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Problem Set 3: Introduction to Machine Learning
Problem 3.1 Nearest Neighbor Classification
In this problem, we will implement the k-nearest neighbor algorithm to recognize objects in tiny images. We will use images from Imagenette [3], a small, easy-to-classify subset of ImageNet [2] (Figure 1). The code for loading and pre-processing the dataset has been provided for you.
Note: There is a DEBUG flag in the starter code that you can set to True while you are debugging your code. When the flag is set, only 20% of the training set will be loaded, so the rest of the code should take less time to run. However, before reporting the answers to questions, please remember to set the flag back to False, and to rerun the cells! There is also an option to run the code with a different image size, which you are welcome to experiment with (again, please set this back to the default before submitting!).
(a) For the class KNearestNeighbor defined in the notebook, please finish implementing the following methods:
i. (1 point) Please read the header for the method compute distance two loops and understand its inputs and outputs. Fill the remainder of the method as indicated in the notebook, to compute the L2 distance between the images in the test set and the images
in the training set. The L2 distance is computed as the square root of the sum of the squared differences between the corresponding pixels of the two images.
Hint: You may use np.linalg.norm to compute the L2 distance.
ii. (1 point) It will be important in subsequent problem sets to write fast vectorized code: that is, code that operates on multiple examples at once, using as few for loops as possible. As practice, please complete the methods compute distance one loops which computes the L2 distance only using a single for loop (and is thus partially vectorized) and compute distance no loops which computes the L2 distance without using any loops and is thus fully vectorized.
Hint: ||x ? y||2 = ||x||2 + ||y||2 ? 2x T y
iii. (1 point) Complete the implementation of predict labels to find the k nearest neighbors for each test image.
Hint: It might be helpful to use the function np.argsort.
(b) (0 points) Run the subsequent cells, so that we can check your implementation above.
You will use KNearestNeighbor to predict the labels of test images and calculate the accuracy of these predictions. We have implemented the code for k = 1 and k = 3. For k = 1, you should expect to see approximately 29% test accuracy.
(c) (1 point) Find the best value for k using grid search on the validation set: for each value of k, calculate the accuracy on the validation set, then choose the highest one. Report the highest accuracy and the associated k in the provided cell below in the notebook. Also, please run the code that we’ve provided which uses the best k to calculate accuracy on the test set, and to see some visualizations of the nearest neighbors. (Optional, 0 points) Run the provided cells below to see the effects of normalization on the accuracy.
(d) (2 points) Instead of finding the most similar images based on raw pixels, we obtain better performance using hand-crafted image features. We’ll use a simplified version of the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) features [1]. To compute these features, you will:
i. Compute the orientations of the gradients by filling in the compute angles function.
Use modulo for angles that exceed 180 degrees so that all angles are in the range of [0, 180 deg].
Hint: You can use np.gradient to compute the image gradients.
ii. Create a histogram of edge orientations by filling the compute hog function. Weigh each edge’s vote based on its gradient magnitudes. Each edge votes for one bin that its orientation falls in. You can make use of math.floor() to find the index of the bin.
iii. (0 points) Perform block normalization across the histogram (provided in starter code) Please read the descriptions in the starter code and fill in the code blocks. Please also run the cells below to test your code. You should expect slightly lower accuracy with this simplified HOG than that with raw pixels. Our implementation obtains about 3% lower accuracy.
Note: We implement HOG in a simplified way, so the accuracy using HOG is worse than using raw pixels.
(e) (Optional, 0 points) For reference, we have provided code that computes full HOG features, using a library function. These features should obtain significantly higher accuracy (42% in our implementation).?
Problem 3.2 Linear classifier with Multinomial Logistic (Softmax) Loss In this problem, we will train a linear classifier using the softmax (multinomial logistic) loss (Equation 2) for image classification (Figure 1), using stochastic gradient descent.
(a) (3 points) Estimating the loss and gradients. Complete the implementation of the softmax loss naive function and its gradients using the formulae we have provided, following its specification. Please note that we are calculating the loss on a minibatch of N images. The inputs are (x1, y1),(x2, y2), ...(xN , yN ) where xi represents the i-th image in the batch, and yi is its corresponding label.
We first calculate the scores for each object class, i.e. the unnormalized probability that the image is of a particular class. We’ll denote the scores for a single image as s1, s2, ..., sC where C is the total number of classes, and compute them as, s = W xi . The softmax loss for a single image, Li can be defined as,
The total loss L for all images in the minibatch can then be calculated by averaging the losses over all of the individual examples:
Caution: When you exponentiate large numbers in your softmax layer, the result could be quite large, resulting in values of inf. To avoid these numerical issues, you can first subtract the maximum score from each scores as shown below:
Gradients We provide the formulae for the gradients, ?L ?W , which will also be returned by softmax loss naive:
As described in the notebook, after implementing this, please run the indicated cells for loss check and gradient check and make sure you get the expected values.
(b) (3 points) For the LinearClassifier class defined in the notebook, please complete the implementation of the following:
i. Stochastic gradient descent. Read the header for the method train and fill in the portions of the code as indicated, to sample random elements from the training data to form batched inputs and perform parameter update using gradient descent. (Loss and gradient calculation has already been taken care of by us) .
ii. Running the classifier. Similarly, write the code to implement predict method which returns the predicted classes by the linear classifier.
(c) (optional) (i) Show that Equation 1 is equivalent to Equation 3. That is, subtracting the largest score does not change the result of softmax. (ii) Explain why this may reduce numerical issues during training. (0 point).
(d) (0 points) Please run the rest of the code that we have provided, which uses LinearClassifier to train on the training split of the dataset and obtain the accuracies on the training and validation sets. Observe the accuracy on the test set, which should be around 38%.
(e) Finally, please refer to the visualizations of the learned classifiers. In these visualizations, we treat the classifier weights as though they were an image, and plot them. You may observe some interesting patterns in the way that each classifier distributes its weight.
Acknowledgements. Some of the homework and the starter code was taken from previous CS231n course at Stanford University by Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson and Serena Yeung.