React Native 分析(四)UI對(duì)象創(chuàng)建和管理

RCTUIManager是管理所有UI的對(duì)象按声,負(fù)責(zé)創(chuàng)建,更新UIView對(duì)象恬吕。這樣就借助了 iOS本身的UIView 渲染機(jī)制進(jìn)行渲染签则。




- (NSNumber *)reactTag
  if (!super.reactTag) {
     * Every root view that is created must have a unique react tag.
     * Numbering of these tags goes from 1, 11, 21, 31, etc
     * NOTE: Since the bridge persists, the RootViews might be reused, so the
     * react tag must be re-assigned every time a new UIManager is created.
    self.reactTag = [_bridge.uiManager allocateRootTag];
  return super.reactTag;

從注釋可以看出規(guī)則是從1開始,每次創(chuàng)建一個(gè)RootView實(shí)例都會(huì)累加10愧沟,如1蔬咬,11,21央渣,31计盒,以此類推渴频。創(chuàng)建完RCTContentRootView后還要去UIManager用這個(gè)reactTag注冊(cè)View芽丹,也就是以Tag為Key,登記進(jìn)入_viewRegistry字典表卜朗,同時(shí)創(chuàng)建對(duì)應(yīng)的shadow view拔第。

- (void)registerRootView:(RCTRootContentView *)rootView
  NSNumber *reactTag = rootView.reactTag;
  UIView *existingView = _viewRegistry[reactTag];
  CGSize availableSize = rootView.availableSize;

  _viewRegistry[reactTag] = rootView;

  dispatch_async(RCTGetUIManagerQueue(), ^{
    if (!self->_viewRegistry) {

    RCTRootShadowView *shadowView = [RCTRootShadowView new];
    shadowView.availableSize = availableSize;
    shadowView.reactTag = reactTag;
    shadowView.backgroundColor = rootView.backgroundColor;
    shadowView.viewName = NSStringFromClass([rootView class]);
    self->_shadowViewRegistry[shadowView.reactTag] = shadowView;
    [self->_rootViewTags addObject:reactTag];

  [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RCTUIManagerDidRegisterRootViewNotification
                                                    userInfo:@{RCTUIManagerRootViewKey: rootView}];

關(guān)于 shadow view,后面會(huì)有更詳細(xì)的介紹(如果有后面的話_)场钉,簡(jiǎn)而言之就是優(yōu)化布局用的蚊俺。

 * ShadowView tree mirrors RCT view tree. Every node is highly stateful.
 * 1. A node is in one of three lifecycles: uninitialized, computed, dirtied.
 * 1. RCTBridge may call any of the padding/margin/width/height/top/left setters. A setter would dirty
 *    the node and all of its ancestors.
 * 2. At the end of each Bridge transaction, we call collectUpdatedFrames:widthConstraint:heightConstraint
 *    at the root node to recursively lay out the entire hierarchy.
 * 3. If a node is "computed" and the constraint passed from above is identical to the constraint used to
 *    perform the last computation, we skip laying out the subtree entirely.


- (void)runApplication:(RCTBridge *)bridge
  NSString *moduleName = _moduleName ?: @"";
  NSDictionary *appParameters = @{
    @"rootTag": _contentView.reactTag,
    @"initialProps": _appProperties ?: @{},

  RCTLogInfo(@"Running application %@ (%@)", moduleName, appParameters);
  [bridge enqueueJSCall:@"AppRegistry"
                   args:@[moduleName, appParameters]

再往后就是React.JS的工作了泳猬,React.JS會(huì)著手把JS中的頁(yè)面進(jìn)行計(jì)算,排版宇植,生成對(duì)應(yīng)的JS Component得封,準(zhǔn)備組織繪制界面了,包含著無(wú)數(shù)個(gè)JS Component的相互嵌套指郁。最終通過UIManager.js接口忙上,開始call oc去創(chuàng)建界面。

js 中如何處理 tag 的呢闲坎?
會(huì)跳過哪些 native 保留的 tag疫粥,也就是對(duì)10取余為1的那些 tag茬斧。然后自增。

 * Keeps track of allocating and associating native "tags" which are numeric,
 * unique view IDs. All the native tags are negative numbers, to avoid
 * collisions, but in the JS we keep track of them as positive integers to store
 * them effectively in Arrays. So we must refer to them as "inverses" of the
 * native tags (that are * normally negative).
 * It *must* be the case that every `rootNodeID` always maps to the exact same
 * `tag` forever. The easiest way to accomplish this is to never delete
 * anything from this table.
 * Why: Because `dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkupByID` relies on being able to
 * unmount a component with a `rootNodeID`, then mount a new one in its place,
var ReactNativeTagHandles = {

  allocateTag: function(): number {
    // Skip over root IDs as those are reserved for native
    while (this.reactTagIsNativeTopRootID(ReactNativeTagHandles.tagCount)) {
    var tag = ReactNativeTagHandles.tagCount;
    return tag;

  assertRootTag: function(tag: number): void {
      'Expect a native root tag, instead got %s',

  reactTagIsNativeTopRootID: function(reactTag: number): boolean {
    // We reserve all tags that are 1 mod 10 for native root views
    return reactTag % 10 === 1;

實(shí)際跑一下梗逮,創(chuàng)建的第一個(gè) RootView

    17 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x121ed46e0; viewName: RCTView; reactTag: 17; frame: {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}>";
    15 = "<RCTShadowText: 0x123940ff0; viewName: RCTText; reactTag: 15; frame: {{0, 0}, {258.66666666666669, 37.666666666666664}}; text: Tap me to load the next scene>";
    13 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x123940690; viewName: RCTView; reactTag: 13; frame: {{77.666666666666671, 357.66666666666669}, {258.66666666666669, 37.666666666666664}}>";
    9 = "<RCTShadowText: 0x12393f670; viewName: RCTText; reactTag: 9; frame: {{0, 0}, {132.33333333333334, 17}}; text: Current Scene: haha>";
    7 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x12393f2b0; viewName: RCTView; reactTag: 7; frame: {{0, 0}, {414, 736}}>";
    5 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x12393cf60; viewName: RCTNavigator; reactTag: 5; frame: {{0, 0}, {414, 736}}>";
    3 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x121e17f30; viewName: RCTView; reactTag: 3; frame: {{0, 0}, {414, 736}}>";
    1 = "<RCTRootShadowView: 0x121ec5cf0; viewName: RCTRootContentView; reactTag: 1; frame: {{0, 0}, {414, 736}}>";
    16 = "<RCTShadowRawText: 0x121ed3ee0; viewName: RCTRawText; reactTag: 16; frame: {{0, 0}, {nan, nan}}; text: Tap me to load the next scene>";
    14 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x123940eb0; viewName: RCTView; reactTag: 14; frame: {{0, 0}, {258.66666666666669, 37.666666666666664}}>";
    12 = "<RCTShadowRawText: 0x12393fc00; viewName: RCTRawText; reactTag: 12; frame: {{0, 0}, {nan, nan}}; text: haha>";
    10 = "<RCTShadowRawText: 0x12393f8b0; viewName: RCTRawText; reactTag: 10; frame: {{0, 0}, {nan, nan}}; text: Current Scene: >";
    8 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x121ecf2d0; viewName: RCTView; reactTag: 8; frame: {{141, 340.66666666666669}, {132.33333333333334, 17}}>";
    6 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x121ec73b0; viewName: RCTNavItem; reactTag: 6; frame: {{0, 0}, {414, 736}}>";
    4 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x12393ce20; viewName: RCTView; reactTag: 4; frame: {{0, 0}, {414, 736}}>";
    2 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x12393cce0; viewName: RCTView; reactTag: 2; frame: {{0, 0}, {414, 736}}>";

創(chuàng)建了多個(gè) RootView 以后

    410 = "<RCTShadowRawText: 0x1014d0af0; viewName: RCTRawText; reactTag: 410; frame: {{0, 0}, {nan, nan}}; text: Tap me to load the next scene>";
    399 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x1016812f0; viewName: RCTNavigator; reactTag: 399; frame: {{0, 0}, {414, 736}}>";
    407 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x10169bc10; viewName: RCTView; reactTag: 407; frame: {{77.666666666666671, 357.66666666666669}, {258.66666666666669, 37.666666666666664}}>";
    396 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x101425af0; viewName: RCTView; reactTag: 396; frame: {{0, 0}, {414, 736}}>";
    221 = "<RCTRootShadowView: 0x101487710; viewName: RCTRootContentView; reactTag: 221; frame: {{0, 0}, {414, 736}}>";
    404 = "<RCTShadowText: 0x1016281d0; viewName: RCTText; reactTag: 404; frame: {{0, 0}, {132.33333333333334, 17}}; text: Current Scene: haha>";
    412 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x101405e40; viewName: RCTView; reactTag: 412; frame: {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}>";
    409 = "<RCTShadowText: 0x10148cf10; viewName: RCTText; reactTag: 409; frame: {{0, 0}, {258.66666666666669, 37.666666666666664}}; text: Tap me to load the next scene>";
    398 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x1014069b0; viewName: RCTView; reactTag: 398; frame: {{0, 0}, {414, 736}}>";
    406 = "<RCTShadowRawText: 0x10169c840; viewName: RCTRawText; reactTag: 406; frame: {{0, 0}, {nan, nan}}; text: haha>";
    403 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x101441830; viewName: RCTView; reactTag: 403; frame: {{141, 340.66666666666669}, {132.33333333333334, 17}}>";
    400 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x101677f00; viewName: RCTNavItem; reactTag: 400; frame: {{0, 0}, {414, 736}}>";
    408 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x1014c9b60; viewName: RCTView; reactTag: 408; frame: {{0, 0}, {258.66666666666669, 37.666666666666664}}>";
    397 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x10146c180; viewName: RCTView; reactTag: 397; frame: {{0, 0}, {414, 736}}>";
    405 = "<RCTShadowRawText: 0x1016820d0; viewName: RCTRawText; reactTag: 405; frame: {{0, 0}, {nan, nan}}; text: Current Scene: >";
    402 = "<RCTShadowView: 0x10e41c750; viewName: RCTView; reactTag: 402; frame: {{0, 0}, {414, 736}}>";




如果要?jiǎng)?chuàng)建一個(gè) view,會(huì)經(jīng)過以下流程:

  mountComponent: function mountComponent(transaction, hostParent, hostContainerInfo, context) {
    var tag = ReactNativeTagHandles.allocateTag();

    this._rootNodeID = tag;
    this._hostParent = hostParent;
    this._hostContainerInfo = hostContainerInfo;

    var updatePayload = ReactNativeAttributePayload.create(this._currentElement.props, this.viewConfig.validAttributes);

    var nativeTopRootTag = hostContainerInfo._tag;
    UIManager.createView(tag, this.viewConfig.uiViewClassName, nativeTopRootTag, updatePayload);

    ReactNativeComponentTree.precacheNode(this, tag);

    this.initializeChildren(this._currentElement.props.children, tag, transaction, context);
    return tag;


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