#Primitive Data Types
##What is a primitive data type?
- Numbers, characters and booleans
- Stored in fastest available memory
- Primitive data type names are all lowercase
- String is not a primitive, its an object
##Declaring Primitive Variables
- Java is a statically typed language
- All variables must have their types declared.
-? int myVar = 5;
^data type
##Equivalent Helper Class
- Java class library includes helper classes for each primitive
- Helper classes support conversion and formatting tools
##Helper Class Example
- java.lang.Double supports __double__ values
''double doubleValue = 156.5d;
''Double doubleObj = new Double(doubleValue);
''byte byteValue = doubleObj.byteValue();
''int intValue = doubleObj.floatValue();
''String stringValue = doubleObj.toString();
##Primitive Numeric Defaults
- Primitive numeric variables default to 0.
''int myInt;
''System.out.println("The value of myInt is "+myInt);
%%The value of myInt is 0