讀完《飄》的英文版《Gone With The Wind》,飄中兩個(gè)女主斯嘉麗Scarlett和梅蘭妮Melanie苗缩,明顯斯嘉麗更光芒四射一些饵蒂,所以開始, 我會(huì)更喜歡斯嘉麗Scarlett酱讶, 因?yàn)樗赂遥?果斷退盯,活得很精彩,但越往后看越喜歡梅蘭妮泻肯, 因?yàn)樗拇髳邸?/b>
At the mention of Ashley’s name, Scarlett’s heart stood still, cold as granite within her. Melanie had known all the time. Scarlett dropped her head on the coverlet and a sob that would not rise caught her throat with a cruel hand. Melanie knew. Scarlett was beyond shame now, beyond any feeling save a wild remorse that she had hurt this gentle creature throughout the long years. Melanie had known—and yet, she had remained her loyal friend. Oh, if she could only live those years over again! She would never even let her eyes meet those of Ashley.? (補(bǔ)充點(diǎn)琉朽,雖然Scarlett知道了梅蘭妮原來一直都知道, 但是斯嘉麗并沒有向梅蘭妮坦白自己的錯(cuò)誤膏萧,她覺得自己錯(cuò)了漓骚,愿意接受老天的懲罰, 不愿意在這個(gè)時(shí)刻榛泛, 讓梅蘭妮分時(shí)間給她, 給她機(jī)會(huì)認(rèn)錯(cuò)噩斟,求得梅蘭妮的諒解曹锨。而且她知道梅蘭妮不怪她,原諒她了剃允,但她自己無法原諒自己沛简,所以愿意帶著愧疚活下去。這些是后文中寫道的斥废。)
其次椒楣,斯嘉麗和梅蘭妮的友誼是在患難中慢慢建立起來的。 開始是梅生孩子那天牡肉, 斯嘉麗幫忙接生捧灰, 生完后,在瑞德幫助下统锤,帶著梅蘭妮和剛出生的寶寶穿過戰(zhàn)火毛俏, 回到Tara莊園炭庙。途中斯嘉麗幾乎是拼了命才護(hù)得梅蘭妮母子無礙。 雖然斯嘉麗是信守對(duì)Ashley的承諾煌寇,但在梅蘭妮看來焕蹄, 這種恩情, 是一輩子都還不完了阀溶。 之后斯嘉麗重建Tara家園腻脏,有次一個(gè)士兵(也是小偷)來家里偷錢,斯嘉麗無奈用手槍打死了來人银锻,殺人后震驚之余看到梅蘭妮手握寶劍永品, 在樓頂看著自己。?
這是斯嘉麗第一次感到梅蘭妮的支持和理解徒仓。 下面是斯嘉麗的心理活動(dòng):
“Why—why—she’s like me! She understands how I feel!” thought Scarlett in. Yes, Melanie had been there that day with a sword in her small hand, ready to that long moment “She’d have done the same thing!” With a thrill she looked up at the frail swaying girl for whom she had never had any feelings but of dislike and contempt. Now, straggling against hatred for Ashley’s wife, there surged a feeling of admiration and comradeship. She saw in a flash of clarity untouched by any petty emotion that beneath the gentle voice and the dove like eyes of Melanie. there was a thin flashing blade of unbreakable steel, felt too that there were banners and bugles of courage in Melanie’s quiet blood.?
斯嘉麗開始不再是藐視梅蘭妮腐碱, 開始感受到兩人共同的地方,開始意識(shí)到梅蘭妮骨子里的力量掉弛。
她們之間感情的加深的另一個(gè)轉(zhuǎn)折點(diǎn)是在后面的一次搶劫中症见。 彼時(shí),南北戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)還沒有結(jié)束殃饿, 北方軍隊(duì)時(shí)不時(shí)搶劫一些財(cái)物谋作,食品等。搶劫中乎芳, 斯嘉麗為了保住夫家的傳家寶劍遵蚜, 跟一個(gè)士兵起了爭(zhēng)執(zhí), 士兵走后奈惑,背地里放了一把火吭净,梅蘭妮及時(shí)趕回,幫著滅火肴甸, 救下Scarlett寂殉,也救了莊園。滅火時(shí)原在, 斯嘉麗暈倒了友扰。下文是Scarlett 蘇醒過來后,她們兩個(gè)的對(duì)話和心理描寫:
But she was pushed back as Melanie’s calm voice said: “Lie still, dear. The fire’s out.”
She lay quiet for a moment, eyes closed, sighing with relief, and heard the slobbery gurgle of the baby near by and the reassuring sound of Wade’s hiccoughing. So he wasn’t dead, thank God! She opened her eyes and looked up into Melanie’s face. Her curls were singed, her face black with smut but her eyes were sparkling with excitement and she was smiling.(梅蘭妮滅火后的樣子)
“You look like a nigger,” murmured Scarlett, burrowing her head wearily into its soft pillow.
“And you look like the end man in a minstrel show,” replied Melanie equably.
“Why did you have to hit me?”?(因?yàn)樗辜嘻惐成现鹗粒诽m妮才推她的村怪,沒想到一推斯嘉麗暈倒了。)?
“Because, my darling, your back was on fire. I didn’t dream you’d faint,though the Lord knows you’ve had enough today to kill you. ... I came back as soon as I got the stock safe in the woods. I nearly died, thinking about you and the baby alone. Did—the Yankees harm you?”
“If you mean did they rape me, no,” said Scarlett, groaning as she tried to sit up. Though Melanie’s lap was soft, the porch on which she was lying was far from comfortable. “But they’ve stolen everything, everything. We’ve lost everything—Well, what is there to look so happy about?”
“We haven’t lost each other and our babies are all right and we have a roof over our heads,” said Melanie and there was a lilt in her voice. “And that’s all anyone can hope for now. ... Goodness but Beau is wet! I suppose the Yankees even stole his extra diapers. He— Scarlett, what on earth is in his diaper?”(梅蘭妮發(fā)現(xiàn)了斯嘉麗藏在尿布里面的錢包)
She thrust a suddenly frightened hand down the baby’s back and brought up the wallet. For a moment she looked at it as if she had never seen it before and then she began to laugh, peal on peal of mirth that had in it no hint of hysteria.
“Nobody but you would ever have thought of it,” she cried and flinging her arms around Scarlett’s neck she kissed her. “You are the beatenest sister I ever had!”(你是我最古靈精怪的妹妹)
Scarlett permitted the embrace because she was too tired to struggle, because the words of praise brought balm to her spirit and because, in the dark smoke-filled kitchen, there had been born a greater respect for her sister-in-law, a closer feeling of comradeship.
“I’ll say this for her,” she thought grudgingly, “she’s always there when you need her.”
Comradeship:friendship and loyalty among people who work together, fight together, etc.? 同志的意思。這是一種關(guān)系腊敲。不僅僅是朋友關(guān)系击喂,這種關(guān)系里更有一起奮斗的忠誠(chéng)。
看完這些就不難理解她們相互依存的關(guān)系碰辅,也就不難理解梅蘭妮為什么要將斯嘉麗看得那么重懂昂,為什么在斯嘉麗與自己丈夫傳出緋聞的時(shí)候, 還要力排眾議没宾, 帶著斯嘉麗出入老南方貴族家庭凌彬, 始終站在斯嘉麗背后支持她。??
關(guān)系鐵是一方面循衰, 另一方面铲敛, 其實(shí)梅蘭妮非常睿智。她知道Scarlett愛的不是Ashley会钝, 只是個(gè)夢(mèng)伐蒋,這個(gè)事實(shí)是Melly彌留時(shí), Scarlett才明白的迁酸。
她愛的只是個(gè)想象先鱼, 她“做了個(gè)漂亮的外衣,正好Ashley走過來奸鬓,他那么帥焙畔,于是把外衣披他身上,而從來不明白他真實(shí)的樣子串远,只是愛那個(gè)美麗的外衣宏多,愛的根本就不是他 ≡璺#” 原文如下:
“He never really existed at all, except in my imagination,” she thought wearily. “I loved something I made up, something that’s just as dead as Melly is. I made a pretty suit of clothes and fell in love with it. And when Ashley came riding along, so handsome, so different, I put that suit on him and made him wear it whether it fitted him or not. And I wouldn’t see what he really was. I kept on loving the pretty clothes—and not him at all.”
她也懂自己的丈夫Ashley的想法伸但,在梅蘭妮眼里,他只是個(gè)孩子留搔。梅蘭妮從來都是默默支持丈夫砌烁,從不說丈夫不好, 至死才說了一句催式, 他不現(xiàn)實(shí)。?
“Ashley isn’t—practical.”?Only death could have forced that disloyalty from Melanie.
“Look after him, Scarlett—but—don’t ever let him know.”
“If I’ve ever been strong, it was because she was behind me,” he said.
“And—and—all the strength I ever had is going with her.”
Ashley自己也明白避归,是妻子梅蘭妮一直在背后給他力量荣月, 所以他才走到現(xiàn)在。他自己其實(shí)是懦弱的梳毙。沒了梅蘭妮哺窄, 他所有的力量也不在了。? ?
“Why—” she said slowly, “why, Ashley, you love her, don’t you?”
He spoke as with an effort. “She is the only dream I ever had that lived and breathed and did not die in the face of reality.”
“Dreams!” she thought, an old irritation stirring. “Always dreams with him! Never common sense!”
" 全是夢(mèng)想坷襟!" 她心里暗忖著,以前那種容易惱怒的脾氣又要發(fā)作了生年。
With a heart that was heavy and a little bitter, she said: “You’ve been such a fool, Ashley. Why couldn’t you see that she was worth a million of me?” (連Scarlett自己后面也承認(rèn)婴程, 其實(shí)不只是Ashley笨,她自己也是a fool抱婉,自己沒看出档叔, 真愛是Butler,而不是Ashley)
“Scarlett, please! If you only knew what I’ve gone through since the doctor—”
“What you’ve gone through! Don’t you think that I— Oh, Ashley, you should have known, years ago, that you loved her and not me! Why didn’t you! Everything would have been so different, so— Oh, you should have realized and not kept me dangling with all your talk about honor and sacrifice! If you’d told me, years ago, I’d have— It would have killed me but I could have stood it somehow. But you wait till now, till Melly’s dying, to find it out and now it’s too late to do anything. Oh, Ashley, men are supposed to know such things—not women! You should have seen so clearly that you loved her all the time and only wanted me like—like Rhett wants that Watling woman!”
這里也是證據(jù)Ashley吊著Scarlett的一個(gè)證據(jù)蒸绩, 并非Scarllet一直一廂情愿衙四,糾纏不休,確實(shí)Ashley給了Scarllet很多暗示患亿。 梅蘭妮知道所有真相传蹈,知道他丈夫的搖擺不定, 也知道Scarllet不懂Ashley步藕,他們兩個(gè)人都是沒長(zhǎng)大的孩子惦界,所以一直包容。
梅蘭妮也懂Captain Butler對(duì)Scarlett的愛漱抓, 所以在彌留之際還讓斯嘉麗對(duì)Bultler好表锻。?
"Captain Butler----be kind to him. He -- loves you so"
Butler聽了梅蘭妮的話, 也承認(rèn)她說得對(duì)乞娄。?
"Well, she was right, as far as she knew, But, Scarlett, did it ever occur to you that even the most deathless love could wear out?"
這也是梅蘭妮的魅力所在瞬逊,對(duì)一切都明白, 卻默默承受下來仪或。 作為背后的力量确镊, 他支持者丈夫; 也支持者斯嘉麗范删;在Butler失去愛女蕾域,崩潰之際拉了他一把。 下文是Scarlett對(duì)Melly的回憶:
And now, as Scarlett looked sadly back, she realized that Melanie had always been there beside her with a sword in her hand, unobtrusive as her own shadow, loving her, fighting for her with blind passionate loyalty, fighting Yankees, fire, hunger, poverty, public opinion and even her beloved blood kin. Scarlett felt her courage and self-confidence ooze from her as she realized that the sword which had flashed between her and the world was sheathed forever.?
梅蘭妮代表了真善美到旦,是南方文明的精髓所在旨巷,Gone With The Wind,我理解的消逝的就是梅蘭妮代表的精神。這種精神不只是Ashley的夢(mèng)添忘,也是Butler船長(zhǎng)采呐,這個(gè)藐視一切的人,在失去女兒后想找尋的搁骑。
?I want the outer semblance of the things I used to know, the utter boredom of respectability—other people’s respectability, my pet, not my own—the calm dignity life can have when it’s lived by gentle folks, the genial grace of days that are gone. When I lived those days I didn’t realize the slow charm of them—”
這時(shí)Scarlett想起來Ashley之前在Tara果園的話斧吐, 于是接著Butler的話又固,說: “A glamour to it—a perfection, a symmetry like Grecian art.”
當(dāng)時(shí)Tara果園里, Ashley說的是:
Scarlett, before the war, life was beautiful. There was a glamour to it, a perfection and a completeness and a symmetry to it like Grecian art. Maybe it wasn’t so to everyone. I know that now. But to me, living at Twelve Oaks, there was a real beauty to living. I belonged in that life. I was a part of it. And now it is gone.
梅蘭妮是一種完美的圣母形象煤率,《 飄》的杰出就在于仰冠, 這么個(gè)完美的形象, 卻讓我們覺得很真實(shí)蝶糯。
恕我愚笨洋只, 我不能深入體會(huì)不到南方文明的魅力, 完美裳涛, 完整和對(duì)稱木张, 像希臘藝術(shù)一樣的美。我只是想到逝去的我爺爺奶奶的那個(gè)時(shí)代端三,我老家的鄉(xiāng)村舷礼, 那些淳樸人,那些善良的心郊闯,緩慢的節(jié)奏妻献,奶奶的慈祥,還有爺爺大公無私的精神团赁, 艾希禮和瑞德對(duì)南方精神的懷念育拨, 恰如我對(duì)逝去的鄉(xiāng)村桃源一樣往日的懷念。 讀一本《飄》欢摄, 讓我讀出了無論中西熬丧,作為人類大家都共有的一些東西。
真的是所有的愛怀挠, 善良這些美好都隨風(fēng)而逝了嗎析蝴?我不這么認(rèn)為。 其實(shí)很多東西并非消逝了绿淋, 她只是換了個(gè)形式闷畸, 比如大愛如梅蘭妮。 現(xiàn)如今吞滞,難道就沒有大愛了嗎佑菩?不是的, 只是它更加深埋心底裁赠。 無論鄉(xiāng)村還是大都市殿漠,很多人都寧愿做好事不留名,人們不是不心懷善良佩捞,只是更加愿意默默奉獻(xiàn)愛心凸舵, 不為名, 不為利失尖,只為自己心里愉快啊奄,只為能體會(huì)到幸福。 這是更加純真的美好掀潮。 我覺得這是時(shí)代的進(jìn)步菇夸,更人性了。
在我看來仪吧,要像梅蘭妮一樣庄新,完全像她難度太大,要犧牲很多薯鼠, 但是卻真的很希望做到她的一部分择诈。 比如她對(duì)孩子的和藹可親, 她對(duì)不管什么階層的人的一視同仁出皇。她的種種羞芍, 都是如此讓人敬佩,發(fā)自內(nèi)心的敬仰郊艘。
無論什么時(shí)代荷科,無論什么階層,都需要梅蘭妮代表的大愛精神纱注, 它撐起我們整個(gè)文明畏浆。 或許我們都很渺小, 無法做到梅蘭妮從內(nèi)而外散發(fā)出來的大愛狞贱, 但或許刻获,我們可以在一些關(guān)鍵時(shí)刻, 把握住底線瞎嬉,做出向善的選擇蝎毡,給我們自己的心自由,把精神傳遞給下一代佑颇。?
點(diǎn)滴小善匯聚在一起顶掉,注入到文化底蘊(yùn)的靈魂, 這是我從飄中看到的挑胸, 也是我們普通人可以做到的痒筒。?
扯遠(yuǎn)了,扯回來茬贵, 我覺得斯嘉麗和梅蘭妮都代表一種美好簿透,斯嘉麗是表, 梅蘭妮是里解藻,顯然梅蘭妮代表的美好的精神是更久遠(yuǎn)的老充, 更令人向往的。?
" Did it ever occur to you that I loved you as much as a man can love a woman?
"I knew you didn't love me when I married you. I knew about Ashley, you see. if you like, but I wanted to take care of you, to pet you, to give you everything you wanted. I wanted to marry you and protect you and give you a free rein in anything that would make you happy-- just as I did Bonnie.
You'd had such a struggle, Scarltte. No one knew better than I what you'd gone through and I wanted you to stop fighting and let me fight for you, I wanted you to play, like a child- for you were a child, a brave, frightened, bull-headed child.
I think you are still a child. No one but a child could be so headstrong and so insensitive."
She(Bonnie) was so like you, so willful, so brave and gay and full of high spirits, and I could pet her and spoil her- just as I wanted to pet you.
?"I was never one to patienly pick up broken fragments and glue them together and tell myself that mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken- and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.
Perhaps, if I were younger..? 此時(shí)Butler船長(zhǎng)已經(jīng)45歲了,一個(gè)是他不相信破鏡還可以重圓坝茎,另一個(gè)是他已不再年輕涤姊,好累了,累得不想假裝嗤放,累得假裝也裝不好思喊。?
But I'm too old to believe in such sentimentalities as clean slates and starting all over.
I'm too old to shoulder the burden of constant lies that go with that go with living in polite disillusionment.
I couldn't live with you and lie to you and I certainly could't lie to myself.
I can't even lie to you now. I wish I could care what you do or where you go, but I can't.
說到底, 還是斯嘉麗自己不懂感情導(dǎo)致了最后的悲劇吧斤吐。 每個(gè)人對(duì)她的愛搔涝,只要被她知曉,就被她當(dāng)做利劍刺向愛她的人和措。 她自己的情感從來不去深究庄呈,也從來不想長(zhǎng)大。 這種小女孩的狀態(tài)派阱, 最終只能Hold不住Butler深厚的完整的愛诬留,就像小男孩Ashley辜負(fù)梅蘭妮的愛一樣。?