動畫:Two Little Black Bird要尔,還有別的舍杜,她自己看的,我也不知道赵辕,因為我在洗澡
英文繪本:甜心英語《I poop》
分級:海尼曼《The Dragon's Lullaby 》和《The tree house》
Two little black birds
兩只食指彎曲既绩,當(dāng)兩只小黑鳥,膝蓋當(dāng)做小山还惠。Baby, stick out your index fingers and bend them like this, can you? Yes. Ok, now your two index fingers are two little black birds, your knees are a small hill, let's play a game named "Two little black birds".
Two little black birds sitting on a hill, one named Jack, one named Jill. Fly away Jack;? Fly away Jill. Come back Jack; Come back Jill.
完了又換了一種方式饲握,就是光盤里面的玩法。我和寶寶面對面坐下來蚕键,我的左手拉著她的左手救欧,我的右手拉著她的右手锣光。兩個人的手掌一開一合颜矿,代表小鳥的翅膀。當(dāng)唱到 Fly away Jack嫉晶,兩個人同時把左手放到背后,當(dāng)唱到 Fly away Jill的時候田篇,兩個人同時把右手放到背后替废。 當(dāng)唱到Come back Jack的時候,再把左手同時拿出來拉起來泊柬,當(dāng)唱到Come back Jill的時候椎镣,再把右手同時拿出來拉起來,一開一合兽赁。
1 Grape & toothpicks
Baby, here are some grapes. We can use a grape and some toothpicks to make a spider. Do you wish to diy a spider with me? Yes. Ok. Let's choose a purple grape as the spider's body, go and fetch some toothpicks for me. We can break the toothpicks like this, legs are done. Let's put these legs in. Ok, a spider is finished. Is it very simple?
2 Pipe cleaner & Super light Clay
We can also make a spider with? Pipe cleaners and super light clay. Will you have a try? Yes. Ok. You make the head of the spider, I make the body. We also have to make 8 eyes and 8 legs for the spider. Well done!
娃自己看了Peppa Pig 第一季 第36集Mister skinnylegs 宿接,看了積木英語赘淮。