目前的測試工作中蛾方,基礎 sql語句的使用較頻繁像捶,粗略總結增刪改的應用。
== 表 ==
create table t333(
id int not null default 0 primary key,
department varchar(40) not null default ' '
); --mysql建表
create table table1(
id varchar2(40) not null,
username varchar2(40) not null,
constraint database_table1 primary key (id)
); --oracle建表
alter table test rename test1;
--Method 1:
create table t333_copy like t333;
insert into t333_copy select * from t333;
--Method 2:
create table t333_copy as select * from t333;
insert into table1 values ('I1','Ada'),
rename table1 to table2;
drop table t333;
== 字段 ==
alter table t333 add phone varchar(60) not null; ```
--Method 1:
alter table t333 change column phone phone333 varchar(60) not null;
--Method 2:
alter table t333 rename column phone to phone333;
--Step 1:
alter table t333 modify column phone333 char(30) not null;
--Step 2:
alter語句運行完畢,在查詢界面煮纵,選中表t333使用快捷鍵 [ctrl+d ]懂鸵,顯示表結構
update t333 set department='dpmtA' where id=3;
alter table t333 drop column phone333;