The information below relates to offences dealtwith by courts in England and Wales during 2010
19.Which of the following is a safe inference todraw from the above data?
1 London has the highest crime rate in the country.
2 The number of sentences handed down in Yorkshirewas more than twice that of Wales.
3 In the North West more than 6 out of every 1 000population have been sentenced in 2010.
A 1 only
B 2 only
C 3 only
D 1 and 2 only
E 1 and 3 only
F 2 and 3 only
G 1, 2 and 3
H None of the statements
20.Which one of the following is the bestestimate of the ratio of sentences to population in London?
A 55 for every 1 000 inhabitants
B 1 for every 155 inhabitants
C 1 for every 182 inhabitants
D 18.2 for every 10 000 inhabitants
E 1 for every 1 818 inhabitants
21.Table 1shows that there were 25 000 sentences handed down in the South West region in2010. Table 2 shows that 0.4% of recorded offences were arson attacks,revealing that in the South West exactly 100 arson sentences were given forarson in that year.
Which of the following assumptions, if any, arerequired for this argument?
1 The number of recorded arson attacks in the SouthWest is proportionate to the total number of such attacks across all regions.
2 The number of recorded offences in each region isthe same as the number of sentences in that region.
A 1 but not 2
B 2 but not 1
C Both 1 and 2
D Neither 1 nor 2