
L4-U1-P3-1 Listening : Harry's Trips 1哈利的旅行

Harry is an American businessman. 哈里是一位美國商人。

His job requires him to do a lot of traveling. 他的工作要求他經(jīng)常出差芯杀。

He takes 9 or 10 trips a year. 他一年要出差9到10次狂男。

In the past six months he has made 5 trips. 在過去的六個月中贮懈,他已經(jīng)旅行了五次蛇数。

(He has made 5 trips is the last 6 months. 在過去的6個月里称近,他已經(jīng)旅行了5次)

Three were to Asia and two were to Europe. 三次去了亞洲撇贺,兩次去了歐洲趟脂。

The purpose of these trips is to attend meetings and make presentations. 這些旅行的目的是參加會議和做報告。

Harry loves to travel, and he's traveled to many countries.哈里喜歡旅行哀墓,他去過很多國家趁餐。

Most of his trips are for one or two weeks. 他的旅行大多是一兩個星期喷兼。

His first international trip was 15 years ago when he was 20 years old. 他第一次國際旅行是在15年前篮绰,當(dāng)時他20歲。

He really wanted to see Asia, so he and a friend flew to Tokyo, Japan. 他真的很想看看亞洲季惯,所以他和一個朋友飛到了日本東京吠各。

From Tokyo, they traveled around Japan for two weeks. 從東京出發(fā),他們在日本旅游了兩個星期勉抓。

The people they met were very nice, but most of them didn't speak English. 他們遇到的人都很好贾漏,但他們大多數(shù)都不會說英語。

Harry tried to speak a little Japanese, but it was difficult. 哈利試著說一點日語藕筋,但很難纵散。

He didn't do very well. 他說得不太好。

When he spoke to people, most of them just looked at him. 當(dāng)他和人們說話時隐圾,大多數(shù)人只是看著他伍掀。

They didn't understand what he was trying to say. 他們不明白他想說什么。

From Japan, they went to Korea for a week, and then they went to China. 他們從日本去了韓國一個星期暇藏,然后又去了中國蜜笤。

In China, they visited the Great Wall, near Beijing. 在中國,他們參觀了北京附近的長城盐碱。

They stayed in Beijing for a few days, and then boarded a train for Shanghai. 他們在北京呆了幾天把兔,然后登上了開往上海的火車沪伙。

It was an overnight train with sleeping cars. 那是一列有臥鋪車廂的通宵火車。

During the journey, they enjoyed looking out the window at the countryside. 在旅途中县好,他們欣賞著窗外的鄉(xiāng)村風(fēng)光围橡。

The view from the train was wonderful. 從火車上看風(fēng)景很美。

Harry will never forget watching the sun go down in the evening. 哈利永遠(yuǎn)不會忘記晚上看太陽下山的情景缕贡。

It was a beautiful sunset. 那是美麗的日落某饰。

The journey to shanghai, took many hours, but it was an

unforgettable experience. 去上海的旅程花了好幾個小時,但那是一次難忘的經(jīng)歷善绎。

On the train, they met a Chinese professor who spoke English. 在火車上黔漂,他們遇到了一位會說英語的中國教授。

He was a middle-aged man whose hair was turning grey. 他是個白發(fā)蒼蒼的中年人禀酱。

He told them about how things were changing in china. 他告訴他們中國正在發(fā)生怎樣的變化炬守。

It was wonderful to watch him as he was speaking. 看著他講話真是太棒了。

His eyes were full of energy and excitement. 他的眼睛充滿了活力和興奮剂跟。

They only stayed in shanghai for a couple of days. 他們只在上海待了幾天减途。

Then they returned to the US and went back to school. 然后他們回到美國,回到學(xué)校曹洽。

They had one more year to finish their studies. 他們還有一年的時間完成學(xué)業(yè)鳍置。


L4-U1-P3-2Listening : Harry's Trips 2

Harry's next few trips were to different parts of the world. 哈利接下來的幾次旅行是到世界的不同地方。

He went to Europe twice, each time to different countries. 他去過歐洲兩次送淆,每次都去了不同的國家税产。

On one trip, he traveled through the UK and France. 有一次,他走遍了英國和法國偷崩。

On the next trip, he went to Italy and Greece.下一次旅行辟拷,他去了意大利和希臘。

After Europe, he traveled to Mexico and South America.歐洲之后他去了墨西哥和南美阐斜。

In south America, he went to Argentina and Brazil. 在南美衫冻,他去了阿根廷和巴西。

He enjoyed watching some great soccer matches. 他喜歡看一些精彩的足球比賽谒出。

Then he decided to go back to Asia. 然后他決定回到亞洲隅俘。

But this time he went to southeast Asia. 但這一次他去了東南亞。

He visited Vietnam, Thailand and Singapore. 他訪問了越南笤喳、泰國和新加坡为居。

Each country had a charm of its own. 每個國家都有自己的魅力。

After all this travel, Harry decided to make travel part of his career. 在這些旅行之后莉测,哈里決定把旅行作為他職業(yè)生涯的一部分颜骤。

He didn't want to work only in the US. 他不想只在美國工作。

He didn't want to work only with Americans. 他不想只和美國人合作捣卤。

He wanted to experience other countries and other cultures.他想體驗其他國家和其他文化忍抽。

His dream was to work for an international company. 他的夢想是為一家國際公司工作八孝。

Five years ago his dream came true. 五年前他的夢想實現(xiàn)了。

Now he's working for a German hi-tech company. 現(xiàn)在他在一家德國高科技公司工作鸠项。

As part of his job, he has to travel a lot. 作為工作的一部分干跛,他必須經(jīng)常出差。

As a result, he has been to many cities and countries. 因此祟绊,他去過許多城市和國家楼入。

And he has met many interesting people. 他遇到了很多有趣的人。

L4-U1-P3-3 Vocabulary:Dental Problems牙齒問題

A dental cavity is a hole in the tooth. 蛀牙是牙齒上的一個洞牧抽。

A cavity is caused by bacteria in the mouth. 蛀牙是由口腔里的細(xì)菌引起的嘉熊。

Brushing your teeth frequently and regularly can help

prevent cavities. 經(jīng)常定期刷牙有助于預(yù)防蛀牙。

A cracked tooth can be caused by biting down on something hard. 牙齒開裂可能是咬硬東西造成的扬舒。

Dentists treat a cracked tooth by covering it with a crown.牙醫(yī)治療裂開的牙齒用牙冠覆蓋阐肤。

A dental x-ray is a picture of your teeth and gums. 牙科x光是你牙齒和牙齦的照片。

An x-ray shows what can't be seen on the surface of the teeth and gums. x光顯示了牙齒和牙齦表面看不到的東西讲坎。

Braces are used by dentists to straighten teeth over a period of years. 牙套是牙醫(yī)在數(shù)年內(nèi)用來矯正牙齒的工具孕惜。

Though braces are usually for children, they can also be used for adults with crooked teeth. 雖然牙套通常用于兒童,但也可以用于牙齒不整齊的成人晨炕。

To extract a tooth, means to remove it from the mouth. 拔牙就是把它從嘴里取出來衫画。

Dentists have to pull hard to extract a tooth. 牙醫(yī)要拔牙必須使勁拔。

Dentists often inject something into the gum to block the pain during the extraction process. 在拔牙的過程中瓮栗,牙醫(yī)經(jīng)常在牙齦中注射一些東西來阻止疼痛削罩。

L4-U1-P3-4 Vocabulary:Internal Organs內(nèi)臟器官

The heart pumps blood to all parts of the body through a system of arteries and veins. 心臟通過動脈和靜脈系統(tǒng)將血液輸送到身體的各個部位。

It's located in the chest, between the lungs, and beats about once per second. 它位于胸腔遵馆,肺部之間鲸郊,大約每秒跳動一次丰榴。

The kidneys remove waste and toxins from the blood. 腎臟清除血液中的廢物和毒素货邓。

They are bean shaped organs and are about 10 centimeters long and 6 centimeters wide. 它們是豆子形狀的器官,長約10厘米四濒,寬約6厘米换况。

The lungs exchange oxygen from the air with carbon dioxide from the blood. 肺部將空氣中的氧氣與血液中的二氧化碳進(jìn)行交換。

They expand when inhaling air, and contract when exhaling air. 吸入空氣時膨脹盗蟆,呼出空氣時收縮戈二。

The stomach is below the heart, and it's part of the digestive system. 胃位于心臟下方,是消化系統(tǒng)的一部分喳资。

It uses acids to digest food before passing it to the small intestine. 在食物進(jìn)入小腸之前觉吭,它用酸來消化食物。

The bladder is a balloon-shaped organ that collects urine from the kidneys. 膀胱是一個氣球形狀的器官仆邓,從腎臟收集尿液鲜滩。

In an adult, the bladder can hold about half a liter of urine. 成年人的膀胱可以容納大約半升的尿液伴鳖。

L4-U1-P3-5 Dialogue:Police Traffic Stop警察制止交通

A: Good evening, sir.

You were driving too fast. 你開得太快了。

B: Really? was I? 真的嗎?我有嗎?

A: Yes, you were going well above the speed limit. 是的徙硅,你的速度遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)超過了極限榜聂。

B: I'm sorry, Officer.

A: OK, I need to see your driver's license. 好的,我需要看一下你的駕照嗓蘑。

(He has given his driver's license to the police officer. 他已把駕駛執(zhí)照給了警察须肆。)

B: Here is my driver's license. 這是我的駕照。

A: Your license has expired. 您的駕照過期了桩皿。

Are you aware of that? 你知道嗎豌汇?

B: No, sir. that's a surprise. 不知道。真是意外泄隔。

I didn't know. 我不知道瘤礁。

A: It expired more than a year ago. 它一年多前就過期了。

Is this your car? 是你的車嗎?

B: No, sir. It's a Friend's. 不梅尤,先生柜思,這是朋友的。

I'm borrowing it for the night. 我要借它過夜巷燥。

A: Get out of the car and put your hands behind your back. 下車赡盘,把手放在背后。

B: Why, officer? What have I done? 為什么缰揪,警官陨享?我做了什么?

A: Just do as I say. 照我說的做钝腺。

B: OK, officer. I'm cooperating. 好的,警官抛姑。我合作。

Please don't push me. 請不要逼我艳狐。

A: Get your hands behind your back. 把手放在背后定硝。

B: OK, OK.

A: I'm not asking you. 我不是在請求你。

I'm ordering you.我是在命令你毫目。

B: Please蔬啡,officer. 拜托,警官镀虐。I haven't done anything wrong.我沒做錯什么箱蟆。

A: Stay still and don't say anything. 呆著別動,什么也別說刮便。

This is a stolen car. are you aware of that? 這是一輛偷來的車空猜。你知道嗎?

B: Are you going to arrest me? 你要逮捕我嗎?

A: What do you think? 你覺得呢?

That's what we do with car thieves. 我們就是這么對付偷車賊的。


L4-U1-P1-6 Listening

L4-U1-P1-7 Vocabulary

L4-U1-P1-8 Speaking

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