1.You’ll never make your mark as a writer unless you?develop a respect for words and a curiosity about their shades of meaning?that is almost obsessive.
e.g.she is absolutely so beautiful that obsessed with me.
第二種意思是對某事過分牽掛,念念不忘骨望,be obsessing about sth牵囤。而obsessive的意思就是迷戀爸黄,obsessive有名詞和形容詞,當作名詞時表強迫癥患者奔浅,表adj時有種貶義的癡迷馆纳,過度的迷戀。生活中有人對干凈有種癡迷汹桦,即所謂潔癖鲁驶,我們可以說an obsessive concern with cleanliness.
2.he was the most revered and influential?journalist of his generation.
revere代表admire and ?respect,是一種正式用法舞骆。在這里用一下我在單詞書學的phrase verb钥弯,look up to sb,這里的look up to就是表示respect and admire them.
3.Also bear in mind, when you’re choosing words and stringing them?together, how they sound. This may seem absurd: readers read with their?eyes.
absurd有兩種意思督禽,第一種就是ridiculous脆霎,第二種就是悖論的意思 seems an absurd idea.
4.An occasional short sentence can carry a tremendous punch.
tremendous:very fast,big.寫這個單詞因為文章中出現很多表示“巨大”的意思狈惫,比如說vast睛蛛,但vast還有廣闊的意思
5.It’s the common currency of?newspapers and of magazines like People—a mixture of cheap words,?made-up words and clichés that have become so pervasive that a writer?can hardly help using them.
?pervasive:existing everywhere
e.g. the pervasive influence of fake news.
It’s a fundamental question, and it has a fundamental answer: You are?writing for yourself.Besides, they’re always looking for?something new.(chapter5)
You are writing primarily to please yourself, and if you go about it with enjoyment you?will also entertain the readers who are worth writing for.(chapter5)
It’s the common currency of?newspapers and of magazines like People—a mixture of cheap words,made-up words and clichés that have become so pervasive that a writer?can hardly help using them. You must fight these phrases or you’ll sound?like every hack.
We are in the hands of a hack,and we know it right away. We stop reading.Don’t let yourself get in this position. The only way to avoid it is to?care deeply about words.
The race in writing is not to the swift but to the original.Writing is learned by imitation.Good writers of prose?must be part poet, always listening to what they write.
這些句子實在是太喜歡,我在讀的時候把它畫了下來胧谈。你到底是為了誰而寫忆肾?本章標題了是觀眾,你是為了迎合觀眾還是按內心所想的寫的菱肖?承接了上章所說風格為自己的客冈,寫作時如果自己寫嗨了讀者也能嗨了。文中舉例了Mencken稳强,他的非小說對后代都產生了深遠的影響场仲,原因就是他寫出了自己的風格。第六章說報紙雜志所用詞太普遍退疫,就像FT TIMES與經濟學人渠缕,金融時報這種時效性新聞追求快即所謂時效性,所用詞普遍是為了有效傳遞消息褒繁。而經濟學人思考層次亦鳞、深度都高一層,用詞表達方面更深思熟慮,因為被當做商業(yè)經典蚜迅,也是我們考試出題的范圍,仔細看會發(fā)現有時標題是一語雙關的俊抵。比如說有篇deep trouble谁不,既指深海也指深陷困境。