望。在一段感情里女生常常是浪漫主義的幻想家浮驳,而男生卻常常是務(wù)實(shí)的理性主義者悍汛,常常會(huì)因?yàn)檫@樣的差別上演一幕幕撕逼大戰(zhàn)。浪漫主義者還常常因?yàn)榛孟?meet one who makes he/she think, yes this is the one!"而不小心成了剩男剩女至会。
? ? ? ?可是生活里的真愛大多數(shù)都是April所說的是你想安定下來的時(shí)候员凝,遇見了一個(gè)人,于是你們就結(jié)婚了奋献。當(dāng)然也有meet the one的概率健霹,但是現(xiàn)實(shí)中的凡夫俗子如你我,只能說瓶蚂,別賭運(yùn)氣糖埋,手上是誰就珍惜誰吧,愛情本來就是天時(shí)地利人和窃这。浪漫主義只能成為生活的點(diǎn)綴而不能成為生活的常態(tài)瞳别;當(dāng)然,我覺得偶爾的浪漫和驚喜還是必不可少的生活調(diào)味劑杭攻,anyway祟敛,我還是一個(gè)浪漫主義者。