Norwegian Wood
村上春樹的小說《挪威的森林》最后冗澈,玲子和渡邊為直子辦一個不那么寂寞的葬禮钦勘,彈了很多披頭士的曲子。唯獨Norwegian Wood彈了兩遍亚亲。直子每次聽了這首都會想起又深又暗的森林彻采,悲哀得不行。最后直子選擇了死亡捌归,在黑夜中的森林里肛响。
如果僅從英文來看,Wood似乎是「木頭惜索、家具」的意思特笋。村上寫過一篇雜文《只見挪威樹木,不見挪威森林》门扇,寫到有種意見認為「Norwegian Wood并非挪威的森林雹有,那其實是誤譯偿渡,本義應當是挪威產的家具」。但村上并不同意這個看法霸奕,他認為Norwegian Wood是故意模棱兩可的詞匯溜宽。究竟模糊了什么?就讓我們先拋開其他的质帅,看看這首歌吧适揉。
"Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)"主要由約翰·列儂所寫,收錄于1965年的專輯Rubber Soul中煤惩。歌曲表面上勾畫了歌手和神秘女子的一次失敗的感情嫉嘀,歌詞是這樣的:
I once had a girl, or should I say, she once had me
She showed me her room, isn't it good, norwegian wood?
She asked me to stay and she told me to sit anywhere
So I looked around and I noticed there wasn't a chair
I sat on the rug, biding my time, drinking her wine
We talked until two and then she said, "It's time for bed"
She told me she worked in the morning and started to laugh
I told her I didn't and crawled off to sleep in the bath
And when I awoke I was alone, this bird had flown
So I lit a fire, isn't it good, norwegian wood?
"Norwegian Wood"其實不是真正的歌名兵怯。一開始的歌名叫"Knowing She Would"彩匕。想想歌詞的前后內容,你明白它的意思吧媒区?(即是說驼仪,'Isn't it good, knowing she would?' 這樣豈不好,知道她想要袜漩?)但是唱片公司提出異議绪爸,宣稱不能灌錄這種是非不分的詞句。你看宙攻,當時這樣的限值還很嚴格嘛毡泻。于是約翰·列儂當場玩了個諧音游戲,把knowing she would改成了Norwegian Wood粘优。這么一來,不就真相難辨了么呻顽?這個歌名其實是一種玩笑哦雹顺。
——摘自《只見挪威樹木,不見挪威森林》 村上春樹 著廊遍, 施小煒 譯
Eleanor Rigby
聽到開頭的"Ah, Look all the lonely people"就被這首歌迷住了没酣,看了歌詞王财,整首歌都是講孤獨和死亡的,這在披頭士的歌中并不常見裕便。而這首歌是保羅·麥卡特尼在24歲時寫的绒净。
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice
In the church where a wedding has been
Lives in a dream
Waits at the window, wearing the face
That she keeps in a jar by the door
Who is it for?
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?
Father McKenzie, writing the words
of a sermon that no one will hear
No one comes near
Look at him working, darning his socks
In the night when there's nobody there
What does he care?
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Eleanor Rigby died in the church
And was buried along with her name
Nobody came
Father McKenzie, wiping the dirt
From his hands as he walks from the grave
No one was saved
All the lonely people
(Ah, look at all the lonely people)
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
(Ah, look at all the lonely people)
Where do they all belong?
Eleanor Rigby這個名字是保羅拼湊而成的,Eleanor是披頭士電影Help!中演出的意味女演員的名字偿衰,Rigby是利物浦普遍的姓氏挂疆。有趣的是,利物浦附近有個刻上Eleanor Rigby的墳墓下翎,那Eleanor Rigby生前也是個孤獨的人缤言。