Indeed, the concept of free speech only exists in our modern society because when you are inside a community, you are conditioned by the conventions of the community to such a degree that it is very difficult to conceive of anything really destructive. It is only someone looking on from outside that can inject the dangerous thoughts. I do not doubt that it would be possible to inject ideas into the modern world that would utterly destroy us. I would like to give you an example, but fortunately I cannot do so. Perhaps it will suffice to mention the nuclear bomb. Imagine the effect on a reasonably advanced technological society, one that still does not possess the bomb, of making it aware of the possibility, of supplying sufficient details to enable the thing to be constructed.
/?n?did/, /e?/ /?kɑns?pt/ /?v/ /fri/ /spi?/ /?o?nli/ /?g?z?sts/ /?n/ /?a??r/ /?mɑd?rn/ /s??sa??ti/ /b??k?z/ /w?n/ /ju/ /ɑr/ /?n?sa?d/ /?/ /k?m?jun?ti/, /ju/ /ɑr/ /k?n?d???nd/ /ba?//e?/ /k?n?v?n??nz/ /?v/ /e?/ /k?m?jun?ti/ /tu/ /s??/ /?/ /d??gri/ /e?t/ /?t//?z/ /?v?ri/ /?d?f?k?lt/ /tu/ /k?n?siv/ /?v/ /'?ni?θ??/ /?r?li/ /d??str?kt?v/. /?t/ /?z/ /?o?nli/ /'s?m?w?n//?l?k??/ /ɑn/ /fr?m/ /?a?t?sa?d/ /e?t/ /k?n/ /?n???kt/ /e?/ /?de?n??r?s/ /θ?ts/. /a?/ /du/ /nɑt/ /da?t/ /e?t/ /?t/ /w?d/ /bi/ /'pɑs?b?l/ /tu/ /?n???kt/ /a??di?z/ /??ntu/ /e?//'mɑd?rn/ /w?rld/ /e?t/ /w?d/ /??t?rli/ /d??str??/ /?s/. /a?/ /w?d/ /la?k/ /tu/ /g?v/ /ju/ /?n/ /?g?z?mp?l/, /b?t/ /?f?r??n?tli/ /a?/ /?k?nɑt/ /du/ /so?/. /p?r?h?ps/ /?t/ /w?l//s??fa?s/ /tu/ /'m?n??n/ /e?/ /?nukli?r/ /bɑm/. /??m???n/ /ei/ /??f?kt/ /ɑn/ /?/ /?riz?n?bli/ /?d?v?nst/ /?t?kn??lɑ??k?l/ /s??sa??ti/, /w?n/ /e?t/ /st?l/ /d?z/ /nɑt//p??z?s/ /e?/ /bɑm/, /?v/ /?me?k??/ /?t/ /??w?r/ /?v/ /e?/ /?pɑs??b?l?ti/, /?v/ /s??pla???/ /s??f???nt/ /d??te?lz/ /tu/ /??ne?b?l/ /e?/ /θ??/ /tu/ /bi/ /k?n?str?kt?d/.
*free speech 言論自由
*conceive v.持有
*someone looking on from outside 外部的旁觀者
*I do not doubt that我并不懷疑
*utterly adv.十分
*fortunately adv.幸虧
*suffice v.足夠
*inject v.灌輸