1. How would you define “failure”?
From my perspective, If I accomplish? something reluctantly or without being? happy or without making my loved ones? happy , achieve something but bring trouble to others , reach my goal by violating my? value of honesty ,gain my success without a peaceful mind, that is failure.
2. How failures could be a blessing in? disguise? Please include a story of yours.
Our proudest achievements come in the? face of the greatest adversity. Our failures make us painful. Our pain make us stronger, more resilient,more ground. Our most radical change often happen at the tail end of our worst moments.
Once I had an opportunity to have a open? class in front all of my colleagues. It was the first time I had had the open class. I didn’t? prepare it well nor I ask advice from my? senior colleagues. I thought it would be ok. But it turned out a total failure. Neither my? students took active in my class nor I? reached my teaching goal. I humiliated my? self before my colleagues. I felt suck. That? failure gave a me profound lesson, no? matter what i do, be well prepared for it. In a sense, it made me grow more mature.?
3. Who/What made us tend to avoid failure?
Avoiding failure is something we learn at some later point in life. A lot of it comes from? our education system; another lager share? of it comes from overbearing or critical of parents; then another reason is the mass media that constantly expose us to stellar? success and success while not showing us? the thousands of dull practice and tedium? that were required to achieve that success. The last reason is that we have chosen shitty values.?
4. Do you have any “VCR questions”? And what are they?
Yes, I have some “VCR” questions;
For example, how can I unburden my? thoughts we I disagree with my colleagues confidently?
How can I speak as much as oral English in my class?
How can I straightforward tell some of my? students they are not fit for high school but? develop some skills?
How can I read more books either English or Chinese?
4. Have you done “do something” recently? or are you going to do some “do something”?
No, but I’m considering completing the? English version Gone with the Wind. I have bought this book for a long time. I always? thought I would finish reading it when I have time. Half years have past , I only read? several pages of it .I put it off over again and again for various reasons. I plan to do? something every day to finish it.
New Words :
1. Because this taught me at an early age that making money ,by itself, was a lousy metric for myself.
lousy: adj;? If you describe something as lousy, you mean that it is of very bad quality or that you do not like it ---同義詞:crappy/shitty. 糟糕的,蹩腳的
Eg: He had a lousy weekend.
2. when inspiration is seen as a reward rather than a prerequisite –we propel ourselves ahead.
Propel: to move, drive, or push something forward推動茬祷;推進蚕钦;驅(qū)動
? ? ? to move someone into a new situation or make them do something 使處于…的境況;驅(qū)使萌衬,迫使
eg: His failure to borrow money from his relatives propelled him to rob his neighbor.
3. but what I discovered, over those long,? grueling months of bombed product launches.
Grueling: torturous; backbreaking折磨人的呻右,使人精疲力竭的
Eg:The process of finding a job is grueling.
My thoughts:
Action isn’t just the effect of motivation; it’s also the cause of it.
在我的意識里,要我去做某件事情席楚,給我個理由吧腮猖,或者說我得有想做的沖動,意愿夭苗。比如參加讀書會這件事情信卡,我就是想學點英語,因為我的專業(yè)是英語题造,我要靠英語吃飯傍菇,所以我要不斷學習英語不斷提高它,所以我就做了這件事情了界赔。但是今天看到作者說行動也是動機的原因丢习,自細想想確實是這個道理。初中的時候英語挺不錯的淮悼,老師夸獎同學羨慕咐低,每天努力堅持學英語,越努力袜腥,就越有干勁见擦,就越想學,其實就是自己的努力帶動了學習的欲望羹令,有了學習的欲望就會付出更多的努力鲤屡。其實,我很贊成Eric今天在直播里說的一句話福侈,道理都懂酒来,如果不行動,不去做到就是不懂肪凛。So with simply do something as my metric for success.