data:ls_head type bapisdhd1,
ls_headx type bapisdh1x,
lt_item type table of bapisditm with header line,
lt_itemx type table of bapisditmx with header line,
lt_schedules type table of bapischdl with header line,
lt_schedulesx type table of bapischdlx with header line,
lt_parnr type table of bapiparnr with header line,
lt_conditions type table of bapicond with header line.
data:lt_return type table of bapiret2 with header line,
ls_return type bapiret2.
data:fv_vbeln type bapivbeln-vbeln.
ls_head-sales_org = fs_data-vkorg.
ls_head-distr_chan = fs_data-vtweg.
ls_head-division = fs_data-spart.
ls_head-doc_type = fs_data-auart.
ls_head-pymt_meth = fs_data-zlsch.
ls_head-purch_no_c = fs_data-dmsorder.
lt_item-itm_number = 10.
lt_item-material = fs_data-matnr.
lt_item-target_qty = 1.
lt_item-route = 'Z00001'.
append lt_item.
clear lt_item.
lt_itemx-itm_number = 10.
lt_itemx-updateflag = 'I'.
lt_itemx-material = 'X'.
lt_itemx-route = 'X'.
append lt_itemx.
clear lt_itemx.
lt_schedules-itm_number = 10.
lt_schedules-req_qty = 1.
append lt_schedules.
clear lt_schedules.
lt_schedulesx-itm_number = 10.
lt_schedulesx-req_qty = 1.
append lt_schedulesx.
clear lt_schedulesx.
perform frm_get_condition_data.
loop at gt_cond where kschl is not initial.
assign component gt_cond-field of structure fs_data to field-symbol(<fs_dmbtr>).
if <fs_dmbtr> is not initial.
lt_conditions-itm_number = 10.
lt_conditions-cond_type = gt_cond-kschl.
lt_conditions-cond_value = <fs_dmbtr>.
lt_conditions-currency = 'CNY'.
append lt_conditions.
clear lt_conditions.
unassign <fs_dmbtr>.
lt_parnr-partn_role = 'AG'. "售達方
lt_parnr-partn_numb = fs_data-kunnr.
append lt_parnr.
clear lt_parnr.
lt_parnr-partn_role = 'WE'."送達方
lt_parnr-partn_numb = fs_data-kunn2.
append lt_parnr.
clear lt_parnr.
sales_header_in = ls_head
salesdocument_ex = fv_vbeln
return = lt_return
sales_items_in = lt_item
sales_items_inx = lt_itemx
sales_partners = lt_parnr
sales_schedules_in = lt_schedules
sales_schedules_inx = lt_schedulesx
sales_conditions_in = lt_conditions.