? (一)腳:Feet:
? ? 1介评、大腳趾和踝關節(jié)併攏 :
? ? Big toe and ankle joints touching
? ? 2章办、雙腳用力踩實地面:
? ? Press your feet into the floor
? ? 3、保持雙腳外緣平行:
? ? Keep your outer edges of your feet parallel
? ? 4锐想、腳趾指向正前方:
? ? Toes point straight ahead
? ? 5孵延、腳趾抬起來:
? ? Lift your toes
? ? 6苟跪、繃腳
? ? Point your toes
? ? 7旗们、勾腳:
? ? Flex your feet back
? ? 8蚓哩、雙腳跳開與髖同寬:
? ? Jump your feet a hip-distance apart
? ? 9构灸、雙腳往前蹬:
? ? Push your feet forward
? ? 10上渴、腳趾保持有覺知
? ? Activate your toes
? ? 11、腳趾張開
? ? Toes spread
? (二)腿:Legs:
? ? 1喜颁、伸直雙腿 :
? ? Straighten your legs
? ? 2稠氮、微屈膝 :
? ? Slightly bend your knees
? ? 3、往前走 :
? ? Step forward
? ? 4半开、往前跳
? ? Jump forward
? ? 5隔披、往後跳:
? ? Jump back
? ? 6、前屈
? ? Bend forward / Fold forward
? ? 7寂拆、保持後腿有力:
? ? Keep the back leg strong
? ? 8奢米、右膝彎曲90度:
? ? Bend your right knee 90 degrees
? ? 9、膝蓋位於腳踝正上方:
? ? Knees directly over ankles
? ? 10纠永、膝蓋跪地:
? ? Sit down on your knees
? ? 11鬓长、上提雙腿:
? ? Lift your legs
? ? 12、雙腿解開:
? ? Release your legs
? (三)髖部:Hips:
? ? 1尝江、打開髖部:
? ? Open your hips
? ? 2涉波、保持骨盆正對根基:
? ? Keep your pelvis square to the foundation
? ? 3、打開腹股溝:
? ? Open your groin
? ? 4、髖部水平端正:
? ? Hips square
? (四)背:Back:
? ? 1啤覆、脊椎拉長並往上提:
? ? Lengthen and lift your spine
? ? 2苍日、背部打直:
? ? Straighten your back
? ? 3、坐直:
? ? Sit straight
? ? 4窗声、保持坐骨坐實地面:
? ? Keep your sit bones in firm contact with the floor
? ? (五)腹部:Abdomen:
? ? 1相恃、收腹:
? ? Draw your abdomen in
? ? 2、核心啓動:
? ? Core engaged
? ? 3笨觅、肋骨下端往回收:
? ? Lower ribs tucked in
? (六)胸腔:Chest:
? ? 1豆茫、胸腔上提:
? ? Lift your chest.
? ? 2、打開胸腔:
? ? Open your chest.
? ? 3屋摇、身體前側拉長:
? ? Lengthen through front body
? (七)肩&頸:Shoulders&Neck:
? ? 1揩魂、放鬆肩部:
? ? Relax your shoulders
? ? 2、肩膀不能下塌:
? ? Do not collapse your shoulders
? ? 3炮温、放鬆頸部後側:
? ? Relax the back of your neck
? ? 4火脉、肩膀放平:
? ? Square your shoulders
? ? 5、轉動肩膀:
? ? Roll your shoulder
? ? 6柒啤、肩胛骨內收:
? ? Shoulder blades in
? ? 7倦挂、肩胛骨向下沈:
? ? Shoulder blades down
? ? 8、雙肩遠離耳朵:
? ? Shoulders away from ears
? (八)手臂&手:Arms&Hands:
? ? 1担巩、雙手上舉:
? ? Raise your arms
? ? 2方援、伸直手臂:
? ? Straighten your arms
? ? 3、雙手用力下壓:
? ? Palms pressing down firmly
? ? 4涛癌、雙手分開放在墊子上犯戏,與肩同寬
? ? Place your hands a shoulder-distance apart on the mat
? ? 5、屈肘:
? ? Bend at your elbows
? ? 6拳话、手臂向外打開與肩同高:
? ? Open your arms wide to shoulder height
? ? 7先匪、手腕在肩膀的正下方:
? ? Wrists under shoulders
? ? 8、雙手放在膝蓋上:
? ? Bring your hands to your knees
? ? 9弃衍、雙手扶髖:
? ? Place your hands to the hips
? (九)頭:Head:
? ? 1呀非、抬頭:
? ? Lift your head
? ? 2、眼睛看向大拇指:
? ? Gaze at the thumbs
? ? 3镜盯、頭頂著地:
? ? Place the crown of your head on the mat
? ? 4岸裙、前額放在墊子上:
? ? Place your forehead on the mat
? ? 5、下巴內收:
? ? Tuck your chin in
? ? 6速缆、目光柔和:
? ? Keep the gaze soft
? (十)呼吸:Breath:
? ? 1降允、專注於呼吸:
? ? Focus on your breath
? ? 2、調整呼吸:
? ? Regulate your breath
? ? 3激涤、完全深呼吸五次:
? ? Breathe deeply for five steady breaths
? ? 4拟糕、聆聽你的呼吸:
? ? Listen to your breath
? ? 5判呕、呼吸均勻:
? ? Keep the breath even
? ? 6、感覺到胸腔在擴張:
? ? Feel your chest expand
? ? 7送滞、引導呼吸向上充滿背部和胸腔之間的空間:
? ? Direct your breath upward to fill the space in your back and chest
? ? 8侠草、把空氣吸滿胸腔和背部:
? ? Fill your chest and back with air
? ? 9、保持聲音柔和從而舒展呼吸並釋放身體的緊張:
? ? Keep the sound soft to free the breath and to release the body’s tension