“12這樣看來晌块,我親愛的 弟兄 束析,你們既是常順服的系宜,不但我在你們那里,就是我如今不在你們那里啡氢,更是順服的,就當恐懼戰(zhàn)兢做成你們得救的工夫期犬。 13因為你們立志行事都是 神在你們心里運行年堆,為要成就他的美意∧抛眩”腓立比書 2:12-13
“做成得救的功夫”征炼,當懷著“恐懼戰(zhàn)兢”的態(tài)度。這不是說我們是出于對定罪的懼怕而要通過各種努力來掙得救恩吁朦。不是這樣的柒室。 這里所說的“恐懼戰(zhàn)兢”是指對可畏之主的敬畏,承認他的主權和我們對他的順服的必要逗宜。順服神的話語并效法耶穌雄右,是我們對自己得救的生命的維護和操練,好使我們的靈命保持健康纺讲,成長以至合乎主用擂仍。“做成(work out)”就好像去健身房鍛煉熬甚,一時半會兒你可能看不到自己的改變逢渔,但是你知道每一次舉重,每一次拉伸乡括,都有看不見的力量使你更加強壯肃廓。如若堅持智厌,不假時日,身體會發(fā)生明顯的變化盲赊。靈命的做成(work out, 健身)也是如此铣鹏。13節(jié)讓我們看到,每一次操練哀蘑,神都在我們心里運行诚卸。他在我們里面放入從他而來的心志,教導我們討他喜悅的行事方式绘迁,并成就每一個他為我們而定下的美好的旨意合溺。
讓我們不要再閑散偷懶,進入屬靈的健身房開始 work out 吧缀台!
Therefore...As you have always obeyed,...work out your salvation....for it is God who works.
From the last reading, the Philippians church, knowing the obedience of Jesus who emptied himself, and knowing that they are being asked by Paul to have the same obedience, is given these two verses. 'Therefore' suggests that we are to respond to Christ's example. It is one possible response to see the obedience of Jesus and then choosing as a result to put on the same attitude as Christ, yet there are other possible responses as well like remaining in our own un-Christlike attitudes, and justifying our unwillingness to change with excuse after excuse棠赛,or serving others despite being unChrist-like. But Only by choosing to follow Jesus in this area of humility, we get the good work started as suggested in verse 1:6 --by him first showing us the example , and how we participate in its completion: by following his example. Paul stresses to his audience their need to obey his instructions: in his presence and moreso in his absence.
We 'work out' our salvation by practising his obedient attitude towards God and service to others in fear and trembling. It is not doing work to earn our salvation from God and fearing that we would be condemned. NO. This fear and trembling is directed to an awesome God and Recognising his sovereignty and our total need to obey our king. By practising obedience to his Word and following his example, it is our natural exercise for our saved selves to keep spiritually fit for God's service. 'Working out’ is like exercising in a gym, though you cannot see yourself growing, but you know that with each weight you lift, an invisible force is making you stronger.? This is the same with our spiritual ‘workout’. Verse 13 confirms that as you work out, God does a work in you. He builds in us a godly will, teaches us to practise godly actions and fulfil every good purpose of God's. So let's stop lazing and start working out.